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Caithness News Bulletins April 2003 News Index

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 30 April 03
Line Dancers Help Alan McIvor Move Closer To Thurso Book Publication
Alan McIvor and some of the Line Dancers in Caithness caught at a night of fun and fund raising to help him publish a book on Old Thurso, They had a night of foot stomping and strutting in the Janet Street Club on Saturday night.  The proceeds of the event �75.00 was donated to Alan McIvor to assist him with publication....

30 April 03
Trevor Wight's "Twist" Exhibition At St Fergus Gallery, Wick
This vibrant and distinctive set of screen printing can be seen at St Fergus Gallery, Wick until 12 May.  Trevor Wight a talented Canadian artist is passing on some of his skills to pupils at Wick High School where he is currently a teacher.  The exhibition is made up from some of his work over the last three years....

29 April 03
The  UK  Atomic  Energy  Authority  has applied for planning permission to  construct  a  new  plant  to clean up radioactive effluent that will arise  during  the next  phase of decommissioning the Prototype Fast Reactor at Dounreay.  The  �2.4  million  project  will  remove  radioactivity from the effluent before it is discharged to the sea.  Since  the  reactor  closed  in  1994, the fuel has been removed and a �17 million plant built to destroy the 1500 tonnes of sodium liquid metal used as coolant.

Young Stars Could Be Highland High Fliers 29 April 03
The search is on to find two Highland children to star in a new television advert promoting air services in the region.  Highlands and Islands Airports Limited is looking for two youngsters to appear in a TV commercial that will be filmed towards the end of May.  The airport operator and leading Glasgow-based advertising agency Frame Cunningham will be holding auditions at the Inverness Thistle Hotel on Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 May and are inviting children aged between 8 and 12 years to come along if they fancy a shot at small screen fame.  The final advert will be screened on Grampian Television later in the year and also be used for marketing and promotional purposes by the company that operates 10 airports in the Highlands and Islands.

27 April 03
CASE Report For March

26 April 03
Deirdre Steven And The Labour Team In Wick On Saturday
With election day for the Scottish Parliament and the Councils approaching fast all the candidates are out n various parts handing out leaflets and meeting people.  Deirdre Steven had the Labour team in Wick on Saturday afternoon seeing as many people as possible with less than a week to go until the polls.   Election Pages

26 April 03
Summer Training Starts for East End Boys Club

26 April 03
Orkney Teams Had A great Day At The Mini Rugby In Wick
Over 50 boys in rugby teams from Orkney were just a few of the teams from all over the Highlands and Islands playing in the Mini Rugby competitions at Wick High School today.  Orkney teams did very well.  We caught up with them after they bought nearly all the ice cream in the Harbour Cafe.  With seriously good weather the boys had lunch at the school after the rugby and then took the afternoon to look round the town before getting the ferry from Gills. 

24 April 03
Juniors At Halkirk FC make Trip To See Ross County Game
Photos of junior trip to Ross County in March by Halkirk FC brill day had a tour of the stadium and watched the match in the afternoon.


23 April 03
The �28m NorthLink vessel, MV Hamnavoe, made her first commercial sailing on the Pentland Firth route  on Monday, April 21 after engaging in a busy weekend of public events in Stromness and Scrabster.  Two trailers, 52 cars and 250 passengers were welcomed aboard the maiden voyage.

23 April 03

Harbours and associated businesses which are experiencing hardship as a result of the reduction in whitefish catches are being encouraged to apply for rates relief.

23 April 03

A significant new service is about to be launched for deaf people in the Highlands. NHS Highland and The Highland Council have jointly commissioned The Deaf Society to develop a Communication Support Service.  Based at Volunteering Highland, Millburn Road, Inverness, the new service will begin in mid-May and will initially be delivered by sign language interpreter, Helen Farrelly, who is currently project manager with The Highland Council�s deaf communication project, based in Dingwall.  It is planned to expand the service in the future with sessional workers employed across the Highlands.........

20 April 03
Hamanvoe Trip

20 April 03
Easter Eggstravaganza

20 April 03
Easter Train Takes The Strain To Caithness, Orkney
And The Highlands


18 March 03
Castletown Under Sevens New Football Strips

Castletown Junior Football Club under sevens side has received a new set of strips from John Murray, who has the Mace shop in the village. They are looking forward to the new season which gets under way on the 28th of April. More info on

18 March 03
Protesters Found Guilty For  GM Crop Damage
Scotsman Story
FIVE Green campaigners were fined �100 each yesterday for invading a field and damaging a crop of genetically modified oilseed rape. .....

