Missing Person
13 September 2001

Thursday, March 27, 125

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Map of Faraid Head location

Updated Appeal 13 September
With reference to our previous faxes on the subject of an abandoned tent recovered on the 4th September 2001.

Northern Constabulary are continuing enquiries into the discovery of an abandoned tent at Faraid Head, Durness on the 4th September 2001. The tent is a Wynnster Valley 2 man tent, sky blue in colour and found inside the tent was a green medium sized Regatta rucksack/daysack, items of clothing and foodstuffs. Clothing was also found about 300 meters from the tent, near to the cliff edge.  Several land, sea and air searches have been carried out with no trace of any persons. 

Enquiries have established that the foodstuffs were purchased and possibly the tent, in Thurso on Wednesday, 29th August 2001. The purchaser is described as male, about 5`10", slim build, 30 - 40 years of age, dark curly short hair, of central Europe nationality who spoke very good English.  An unconfirmed report stated that a male fitting the said description was possibly a passanger on the service bus from Durness to Inverness, via Ullapool on Friday, 31st August 2001.

Police are appealing for more information from the public and in particular the residnts of Caithness and west Sutherland, in their effort to establish the owner of the tent and to confirm that nothing untoward has happened to its occupant/s . Any person who can assist with the enquiry are requested to contact Northern Constabulary on 01862 810222 or 01463 715555 or their nearest
police station.

13 September 2001
Found Property / Possible Missing Person. 

Northern Constabulary are continuing enquiries into the discovery of a possible abandoned tent at Faraid Head, Durness on 4/9/2001. The tent, A Wynnster Valley 2 man tent, sky blue in colour and a green rucksack found inside, appear to be new and may have been at the location from around 29/8/2001. Indications are that foodstuffs found within the tent are thought to have been bought in Thurso around that date by a male person with short dark, neat hair, about 5'7" in
height, who was carrying a large rucksack. Faraid Head is a popular area for walkers and police are seeking information from anyone who may have been in that area since the 29th. of August, 2001 and who may have seen the tent or any person camping in the area. 

The tent was located north of the RAF Control Tower but out of site of it. The control tower is located on the east side of the headland.  If anyone walking in the area saw the tent or the person who might have been using it they are requested to contact the police to give a description.

Any person with information are asked to contact Dornoch Police Station tel.
no. 01862 810222 or the Force Operations Room at Inverness tel. no. 01463 715555.