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Caithness News Bulletins November 2003 News Index

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27 November 03
Unemployment Still Falling In The North
Overall, the number of people unemployed in Caithness and Sutherland fell from 741 last month to 705. This compares to 752 in the same period last year.  The revised unemployment rates in the Sutherland, Wick and Thurso 'Travel to Work Areas' respectively are as follows: 3.4% (3.5%), 3.6% (3.9%) and 2.4% (2.6%).   Full details of all the latest grants and training awards.........................

27 November 03
East Caithness Draws Together On
Maternity Downgrading Threat

The Francis Street club , wick was the scene of unprecedented support for consultant led services to be retained in Caithness.   Councillor Donnie Mackay one of the organisers of the meeting announced the start of the meeting and introduced Phillip Coghill who chaired the meeting.  Almost no other issue could so easily bring together so many people from many backgrounds in the local community.  The threat just three years after the last review of maternity services in Caithness is thought by many to be nothing more than a disgrace with the selection of Professor Calder being no more than a hatchet man given terms of reference for an enquiry that can only reach the conclusion that quality services at consultant level can only be provided outwith the county.
Maternity Review Pages

27 November 03
Kayak Training
Members of the Pentland Canoe Club (Simon Copsey; Andy Ford and David Mowat) completed a Level 2 Coach (Kayak) training course last weekend. This was the culmination of a session of hard work during which they had to obtain various pre-requisites for the course including a Canoeing Safety Test, First Aid and 3 Star Certificates. During the training course they were coached in the fundamentals of coaching, safety, journeying and personal skills.

26 November 03

Local Caithness artist Julian Smith has taken the unusual step of taking his paintings beyond the canvas and into the digital world, by turning them into evocative animations.  Julian, who has lived and worked in Caithness for most of his life, takes his inspiration from the area's wildlife and landscapes.  He recently set up a website - with assistance from Caithness and Sutherland Enterprise (CASE) via its E-business support programme - to sell his original works and prints online.

24 November 03
Move To End 'Postcode Prescribing'
A strengthened role for the Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) will ensure that 'unique drugs' will be made available simultaneously across Scotland.  The new arrangements for the provision of drugs like Imatinib or Glivec used in the treatment of leukaemia will mean they can quickly pass into mainstream use once approved by the SMC.  Health Minister Malcolm Chisholm said: "Patients deserve equal access wherever they live in Scotland to new drugs which are the only effective treatment for a particular condition. "It is entirely unacceptable that patients are denied the benefit of such a drug simply because there is no provision for it in their local Health Board budget......................

24 November 03
Under 13 Caithness County Badminton Championships

Under 13 County Championships which were held in the Wick High Games Hall on Saturday 22nd November '03. There was an entry of over 60 boys and girls all playing some really good intelligent badminton. There were 8 hours non stop badminton which included 40 games in the boys singles. In each game they had to play the first to get 21 points.

24 November 03
Move To End 'Postcode Prescribing'
A strengthened role for the Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) will ensure that 'unique drugs' will be made available simultaneously across Scotland.  The new arrangements for the provision of drugs like Imatinib or Glivec used in the treatment of leukaemia will mean they can quickly pass into mainstream use once approved by the SMC.  Health Minister Malcolm Chisholm said: "Patients deserve equal access wherever they live in Scotland to new drugs which are the only effective treatment for a particular condition. "It is entirely unacceptable that patients are denied the benefit of such a drug simply because there is no provision for it in their local Health Board budget......................

24 November 03
Transport Secretary Alistair Darling is to be asked to agree a "serious, pragmatic and workable solution" to the problems currently being experienced with shipping movements around coastal waters. The plea comes from Councillor  Alison Magee, Convener of The Highland Council, who is seeking a meeting with Mr Darling as the result of continuing concern about the safety of shipping movements, highlighted by the sinking in June of the MC Jambo off the Summer Isles, Wester Ross and the subsequent salvage/recovery operation mounted by the Department for Transport.

24 November 03
Ross-shire Voluntary Action (RVA) is the first organisation in the Highlands to benefit under the new Community Enterprise Loan Fund.  Launched earlier this year by Highland Opportunity Limited (HOL), the Fund offers a comprehensive package of business advice, access to loan finance and aftercare support to serve the development needs of the growing voluntary sector in Highland.

