Raku Workshop
So you always wanted to make pottery?

Wednesday, March 26, 125

Caithness Community Web Site     Caithness.org News Index      Wending Your Way To the Venue
Jenny from North Shore Pottery will take you through the steps and have you making your own pottery over a two day course to be run on Saturday 18th and Sunday 26th August.

Saturday 18th 2.00 - 5.00pm
Creating your own piece ready for firing in the Raku Kiln.

Sunday 26th 4.00 - 7.00pm
Raku Firing and Barbecue

There are a maximum of 15 places available at �40 per head which includes clay, Raku glazes, firing and barbecue dinner. No previous experience is necessary. Why not take a bottle for the barbecue.

You can book by telephone 01593 741777
or email jenny@northshorepottery.ukf.net

Mill of Forse, Latheron

Web site
