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July 2002 Index Caithness.org News 2002 Index

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July 2002

A group of nine enthusiastic volunteers have come together under the auspices of the Highland Biodiversity Project to identify and start to implement actions for biodiversity in Caithness. The 'Caithness Biodiversity Group' was formed out of a successful biodiversity workshop, which was held in Thurso in May.

Under the umbrella of the Caithness & Sutherland Environmental Group (CASEG), the Caithness Biodiversity Group will oversee the preparation of a Caithness Biodiversity Action Plan. The purpose of the Group is to draft and consult on the plan, to oversee two awareness-raising projects, and to allocate a budget of £5,000 to two practical biodiversity projects in the county.

The membership of the group is as follows:
Barbara Bremner - CASEG & Scottish Natural Heritage -  conservation
Ken Butler - Caithness Field Club - ecology
Murray Campbell - Fishermen's Mission - fishing
Lesley Crawford - Caithness & Sutherland Trout Angling Group - angling
Sinclair Manson - Scottish Ornithologists' Club - birds
Danny Miller - National Farmers' Union of Scotland - agriculture
Eann Sinclair - Caithness & Sutherland Enterprise - economic / business
Melanie Spirit - Wick High School - education
John Waters - Scottish Gamekeepers' Association - sporting
Danny Miller, local farmer and president of the Caithness National Farmers' Union, said: "We are looking for two communities that are interested in finding out about the plants, birds and animals that live on their doorstep.  In these areas, we will run a joint project with North Highland College, the Ranger Service and others to raise people's awareness of the biodiversity around us. 
"We also have £5,000 to give to two projects that will enhance or raise awareness of biodiversity in the county.  To apply, send a short summary of your proposed project, together with an outline budget and a statement of how this improves or raises awareness of biodiversity to Janet Bromham."
Anyone interested in getting involved should contact
Janet Bromham,
The Highland Biodiversity Officer
The Highland Council, Glenurquhart Road,
Tel 01463 702274,
e-mail: [email protected]

See More on Highland Biodiversity Group