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Dr Winnie Ewing FRSA MSP
Member for
Highlands and Islands


Member European Committee

Register of Interests
Date of birth: 10/07/29

Previous Occupation: MEP; Solicitor; MP

Background: Married with two sons and one daughter.
Educated at Queen's Park Senior Secondary School and Glasgow University, MA, LLB.
Qualified solicitor and notary public.
Secretary of the Glasgow Bar Association from 1962-67.

MP for Hamilton from 1967-70.
MP for Moray and Nairn from 1974-79.
Member of the European Parliament since 1975.
Often referred to as 'Madame Ecosse' because of her strong advocacy of Scottish interests in Strasbourg and Brussels, she is a senior member and former Vice President of the European Radical Alliance which includes French, Guyanan, Flemish, Luxembourg, Italian, Corsican and Spanish (Canary Islands) MEPs.
Special interests include fishing, agriculture, EEC regional policy, aid to minority languages such as Gaelic, animal welfare and Third World development.
Vice-President of the Scottish National Party since 1979.
Elected Party President in 1987.
Parliament contact details
The Scottish Parliament
Edinburgh EH99 1SP
tel: 0131 348 5726
e-mail: [email protected]

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