24 November 03
Highland Schools Swimming Gala - Full Results From All Events
The Highland Schools Swimming Gala held at Inverness Aquadome attracted around 500 swimmers from all across the Highlands and a small number of swimmers from the Western Isles. Entered were 23 primary schools and 20 secondary school swimmers competing for honours .The Highland Gala acts as the district heats for the Scottish Schools Finals to be held at Tollcross Pool in Glasgow on 31st Jan 2004.

24 November 03
Latest Funding For Charities News

24 November 03
Thurso Christmas Lights By Night
Thanks to Mike Brunton for these shots of the new blue look to the trees as part of the new Christmas Lights in Thurso.


 24 November 03
Eye On Pages To Follow Caithness Maternity Services Review - Yet Again
Public meetings are to be held in Wick and Thurso this week to guage public opinion and find out if people know what they want.  These meetings are not being organised by official sources but by concerned people with the aid of councillors.   David Flear has asked that as many people as possible let him know their views as he has asked and been granted an interview with Professor Calder who will be coming to Caithness and ultimately making a report.   A new button has been added on the left so that you can follow events as they unfold in coming months.  Post any views on the Message Boards.

23 November 03
Mist At Dunnet - Pictures By Michael Draper

Er....we seem to have started a competition....or something!!!!!!    Thanks for the photographs 

23 November  03
Northern Lights Continues Spectacular Show Over Caithness - Pictures From John Baikie

 21 November 03
Consultation Period Launched - Closing Date 7 February 2004
UKAEA is today inviting members of the public to participate in the choice of Best Practicable Environmental Option for remediation of the rock around the waste shaft at Dounreay.  Options for remediating the rock once the waste has been removed range from natural decay of the radioactivity to quarrying large quantities of rock from beneath the seabed for disposal as low level waste.  UKAEA is consulting the public now because the agreed �end state� for decommissioning the shaft will be an important factor in choosing the most appropriate techniques for its hydraulic isolation and retrieval of the waste..........

21 November 03

Highland Councillors have been advised that �140 million needs to be spent to meet the backlog of work required to bring the area�s roads and bridges up to scratch. �90 million is identified to maintain, repair and upgrade roads and �50 million to strengthen bridges. Members of the Transport, Environmental and Community Services Committee were advised that the overall condition of the  Council's road network, extending to 6,632 kilometres, is deteriorating, with incidence increasing of subsidence, rutting, edge damage, cracking and lack of skid resistance.

21 November 03
Three Caithness Schools Share Safer Routes To School Cash
�10,100  to
Canisbay Primary for improved school signage and road markings in Canisbay Village and the construction of a footway and fence round the bus stop at Lower Gills.   �4,100 to Mount Pleasant Primary in Thurso for the building of a ramp at the front of the school to improve cycle access, the lining of car park bays on Castle Terrace and the school car parks.  �15,000 from the new �20 mph limit at schools� grant was awarded to put a 20 mph limit on Castle Terrace and associated traffic calming at either end of the road.  �11,000 to South Primary in Wick for a zebra crossings, zig zag markings and two yellow backed school warning signs on Roxburgh Road outside the front of the school.........

20 November 03
Highland Councillors have agreed to give �150,000 over the next two and a half years to Ormlie Community Association for Scotland's most northerly Home Zone project. This money comes from the �1.214 million that the Scottish Executive gave the Council to spend on 20 mph speed limits around school and related capital projects over the next two and a half years.  The Ormlie Estate in Thurso is one of four areas to successfully bid to pilot Home Zones in Scotland. Home Zones are people friendly residential streets with reduced vehicle speed and integrated safety measures for children, pedestrians and cyclists.

20 November 03
Milk Marketing Building In Wick To Be Demolished For New Houses

The former Milk Marketing Board building next to the wick railway station is to be demolished to build up to eight new private houses.   Planning permission has been granted for the change of use of the site which will include the Milk Marketing Board area and land to be acquired from Network Rail and is currently unused.

