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Caithness News Bulletins March 2003

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Science O3 Week In Caithness 24 � 28th March 2003

Science O3 is a festival of workshops, hand-on demonstrations, competitions and lectures organised by a local committee of scientist and engineers, together with the Royal Society of Edinburgh. The organisers aim on getting over 1000 primary and secondary school pupils and members of the public to either try out science based activities or participate in the public lecture series.

Primary pupils will be entertained by the Mathematics and Geoscience workshops presented by Prof. Jack Carr (Heriot-Watt University) and Dr. Douglas Paton (Edinburgh University), scheduled at local schools. Exciting titles such as 'Scotland Rocks!', 'Design a Dinosaur', 'Funny Money' and 'Codes and Circles' are sure to stimulate interest. Primary and secondary pupils will attend the Hands-on Workshops at Wick and Thurso High Schools throughout the week. These workshops are being run in the form of a competition in which pupils answers quiz questions using custom designed scientific exhibits involving topics such as light, sound, communication, energy, etc. Senior pupils at both High Schools will attend a topical science lecture presented by Dr. Jamieson (former Head of Forensic Science at Lothian and Borders Police).

Members of the public are invited to the following lectures:
Dr. Alan Jamieson, Director of the Forensic Institute will speak on 'Death, Drugs and Dynamite' in the main hall, Thurso High School, Tuesday 25th March at 7.15 p.m.

Willie Watt, Pipeline Construction Manager of Subsea 7 will describe 'How to get 9000 Tons of Steel to Fly' in the main hall, Wick High School, Thursday 27th March at 7.15 p.m.

Ticket prices for the public lectures are priced at �1 and are available from the organisers, Reid's Pharmacy, Wick, Jim Bews, Thurso or at the door on the night. Refreshments will be available after the lectures.

Science O3 Competition
In the run-up to Science O3 a science essay/illustrated report competition is being run for both primary and secondary school pupils. The theme is 'What Science means to the World'. This could concentrate on a specific issue, for example, global warming, energy, education or a short article on how you think Science will change our lives. The deadline for submission of entries is Friday 21st March. Local schools have further details. The science essay prizes are very appropriate to the theme: for High School pupils an all-expenses paid trip to the Joint European Torus (JET) Fusion Research Institute at Culham, Oxfordshire for two pupils and one adult. For primary pupils' the winner's class will be invited for a private viewing of the Visitor's Centre at Dounreay.

Sponsors of this event include CAES, Caithness Science Festival Ltd, UKAEA, Rolls-Royce, RMC, NNC, IEE, Golder and Norfrost.  If you feel you want to assist the organisers, sponsor science book prizes, help in transport, set-up etc., please contact Prof. Iain Baikie on 01955 602773 ( ) or Pat Kieran at 01847 811287 ( ).

Programme Of Events

Monday 24 March
Thurso High School
9.00am - 3.30pm - Satrosphere Hands-on Science

Tuesday 25 March
Thurso High School
9.00am - 3.30pm Satrosphere hands-on Scince and RSE Science Workshop
1.30pm - 3.30pm Lecture - Prof Alan Jamieson (RSE) Death Drugs and Dynamite - Tickets �1
7.15pm Lecture Prof. Alan Jamieson (RSE) Death Drugs and Dynamite
            Schools Competition Awards Ceremony

Wednesday 26 March
Wick High School
9.10am - 1.00pm RSE Science Workshops
10.10am - 12.10pm RSE Lecture - Death Drugs and Dynamite
1.30pm - 3.30pm Satrosphere hands-on Science

Thursday 27 March
Wick High School

9.10am - 3.30pm Satrosphere hands-on Scince
7.15pm               Lecture Willie Watt  -Pipeline Construction Manager Sub-sea 7 - How to get 9000 Tons
                          of Steel to Fly - - Tickets �1

Friday 28 March
Wick High School

9.10am - 12.10 pm  Satrosphere hands-on Science