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Castletown Playgroup And Toddlers

Mother & Toddler Group
We meet every Monday1:30 - 3:00pm & Wednesday 9:15 - 10:45 at the Castletown
Primary School. Parents & Carers can have a cuppa & a chat while the
children Newborn & upwards can come along & make new friends.

The playgroup is on Monday - Friday 9:00 - 11:30 At Castletown Primary
If you need to contact us you can do so by
email [email protected]
or call
Playleader:-Joan Calder - 07833 187672
Chairperson Kate Sutherland-West - 01847 821679

New mwmbers are always welcome & there is no waiting list at present.

24 May 07
Castletown Play Group and Toddlers Sponsored Wheelie
Castletown Playgroup and Toddlers took part in a sponsored Wheelie last Wednesday and around 30 children took part using bikes, scooters, prams etc anything as log as it had wheels. So far over £900 has been raised for an outdoor play area. The group are also holding a fashion show on Friday 1st of June with Tescos clothing in the Drill Hall Castletown at 6.30pm Tickets available from Tesco Wick or at the door.