Maths Video
By Highland Teacher
6 September 2001

Wednesday, March 26, 125

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A video produced by The Highland Council is being used in schools throughout Scotland and Northern Ireland to help teachers improve the development of pupils' mental numeracy skills. 

The video which runs for 140 minutes is supplemented by a Teacher's Guide. All schools have been given this video and all Highland primary teachers and secondary mathematics teachers have their own personal copy of the Guide.  Her Majesty's School Inspectorate were so impressed with the material that they have bought the copyright within Scotland and commend its use in all schools.  Likewise, The Northern Ireland Education Department purchased the copyright within their country and have used the video and Guide as part of main nationwide in-service for teachers, as well as distributing a copy to every primary and secondary school. 

The video, directed by the Councils maths adviser, George Gibson, features Leicester-based consultant Peter Patilla at an in-service session at Inverness with 140 Highland primary and secondary school teachers.  Bruce Robertson, Director of Education, said: "It is very gratifying to see this video being adopted by HMI as an example of good practice. The training sessions for our teachers were very well received and have resulted in excellent classroom practice. It once again highlights the depth of excellence we enjoy in education in the Highlands."