20 November 03
A Caithness sea-angler has risen to the challenge of starting his own business, and is to produce and market a range of fishing tackle to anglers the length and breadth of the country.  Graham Finn, who lives in Freswick, has started trading as Kingfisher Activities. He has converted a previously derelict outbuilding into a workshop in which he will produce various items, such as weights, pirks, traces and rigs.............

15 November 03
Caithness Voluntary Group AGM
John Thurso MP was the guest speaker at the AGM of Caithness Voluntary Group held in the Morven Building of Highland College, Thurso on Friday 14 November 2003.  The meeting was well attended with representatives from many local organisations affiliated to CVG and other interested people.  The annual report shows that once again the group has expanded its services in a number of areas and is finally about to move into a refurbished building in Williamson Street, Wick.  John Thurso paid tribute to the many volunteers of both Caithness Voluntary Group and the many connected organisations throughout the county...................

13 November 03
Mount Pleasant Nursery
Polaroid From UKAEA To Help Literacy Initiative
UKAEA Dounreay recently sponsored Mount Pleasant Primary School Nursery with financial assistance enabling them to purchase a Polaroid instant camera for their new early literacy initiative "Adventure Ted".  "Adventure Ted" is a teddy, complete with rucksack and pyjamas, which goes home with each child from the class in turn over the course of the season and takes part in family activities. 

11 November 03
The Highland Council�s Environmental Health Officers are warning consumers about counterfeit vodka contaminated with methanol after another illegal product had been found on sale.  Counterfeit Kirov Vodka was discovered in Kent. It is possible that it is available in other parts of the country. Two different size bottles, 70cl and 35cl were sampled and found to be contaminated with methanol. The 70cl bottle was heavily contaminated with methanol and would present a serious health risk if consumed in sufficient quantity. The 35cl bottle contained less methanol and, whilst not a serious health risk at that level, there appears to be a large variation in levels of methanol across batches, and other similar bottles may be found to contain higher levels.

Far North Finalists Fly the Flag 10 November
The innovative approach of Far North businesses towards skills development is once again in the running for recognition in a national awards final thanks to two thriving local companies.  Following a rigorous assessment process both Scotch Premier Meat Ltd., Dornoch and AGM Batteries Ltd, Thurso have impressed the judges so much they have been selected for the finals of the National Training Awards, which will be announced at a dinner at The Hilton, Glasgow on Thursday 13th November................

10 November 03
Golf club managers from America and Europe are gathering in Dornoch this week for a major training event, which has been organised by the Club Managers Association of America (CMAA), in partnership with the Club Managers Association of Europe.  This is the first time that the CMAA has held an educational seminar out-with the USA, and 50 managers from American and European clubs are taking part......

The growing trend of �bogus callers� visiting vulnerable consumers in the Highland area is causing concern to Trading Standards� officers of The Highland Council.   And they will make this the focus of their efforts to mark National Consumer Week, which runs from Monday 10 November, when Community Safety is the theme.  Trading Standards officers will be providing consumers with help and advice so they can make the right choices when buying goods and services at home or when approached on the doorstep.

10 November 03

The Highland Council is to seek an early meeting with Transport Secretary Alistair Darling to highlight the urgent need for more effective management of shipping around coastal waters. At the same time, the Council is to set to gain membership of an influential European working group, which is examining maritime safety issues.

10 November 03

The Highland Council is appealing to people in the Highlands to consider adopting a child.     Their call coincides with the launch of National Adoption Week, a nationwide campaign organised by the British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering, aimed at finding families for children waiting to be adopted.  Over 3,000 children in the U.K. are waiting to be adopted and many older children in the Highlands wait too long to find permanent and loving homes due to a shortage of people coming forward to be adoptive parents for the older child.....

10 November 03

Golf club managers from America and Europe are gathering in Dornoch this week for a major training event, which has been organised by the Club Managers Association of America (CMAA), in partnership with the Club Managers Association of Europe.  This is the first time that the CMAA has held an educational seminar outwith the USA, and 50 managers from American and European clubs are taking part.  The 'Leading Through Change' event is a major coup for Sutherland and Iain Fraser, director of North Highland College's Dornoch Campus, and John Duncan, general manager of the Royal Dornoch Golf Club, have been instrumental in persuading the CMAA to bring their event to the Highlands of Scotland.  Caithness and Sutherland Enterprise (CASE) is supporting the five-day forum with assistance of �6,000.

