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Caithness News Bulletins Elections 2003

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Highland Council Candidate - Thurso West
Roger Saxon - Scottish Labour Party

I have had the privilege of being councillor for Thurso West since 1999 and I am standing again for the council on 1st May.

Over these last few years, I have worked hard for Thurso West and now ask for your help in continuing the task.

From the beginning, I made myself available with regular surgeries and attendance at the Community Council and School Boards.

As education spokesperson for Caithness, I have worked hard to improve the fabric of the school buildings, with new roof and windows at Pennyland, replacement windows & renovated toilets at the High School, new safety markings at our school crossings. I successfully campaigned for retention of the school bus from Scrabster and Burnside and shortly we will see new bus shelters installed. New safe play surfaces have been installed and equipment renovated at all our playparks and shortly new practice goalpoasts at Castlegreen and Gillock park to get the kids safe and off the street.

As chairman of Thurso Project we have made great improvements to the Mall, in conjunction with CASE and the Rotary Club.

I have represented you at all levels of the council and helped a great many constituents on a personal level.

The next few years will see a change in the way the council operates, for example more joined up working with the health service and a more community oriented approach to everything we do. We will see every school become a community school with integrated children�s services, including health and social work and a bigger effort to make every school a community asset. I will be campaigning for the return of free school milk and healthy eating options for school meals.

It is my intention to bring the council to you, make it more relevant and improve transparency, so you can see how the council is spending your money locally.

If re-elected, I will suggest a �councillors question time� at the community council, so the community can get answers on local issues.

Alongside my council activities I have been active in the community, especially:

 -  Thurso Town Improvements Association, which organises the annual Gala week
 -  HomeAid Caithness which gives furniture to the needy
 -  Caithness FM, your community radio station
 - Caithness Sports Council, giving grants to local sports clubs and individuals

You can see more information on my website.

If you want to follow the election from your computer, my website will have a regularly updated running list of issues you have raised on the doorstep as I go round each house. If I miss you, I will try to get back later in the campaign, or you can contact me and I will make an appointment.

If you are interested in broadband for Thurso, why not sign up to my latest campaign, by logging on to the Thurso West microsite I have set up link.  BT may be close to announcing a target for Thurso, at present we have over 300 people registered. Each time someone visits the Thurso West Broadband4Britain microsite, it sends a confirmation to me so I can highlight the campaign issues and keep you informed (I won�t send you any junk mail).