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Museums & Archives

8 August 06
Scottish Land & Society: the Threipland Papers
This summer sees the fruition of a two year project by Perth & Kinross Council Archive to catalogue the extensive Threipland papers. With support from the Heritage Lottery Fund and Perth and Kinross Council, Project cataloguer Richard Costello has looked through over 31,000 documents, arranged and listed them. For the first time ever, the Threipland collection is now accessible to the public.

The Threipland�s of Fingask owned estates in the Carse of Gowrie and Caithness, and the newly-catalogued collection of papers reflects the social, cultural and business lives of the family, their associates, tenants and local people over 400 years. Comprising maps and plans, bundles of charters, sasines, titles and other legal documents, volumes of accounts and wages books, bundles of invoices, receipts and letters, as well as drawings, sketches and scraps of notes, the collection offers a rich vein for all kinds of researchers, be they pupils, students, genealogists, local historians or academics. Used together, the different kinds of documents build pictures - about the activities of members of the Threipland family, or about the wages and living conditions of the household servants, about the terms and conditions of the tenant farmers or about changing agricultural practices.

The collection and the catalogue can be consulted at Perth & Kinross Council Archive, based in the AK Bell Library, Perth. The catalogue will also be available from September at North Highland Archive, based at Wick Library.

September also sees a touring display, about the Threipland collection and how it can be used, visiting venues in Caithness. The display will be at the Ross Institute, Halkirk, for the week beginning 4 September, then will visit Thurso Library between 11-16 September and Wick Library between 18 - 23 September. An information pack about the collection will be available at the venues or from North Highland Archive. The first stage of a searchable genealogical database, based on the people mentioned in the collection will also be available from the autumn at www.pkc.gov.uk/archives

Caithness Display venues:
4 - 8 September 2006 The Ross Institute, Halkirk
11- 16 September 2006 Thurso Library
18 - 23 September 2006 Wick Library

Display At Other Centres
31 July -11 August AK Bell Library
14 - 19 August at Inchture Hall
21 - 25 August at Errol Primary School
26 August at Rait Games
25 - 29 September at Perth College 

The Threiplands At Dale House, Caithness
In Caithness the Threipland family lived at Dale House and a short History of Dale House by Innes Miller is available on this web site.