Churches Get together To 
Help Children In Mombassa

Wednesday, March 26, 125

Caithness Community Web Site    

Caithness Churches To Help children In Mombassa

Update 30 September 2001
The squares measure 9inches square.  This is achieved by casting on 50 stitches and knitting 96 rows in garter stitch. 

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and are needing help.  The Church has been approached by the Catholic Church to help them with Humanitarian needs.  In Mombassa two orphanages were burned down by terrorists and some of the children died, also some were burned and all were left with nothing.

The Church has a ladies section and they have been asked to knit squares to make blankets also to quilt squares. They need help from the people of Caithness. They need odd wool and material which we can use to complete this project.

It would be great if everyone could send in their bits of wool to help with the project

The ladies running the project can be reached in any of the following areas.

Shonaidh on Reay 513

Barbara on Halkirk 836

Isobel on Thurso 896610.

We are also looking for any ladies volunteer services who may be interested in helping with knitting squares for us. The only thing we would ask is that they are brightly coloured as these kids have no colour in their lives.