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Caithness News Bulletins February 2003

February News Index Caithness.org News 2002

January 2003

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More Coaching Courses
Badminton Instructors Course
,   Sunday 16th & 30th March 2003, Milburn Academy, Diriebught Rd Inverness.  �60. for further information please contact : Gael Force Ten on 01463 718483 or Tina Robinson on 01847 805514...

Introductory Coaching Award Course,  Mon 24th & 25th Feb 2003,  Inverness college, �25. For further information call : Su 01349 884169 or Tina Robinson on 01847 805514.

Community Sports Leader Award, Wed 19th March 2003, Inverness, �117.50. For further information call : The British Sports trust 01908 689180 or Tina Robinson on 01847 805514.

Level 1&2 Wheelchair Basketball Coaching Award, 22 & 23rd Feb + 15&16th March 2003, Edinburgh, For further information call : Fraser Govan 0131 3177200 or Tina Robinson on 01847 805514.

Pre-School Asst, Gymnastics Coaching Award, 7, 8 & 9th March 2003, Thurso Town Hall, For further information call : Tina Robinson 01847 805514...

Sports Coaching Courses Coming Soon


15th ,16th  Feb and 1st ,2nd March 2003
Fortrose leisure Centre, Black Isle, Ross-Shire
Cost: �200.
Tutor: John Wills
for further information and to book your place, contact: Tina Robinson on 01847 805514..
or  [email protected]


7th, 8th, 9th March 2003
Thurso, Caithness
Cost: ?
Tutor: Patsy Fraser-Mackenzie
for further information and to book your place, contact: Tina Robinson on 01847 805514..
or  [email protected]


21st,22nd,23rd Feb, 2nd March 2003
Forres High School, Inverness-Shire.
Cost: �120.00
Tutor: Patsy Fraser-Mackenzie
for further information and to book your place, contact: Tina Robinson on 01847 805514..
or  [email protected]