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Caithness News Bulletins May 2006

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Highland Wildlife Encounters Bird Watching Bird Watching Forum Nature
Highland Wild Encounters - Fiadh-bheatha sa Ghaidhealtachd

A Peregrine Falcon

For two weeks at the end of May (20th May- 4th June 2006), Highland Council Rangers and RSPB staff will provide unique opportunities to observe Highland Wildlife in Caithness and Sutherland.

"Highland Wild Encounters" will offer guided walks, minibus tours and boat trips to enable people to get close to some of our rare, beautiful and unique wildlife.

This will be the fifth year of the Highland Wild Encounters in Caithness and Sutherland and the programme is as promising as ever.

Andy Summers, Highland Council's Senior Sutherland Ranger said: "Caithness and Sutherland boasts some of the best wildlife viewing opportunities anywhere in the United Kingdom: from the dazzling Black-throated Divers and soaring Golden Eagles to the frantic Puffin colonies and the extraordinary lekking Black grouse.

"Last year visitors were treated to great views of Badgers and Otters. The Black Grouse performed their amazing courtship display and some lucky people spent ages watching Ospreys bringing in sticks for their nest. Puffins, as always, charmed their audience and there were good sightings of a Minke Whale and several Harbour Porpoises.

"This year we hope to hear Corncrakes, maybe view some Hen Harriers and even try a hand at Electro-fishing for Eels. There will be a cruise to the Island of Hoy and an evening full of Bats. It should be a fortnight to remember."

A programme of Highland Wild Encounters events is available on the internet at  or contact Andy Summers for further details, telephone: 01571 844 654 or e-mail 

Some of the events need to be booked in advance. Most of the events are free but donations would be welcome. There will be a charge for boat journeys.


The Highland Council acknowledges the contribution made by Scottish Natural Heritage to the running of these events.