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Friends Of The Trinkie And The North Baths
Or as they would say
Freends O E Trinkie An E North Baths

A small group of people who got together and decided to do something about putting the Trinkie outdoor swimming pool back in order by repairing it and repainting it over the last few years.  They are not like most community groups nowadays in that they have no rules, no constitution, no committee structure and refer to themselves as "E Freends o' e' Trinke an e' North Baths".   Very much a "can do" bunch with nothing seemingly beyond their capabilities - prepared to move anything that needs done or moved whether sand, rocks, repairs to the amazing rebuild of the walls at the North Baths, clear years of sea rocks from the road - anything.

Even as the North Baths approaches a reopening on 24 July at 1.00pm they are already eyeing up their next piece of work to tidy up some of the land around the North Baths.

Many months of dogged determination, hard work, cajoling begging and borrowing of equipment and materials has brought the North Baths to its present place.  Local contractors have helped with loans of diggers and other requirements.

Although no formal committee structure is in place the FREENDS did open a bank account as donations have trickled in.  Anyone else who would like to make a donation to the ongoing work can send it to -
Ian Sutherland, 18 Smith Terrace, Wick, Caithness KW1 5HD
Make cheques payable to -
Friends of the Trinkie and The North Baths

A History Of the North Baths By Harry Gray

Work At North Baths 2004

Trinkie Reopens In 2003

27 July 06
Trinkathon A Big Hit As Sun Shines On In Caithness
Sunday 23rd July 2006 was successful day for organisers of Annual Trinkathon,  warm weather ensured a very good turnout and �531 was raised towards future maintenance and equipment. David Hall representing the Royal Mail was on hand to present the North Bath Cup [won this year by the Trinkie team] this cup was generously donated by the Royal Mail.

3 August 05
North Baths At Wick Get A Splash Of Colour
The Friends of the Trinkie and North Baths gave the north baths a splash of colour at their annual clean up.  After repairing walls and emptying out all the rubbish from the winter storms and whitewashing the walls once again they added some colours to the steps down into the shallow end.  Now all we need is some nice weather for the swimmers.

14 June 05
Trinkie Annual Painting and Appeal
The annual clean-up of the TRINKIE outdoor swimming pool is well underway due to the efforts of a few dedicated volunteers. The pool has been drained, cleared of seaweed and power hosed in preparation for the whitewashing process. Painting has to be done in small sections when the tide is out to allow time for it to dry therefore volunteers are required at short notice. The next scheduled painting is tonight 14.06.2005 at 6PM [weather permitting] wear old clothes and shoes.

There are serious concerns about a large hole and crack in the pool wall ,it is feared that unless a section of the wall is replaced with a new reinforced wall it will quickly deteriorate under the constant force of the tides. The cost of repairs would be considerable therefore the committee are appealing to the public and "weekers in other places" for donations to cover repairs and ongoing maintenance.

If anyone wishes to donate time, money or services contact Patty Coghill on 01955 602456 any help would be gratefully appreciated.

2 June 05
North Baths Emptied For 2005 Clean Up
On Saturday 4 June 2005 starting at 10.00am volunteers will once again clear out the winter debris and whitewash the pool ready for the summer season.  Anyone can join in by just turning up dressed in old clothing.

30 November 04
North Baths - The Sequel By Harry Gray
Harry Gray kept a diary of the progress of the community effort that resulted in a successful reopening of the North Baths at Wick.  The record shows how Wick rallies together from individual to business young and old and how without using grants and lottery money a huge project can be undertaken  by old fashioned determination and hard work resulting in surely one of the biggest donations to any town  - an open air swimming pool.

15 October 04
Changing The Water At North Baths Swimming Pool, Wick We all know how  the water is changed in the open air swimming pools like the Trinkie and the North Baths at Wick but standing watching it is something else.  Even this photograph does not quite capture the waves crashing over the place showing that perhaps two or three waves smashing over the pool will change the water not to mention throwing up rocks and other material to be emptied later.  Just check out the boiling water in the pool and you will see that it is all on the move.

24 July 04
North Baths , Wick Re-0pened By Jessie Doull

The North Baths at Wick reopened on a very wet afternoon.  Jessie Doull whose late husband once ran a swimming club at the North Baths declared the North Baths reopened.  The local swimming club ran a few races and even "E Website Mannie" jumped in and had a swim in the cold water now captured once again after the work of the volunteers and contractors.  With little fuss or organisation but with determination this bunch of men and women have worked a small miracle on the North Baths  Well done to you all.

And these Young Wickers May Be Tougher Than We Thought

The young swimmers in the North Baths will undoubtedly remember the day they swam at the reopening of the North Baths and perhaps another generation is about to add happy times at the North Baths as earlier generations now scattered across the globe have done.  If you are back in Wick  and perhaps on a nicer day why not have a dip in the North Baths and say you have swum in one of the most northerly mainland open air swimming pools.

19 July 04
North Baths Ready For Saturday Opening
North Baths at Wick today was looking crisp and clear now that the FREENDS have let the water back in.  A huge amount of work has gone in over the past few days and tons of donated soil have been spread and grass seed planted to tidy up the area all around the baths.  The North Baths will be officially launched once again on Saturday at 1.00pm with a few races and other items to mark the day.

Trinkie 2004 Cleanup Pictures

Work Goes On At North Baths

Work was going on all around the North Baths on Tuesday 13 July 2004 .  Painting was in progress with Harry Gray painting the railing dividing the shallow end from the deep end.  Various repairs were still ongoing and several tons of sand were being spread by more volunteers.  The sand is being used to fill in between rocks near the shallow end.  A diving board is to be installed at the deep end and for opening day a greasy pole might also be in place.  The old lookout post above the baths may also have a large sign painted on it to let any one new to the area see exactly where the North Baths are located.
So many people have been offering small donations at the site that the team have now placed a collection box near the Baths while they are working

12 July 04
Volunteers Whitewash North Baths

The volunteers carried on a  a breakneck pace to whitewash the North Baths with hydrated lime.  At a speed that many construction sites would envy they have also had a dozen lorry loads of topsoil delivered to be spread round the area to fill in holes and cover rocky parts and then they will plant grass seed. with a view to making a nice picnic area.  Shortly sand from the other side of the harbour will be brought round to be placed in the bottom of the pool to help cover some of the rocks in the bottom of the deeper section of the pool.

10 July 04
Reopening Of the North Baths - Sat 24 July 2004 1.00pm
100 years after the North Baths were opened they are almost ready to begin again after months of hard work by "E Freends"
At the opening there will be demonstrations by divers and swimmers as well as range of stalls and other events to mark the day.  Any money raised may well be used for the ongoing clean up round the North Baths