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Scottish Parliament
Highlands & Islands Members
Dave Petrie

Address: Ardbeg, Duncraggan Road, Oban, Argyll PA34 5DU
Marital Status: Married to Grace
Children: One daughter Gill aged 26

Scottish Parliament Office
Tel 0131 348 6672
[email protected] 

Tel Nos: 01631 564145 (H) 07831 420427 (M)
Email [email protected] 

Dave Petrie In Brief
Dave Petrie became a Conservative Party List MSP for the Highlands and Islands in April 2006. He is the Party Spokesman on the Communities Committee with responsibility for Planning, Housing and Social Justice.

Before becoming an MSP, David was a Manager of Scottish Water, and retrained as a Maths teacher in 2003, teaching in Oban and Lochaber High Schools immediately prior to entering Parliament.

Education and Qualifications
Trinity Academy, Edinburgh - University Entrance
Heriot-Watt University BSc -Civil Engineering Institution of Civil Engineers - Chartered Engineer
Moray House School of Education, Edinburgh University - PGCE Mathematics

Political Experience/Public Service
MSP for Highlands & Islands

Former Member of Highlands & Islands Regional Committee,
Scottish Conservative & Unionist Party
Former Chairman Oban Branch, Argyll & Bute Scottish Conservative & Unionist Association
Former Executive Member Argyll & Bute SC&UA.
Former Member of Oban Community Council
Scottish Parliamentary Candidate for Argyll & Bute in May 1999. I recorded second highest percentage Conservative vote in the Highlands & Islands Region.
Westminster Candidate for Argyll & Bute in June 2001. I recorded the sixth highest Conservative percentage gain in Scotland, defeated the SNP and contributed significantly towards Argyll & Bute becoming a potentially winnable marginal Constituency. Scottish Parliamentary Candidate in 2003. Gained 2nd place and defeated Labour and SNP.

Career Details
Graduated BSc Civil Engineering 1971
Argyll C C-Roads Department Engineer 1971-1975
Strathclyde Regional Council Roads and Water Services Chartered Engineer and Manager 1975 -1996
West of Scotland Water Manager 1996-2002Scottish Water Community Relations Manager 2002-2003
Moray House School of Education PGCE 2003-2004
Oban & Lochaber HS Maths Probationer 2004- 2006
MSP Highlands&Islands from April 2006

Other Interests/HobbiesFamilyPoliticsCurrent Affairs
Director of North Argyll Community Trust
Former President Rotary Club of Oban
Former President and Captain Oban Lorne Rugby Football Club
Former Chairman Oban Round Table
Former Chairman Oban High School Board
Former Vice Chairman Argyll & Bute Children’s Panel Advisory Council
Former Children’s Panel Member
Travel, Golf, Swimming

Personal statement/manifesto
Rural areas such as Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross are continually being ignored by our urban focussed Scottish Executive and a strong Conservative voice is required to “fight our corner”.

I can provide that drive and enthusiasm by capitalising on my love for rural areas and extensive professional and voluntary background coupled with my regular National & Local Press & Media coverage.

With my extensive experience in Roads, Water, Environment, Education, Children’s Justice, Voluntary Service and Sport I feel well qualified to undertake most Political Portfolios.

I am firmly of the opinion that we are vastly over-governed with duplication of MP’s, MSP’s and Councillors that inevitably leads to expensive bureaucracy and consequently fewer resources for vital public services.

You will note from my Political record that I have gained significant ground since 1999 which was rewarded with my appointment as MSP for the Highlands & Islands in April.  

I would accordingly be extremely honoured to be selected as your Prospective Parliamentary Candidate.

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