N E W S F E E D S >>>


Wick Christmas Lights Committee
Contact - Alistair Roy
01955 602822
August 2002 Report
G and A Barnie , electricians have expressed concern at the length of time the lights are in position as the longer they are exposed to the weather the greater the likelihood of failures.
Instead of erecting the lights in Mid November it was suggested they be put up early in December. 
The group have relied on the goodwill of local firms but this has limits.  The cost to Barnie's last year was about �5000.  This year the estimated cost of erection and maintenance is �3500.
It is also hope that suitably qualified local people might help with the work of repairing and testing the lights which are stored at Barnie's premises.
More members are also required for the committee and anyone interested should get in touch.