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Social Groups

People First Scotland - Caithness

People First, Caithness

What is it?
It is a group of people who have Learning Disabilities or Difficulties and/or Mental Health problems. We meet once a month to discuss things that are affecting us and who we can speak to, so that they can help us to put them right. We support one another if we have difficulties. We also plan activities and outings to have fun and to help other people to get to know us.

Where do we meet?
We meet at the Ormlie Community Centre, off Henderson Street, Thurso on a Tuesday evening at 7.00pm. You can find out the date of the next meeting by phoning one of the numbers at the bottom of the leaflet.

How do I get there?
If you live in outside Thurso, and cannot get there, you can ring Alison Kirk (an Adviser) on 07738051323. She will arrange to pick you up and take you home again.
If you live in Thurso, and can get there yourself, but do not know where it is, ring one of the telephone numbers at the bottom of the leaflet for directions or one of us will arrange to meet you down the street and take you there.

Some things that we have campaigned on.

· Disabled access to banks and other businesses
· Disabled friendly transport.
· Making it easier to get free bus passes for people who have Learning Difficulties and/or Mental health problems.
· The changes to Respite Care.
· Bullying - Can you think of any other issues that you want to suggest and help us with?

Activities we do
· There is a small group of us who go into Thurso High School to work with a group of 5th and 6th year students. Last year we organised a Coffee Afternoon at the school. We ran a Tombola and served tea, coffee and cakes and biscuits to the teachers and some of the pupils. We raised £100 for our group.
· We went to the pantomime at Thurso High School last Christmas.
· We had an evening bowling at the All Star Factory in Thurso
· We went to the cinema in Thurso
· We also have a regular card making session on a Tuesday evening to help raise funds.
· We are also raising funds for a T shirt transfer machine for the group.
· We are also waiting to here about funding for equipment for making our own calendars.

Activities that we are planning

· We are going to have a small tent at the County Show
· A bar-b-que on the beach if the weather is fine.
· A visit to a Safari Park
· To visit the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh

Can you think of any others? Come and give us your ideas.

Come and join us. It costs you nothing to join. We are friendly and have lots of fun. At the meetings we have tea, coffee, squash and biscuits.

We are also looking for more Advisers (Enhanced Disclosure got free) to help do all the things we want to do, including driving a mini bus. If you are interested, contact Alison Kirk (Tel no. below)

Ring Alison Gibbons (Vice Chairperson) on 07717167614

Alison Kirk on 07738051323 for more information
Email: [email protected]