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Shipping Registers

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Introduction to the shipping register transcripts produced by Peter Bruce. Typed by archive staff and Glynis Mackay of Cultural and Leisure Services, Market Square, Wick.

These partial transcripts cover: -

name of fishing boat or schooner

boat number

port(s) of operation

dates of registration, i.e. dates vessel was operating

Additional information held in the original manuscript volumes also includes tonnage, measurements and occasional notes in the margin such as 'scrapped' or 'sold' with a date. Access to these registers, as to all archives, is free and no appointment need be made (unless you wish us to get the relevant volume out in advance for you). You can also order a 6" x 8" photograph taken from the original register of any entry relevant to you (�2 only plus handling cost/postage of �2 for overseas addresses).

Volume numbering. When originally catalogued, the volume containing schooners was placed in the main sequence of fishing boats registers; also one blank volume was given a number. As these items have already been extensively used, the original catalogue numbers have been kept for reference purposes, but the early fishing boat registers have been called 'Bks 1-5' in the index. If no volume is specified in the index, it is Bk 1 or C/E/1/1. Separate registers were kept in Lybster (CE/1/6) and Helmsdale (CE/1/7)

CE/1/1 = Bk 1 in Peter's index

CE/1/2 = schooners 1869-1891, not yet transcribed or indexed

CE/1/3 = Bk 2

CE/1/4 = Bk 3

CE/1/5 =

CE/1/6 = Bk 4

CE/1/7 = Bk 5 (transcript just started at time of writing (27.7.01)

Screen layout. First column self-explanatory (names, dates, places); 2nd column names of proprietor(s); 3rd column name of master(s); 4th column page and volume number (Bk 1 if not otherwise specified).

This project is ongoing and we check and update all the time. Several further pages have been completed but not yet added to the file. If anyone has any additional information on any of these vessels, possibly even pictures of them (?) we would be glad to have it in the archive.

Other customs and excise records held in the archive include registers of seamen and Royal Naval Reserve enrollment books and a register of long service medals (C/E/3 and C/E/2). A catalogue is available by e-mail, but no part of these items have been indexed (though anyone who is interested in doing it we would be very grateful!)

Brenda Lees, Archivist, North Highland Archive, Wick Library, Wick KW1 5AB. 27.7.01