 9 November 03
Remembrance Sunday - Wick

9 Nov 03
Remembrance - Wick Cemetery

 9 Nov  03
Remembrance Staxigoe

7 November 03

The Highland Council is being recommended to take active steps to encourage the establishment of the Highlands as a Genetically Modified Free Zone. The advice comes from its Land and Environment Select Committee, which believes that following farmscale trials comparing GM Herbicide Tolerant crops with conventional crops, there is no evidence to date to support the claim that GM crops will benefit the environment.

7 November 03
Highland Tourism Businesses Aim
for Monster Impact in London
The Scottish Highlands� most famous resident, Nessie is preparing to forsake the waters of Loch Ness for the banks of the Thames at this year�s World Travel Market (WTM) in London.  The Loch Ness Monster will be backing the efforts of 37 North tourism businesses at the UK�s largest tourism and hospitality expo at the ExCel conference centre in London from 10-13 November. 

6 November 03

Thurso Community Councils recently collected a free computer system from The Highland Council.  A large number of voluntary and community organisations throughout Highland are benefiting from a scheme operated by The Highland Council and their information technology partner, Fujitsu.  The scheme involves organisations receiving free computers, which are surplus to the Council�s requirements. The computers have become surplus as the result of the Council�s programme of updating their Information and Technology capability.

5 November 03
The Highland Council has welcomed the likely abandonment of plans to dismantle laid up Royal Navy nuclear submarines at the Nigg oil fabrication yard in East Ross.  KBR, operators of the Nigg yard, have announced that they have asked DML, one of four consertia bidding for the Ministry of Defence contract, to withdraw Nigg from their outline proposal.  DML proposed to use Nigg as a back-up facility to the Devonport Royal Dockyard in Plymouth for dismantling the submarines.  However, there is still concern that the Vulcan Naval Reactor Test Establishment site at Dounreay could be used as the national repository for the nuclear reactor compartments of the redundant submarines.

4 November 03
The Caithness Area Committee of the Highland Council has nominated Cllr Bill Fernie as their representative on the Board of Caithness and Sutherland Enterprise (CASE).  Bill represents the West Wick ward and is the Area Committee's chairman of Housing and Social Work.  A local businessman, Bill runs Scorrie Internet Services with his son Niall.  The business provides a variety of internet services to organisations, including and manages the award-winning website, the community website for the region.

3 November 03
Barrock School Reunion Donation At Lyth Harvest Home
A  cheque for �500 which was raised at the Barrock School Reunion was presented at a Harvest Home Supper dance in Lyth Hall on Saturday 1st November  by Jean Bain (on the right) on behalf of the Reunion Committee to Isobel Nicolson, Chairperson Macmillan Cancer Relief (on the left).  Also in the picture is Evelyn Richard, Treasurer Lyth Hall Committee.

 3 November 03

The Highland Council is appealing to people in the Highlands to consider adopting a child.     Their call coincides with the launch of National Adoption Week, a nationwide campaign organised by the British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering, aimed at finding families for children waiting to be adopted.  Over 3,000 children in the U.K. are waiting to be adopted and many older children in the Highlands wait too long to find permanent and loving homes due to a shortage of people coming forward to be adoptive parents for the older child.

3 November 03

A  41 per cent increase in visitors to the Dounreay Exhibition has made the 2003 season one of the most popular for many years.  Almost  8,000  people  passed  through  the  doors of the Highlands' latest four-star visitor attraction since it opened in May.

2 November 03
Caithness Under 15 Rugby
Final Score - Caithness 43 Ross-Sutherland 5

Caithness Rugby Club Under 15s played host today to their counterparts from the Ross-Sutherland Club. The game kicked off under perfect weather with a clear sky and light wind. Both teams spent the first 10 minutes in the middle of the park but gradually the Caithness boys began to find gaps in the Ross-Sutherland defence and ran up a 26 point to nil lead by half time with tries from Douglas Hill, James Paterson and 2 from Andrew Mackay. Douglas converted the 3 tries.

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