18 April 03
Highland Council Offices Closed At Easter Break
Service Points and administrative offices will close at 5.00 p.m. on Thursday 17 April 2003 and re-open at 9.00 a.m. on Tuesday 22 April for the Easter holiday.

18 April 03
Will You Be Conned This Easter?
The Highland Council and Northern Constabulary are urging householders to be on their guard against bogus workmen and itinerant traders known to operating in the Highlands.  Trading Standards Officers within the Council�s TEC Services and Northern Constabulary are aware of itinerant traders seeking work or selling goods door-to-door and are advising householders to be particularly cautious when dealing with itinerant traders offering cut price tar laying, house maintenance or gardening services, as well as selling items including "cut-price" furniture, televisions and clothing.

18 March 03
Web Access To Scotland�s Past As North Highland Archive Joins Major Internet Project

The North Highland Archive in Wick has become the most recent recipient of a computer system granted by the Scottish Archive Network (SCAN) project.  North Highland Archivist Phil Astley, said: �Following on from the success of our recent stock-check which has enabled us to provide a higher quality of public service by making the records in our care more accessible, I am delighted that we can now also offer our users free access to the wealth of historical information which is available via the world-wide-web to assist them with their research�.

17 April 03
The Lib Dem team was out in force in Wick taking advantage of the good weather to get round and see the voters.
Jim Wallace , Graeme Smith, John Thurso and Jamie Stone................

17 April 03
Latest Properties For Sale

17 April 03
Caithness Moto X Club
Round 2 of the
CMXC championship
Sunday 20th April
"Scrabster farm Gala track"
Opposite the "Hill of Forss" junction on the A836, Thurso outskirts

15 April 03
International Rural Network Conference
Delegates from across the world are expected to attend a major international conference in Inverness in June 2003. Taking Charge (June 23  27, 2003) will focus on various issues around rural development with speakers sharing experience and the latest research on issues of rural community empowerment, rural health and rural education.  Organised by the Arkleton Institute for Rural Development Research at the University of Aberdeen and the UHI Millennium Institute, Taking Charge will be the first conference of the International Rural Network. Over 400 delegates are expected to attend the event with speakers travelling from over 30 countries including Australia, Canada, Hungary, Sweden, India and the USA.

13 April 03
Ossian Exhibition - Swanson Gallery, Thurso
On until 18 April 2003

13 April 03
Bower Inn Re-opens Under New Ownership
The Bower Inn will re-open on Wednesday 16 April with new owners.  The bar is opening first but work is well underway to reopen the restaurant and restart serving food at the once popular place in the middle of the county.

13 April 03

10 April 03
Another suspected radioactive particle resulting from historical operations at Dounreay was found during routine monitoring of Sandside Beach today. It was the second to be found today.

10 April 03
SEPA has published the most recent report from its research project into the health effects of particles from Dounreay.  The report is a review of the procedures used for monitoring Sandside beach. It also calculates the minimum detectable particle activity and compares it with statutory requirements, and reviews two documents which comment on the procedures used at Sandside.

10 April 03

10 April 03
WHAM Waste Education Exchange Launch Event!
25th April, 10am - 3pm - Beauly
�10 organisations/�5 individuals � includes lunch and refreshments
An opportunity to share new ideas and good practice � on the day and in the future.  For all practitioners of environmental education � particularly those who focus on the topic of waste � the opportunity to network, exchange ideas and materials and try out some brand new resources, like the WHAM Compost Explorer Game � can you meet the compost challenge and build a happy compost heap?........

10 April 03

Undergraduates from throughout the Highlands and Islands are being offered the chance to work with a wide variety of local businesses during the summer.  STEP, the Shell Technology Enterprise Programme, is a UK-wide student placement scheme, backed by Shell UK and administered in the region by Careers Scotland and local enterprise companies in the Highlands and Islands Enterprise network. Unlike more general work experience schemes, STEP offers students in their second or penultimate year the chance to get their teeth into a specific project designed to help the business improve its performance.

