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Caithness News Bulletins Elections 2003

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Highland Council Candidate - Pulteney Ward
Katrina MacNab - Independent

In Pulteney we have had the same councillor for almost two decades. I acknowledge his many years of public service � but I believe the people of Pulteney deserve a greater contribution and a stronger commitment from their Highland Councillor.  It is time for change.

We need someone with innovation ambition and a positive outlook to take our area forward. I promise to bring those qualities to the council chamber on behalf of Pulteney.

The demands of local government have changed. Councillors need to arm themselves with statistics they have researched in order to make a powerful argument for their cause. Councillors who do this are those whose wards reap the benefits.

If you agree, I need your vote to allow me to put Pulteney at the forefront of local decision making.

I am a 33 year old married women with two children at the South Primary School.  I live and work in Pulteney.

My interest in politics developed through studying for BSc Social Policy (Hon).  I also hold my SVQ Level 4 Management and worked for a short time in the Wick Children�s Centre and North Highland College.

I worked in Caithness CAB for 5 years.  Initially I was welfare rights officer, concentrating on the benefits system. I went on to be training and development officer and was responsible for recruiting, training and supporting volunteers and developing the bureau.  This included high profile social policy work and the preparation of press releases.

Through CAB I have build up a good working relationship with many external agencies, at both local and national level, and have a should understanding of how they operate.

Caithness CAB always takes an impartial approach and that has been instilled in me.

I have represented people at benefit and employment tribunals.  Although I am not attached to any political party I have worked closely with John Thurso MP, Jamie Stone MSP as well as Highland and Islands list MSP�s Mary Scanlon and Rhoda Grant.

I am standing for election as an undefended councillor. In my opinion there is no room for political parties at local level.  As your councillor I would listen to you, the people of Pulteney and support your opinions.

I co-ordinated the social policy team through Caithness CAB and this led to the formation of Pulteneytown People�s Project. I have now left CAB to work full time for PPP.

In the past 10 months we have had many successful ventures: two bus trips for residents, a fun day, a clean up of the burn, a summer school, and tree-planting sessions behind the Pulteney Distillery and at the South School. We have attracted funding to hold free computer courses, one on Team Leading Skills and a Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) project for local residents.

We have attracted over �100,000 in funding with an application pending for a breakfast club and an after school club, and a project called HomeLink that will support young people in their tenancy. Both of these projects will inject finance and employment into the area.

The role of councillor will compliment my work with PPP. With your help, it can become a partnership for progress in Pulteney.

Look after your Polling slip and vote for change on May 1st.

Some of the areas I will be focusing on will include:
� To support the new community school at South School.
� Support Wick High School to encourage young people not sitting exams to develop essential skills that
   will shape their future.
� Work relentlessly in partnership with CASE to encourage economic sustainability � this will enhance the
   local economy and may increase house prices.
� Ensure local pensioners and disabled people are claiming all their benefit entitlement.
� Work in partnership with agencies to promote Pulteney within Caithness and the Highland Council.
� Work with PPP to ensure the project will reach its maximum potential.
� Investigate lack of 3 bedroomed council houses in Pulteney � and ways to address the problem.
� Take action over the high petrol prices in Wick, currently among the highest in Scotland.
� Work with other councillors to ensure that Caithness gets its fair share of money and that Pulteney has
   a relevant share of this.

I will hold regular clinics to ensure that I am accessible to the people of Pulteney.

We live in a great area with lots of community spirit: let�s work together to eradicate the high levels of unemployment and the lack of amenities that has blighted this area for years.

Katrina MacNab