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Caithness News Bulletins February 2003

February News Index Caithness.org News 2002

January 2003

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Highland Council - Council Tax Pages  

The Highland Council today (Thursday) confirmed plans to inject �30.5 million into its budget of �412 million in the new financial year, which commences on 1 April.

The council will be increasing spending on key frontline services including:-

  • Education Culture and Sport - �11 million
  • TEC Services - �10.2 million
  • Social Work - �4.6 million
  • Police and Fire - �3.3 million
  • Property and Architectural Services - �800,000

At the same time, council services have been asked to contribute towards an efficiency target of �2.75 million. A new Business Improvement Team is being assembled to identify specific improvement and efficiency projects.

This will enable the council to contain a Council Tax increase at Band D at �50 giving a Band D of �989.

The council will meet on Thursday 13 February to confirm the tax for 2003 � 2004 and give an indicative increase for 2004 � 2005 and 2005 � 2006.

Vice-Convener, Councillor Alison Magee, Chairman of the Budget Working Group said: "This has been a long and complex budget process but I am pleased we have identified a growth of �30 million on frontline services and contained a tax increase to �50 at Band D."