9 April 03
Loads For Wester Yard Held Up Traffic In Wick
Cars parked South Road, Wick made it impossible for the heavy loads bound for the Wester Pipeline Construction Yard operated by Haliburton to get through.  Traffic was diverted for about 30 minutes yestersday while police found one of the owners to move the car and open the road.

8 April 03

Organisers of The Highland Council�s first Highland Junior Golf Championship have been encouraged by the number of applications for the new tournament to be included in the golfing calendar.  Seventy four young golfers from throughout the Highlands, Islands and Moray have been announced as competing for the Highland Junior Golf Championship to be held on Tuesday 15th April at the internationally renowned Carnegie Golf Club at Skibo Castle.

8 April 03
Town & Count Club Annual Bowling Competition
The Billy Bain annual Triples Competition was held in the Town and County Club in Wick on Saturday and Sunday 5th and 6th April. All profits from the event goes to a local charity, and this year's charity was the Macmillan Cancer Nurses...........

8 April 03

7 April 03
First Gear Runs Another Successful
Driving Course For Young People.

The latest course of the First Gear training programme, a youth initiative for pre-learner drivers aged 16 & 17, concluded recently with Bob Law of RML Safety Training Services presenting the 8 young people with certificates after they successfully completed the course.

6 April 03
Junior Badminton Winners U13 U15 U17

6 April 03
Thurso FC win Morris Newton Cup

5 April 03
Caithness WRVS Wins Choirs Final

5 April 03
Caithness Badminton
Under 13s Boys Doubles League Winners

The Dunnet/Castletown team, coached by Isobel Mackay, who were undefeated all season, and won the Under 13s Caithness Badminton Boys' Doubles League.

5 April 03
Good Turnout At Watten Hall For Election Candidates
With almost a month to go the Scottish Crofting Foundation got the election off to a flying start with a surprisingly good turnout at Watten Hall on Friday 4 April 2003. 
All of the main players were there and the only change from the notified candidates speaking was David Jardine (Green Party) who replace Eleanor Scott who had been at another meeting that day in the south.

4 April 03
North District Novice and Intermediate Competition was won by the Caithness squad
last Sunday.  Caithness Gymnastics Clubs' - Competition Squad, competed in the North district Gymnastics Competition, with fantastic outcome.  They came home with 9 Gold Medals, 7 Silver Medals and 2 Bronze Medals.
4 April 03
Daughters At Work Day
Daughters and Sons who came to Dounreay for Daughters to Work Day on Thursday 3rd April 2003.  The initiative is spearheaded by the Girl Guides UK to give girls a chance to expand their horizons in thinking about their future careers.......

1 April 03
William Mowatt Retires After 50 Years In Motor Trade

Wick motor dealer William Mowatt has called it a day after 50 years of selling, servicing and repairing motor vehicles.   Mowatt�s Garage has closed the doors after the retirement of William Mowatt last week.

1 April 03
Concordat Sought From Renewable Energy Developers
Highland Councillors have agreed to ask prospective developers of wind, wave or hydro power in their area to sign a concordat to demonstrate their willingness to work in harmony with the local community. Councillors believe the current level of benefit offered to communities from operators of renewable energy developments is inadequate and they are eager to campaign to establish procedures so that a greater share of the profits from the business should be secured for the local community........

1 April 03
An innovative piece of agricultural machinery designed to assist in the treatment of sick or injured cattle is now available for hire in the far north, with help from Caithness and Sutherland Enterprise (CASE).  G, E & A Mowat of Quoynee Farm near Halkirk have been awarded a business development grant worth �1,500 towards the purchase of an Aqua Cow Riser Tank, which can be hired out to vets and other farmers in the area through the Caithness Machinery Ring.  Farmers often have to deal with 'downer cows' - cattle which through sickness or injury are unable to get back on their own four feet themselves. 

1 April 03

People all over the country are being invited to Set their Sights on a Safer Scotland by handing in firearms and other weapons to the Police.  "The aim," explained Northern Constabulary Chief Constable Ian Latimer at the launch today at the Forces Firearms Range," is to remove as many weapons as possible - principally guns of all types, including air weapons and imitation or replica firearms, but also knives, swords, coshes and indeed anything capable of causing injury - to avoid their being misused.  "Our Scottish Amnesty, fully supported by the Scottish Executive and all Political parties, is being held in parallel with one south of the border and will run from Monday 31 March 2003) until 30 April 2003....................................

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