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Watten Primary School - Newsletter Index

Watten School Index

Schools & Education

Watten Primary School

March 2007

Information for Parents

The school photographer will be in school on Monday 12th March to take photos of individual children and family groups. They will begin taking family groups at 1.15pm and have asked that any families who have children not yet at school and wish them included in the family group to bring their child to school for 1.15pm. Forms will be issued to parents when we receive them in school.

Swimming Monday 19th March
P1-2 and P3-5 will go swimming every second Monday from the 19th of March until the 18th of June (inclusive). P6/7 no longer go swimming for this school year.

Parents Open Session
We would like to invite parents into school on Thursday 29th March - 2- 2.30pm for P1-2 pupils
2-3pm for P3-7 pupils to share their children�s work and learning with them.
Parents will be able to participate in some activities with their child/ children, perhaps sharing a book, working on a science task or painting a picture for example.
We hope you will be able to come along and enjoy this informal session.

Save a Life Training - Primary 7 Pupils
This training session will be delivered on Thursday 8th March by members of the Scottish Ambulance Service.

Tooth Fayre Event P1-2
We would like to take P1-2 pupils to this year�s Tooth Fayre event in Wick North Primary School on Thursday 22nd March. Children will leave the school at 9.15 and return approx 11.45am.
During this event there will be a puppet show, songs, face painting and snacks. This event is a fun way of reinforcing the important messages about keeping your teeth healthy. Please return the permission slip to school by Wednesday 14th March.

Caithness Science Festival P4-7  Science Festival Page
This year�s Science Festival begins on Monday 19th March. We are very pleased to be able to take Watten pupils to this event on Tuesday 20th March, at Pulteneytown Academy. P4-7 pupils will meet an astronaut and hear about his experiences and also participate in a �noise� workshop in the morning. In the afternoon P6-7 will participate in an electronics workshop while P4-5 will participate in a k-nex workshop.
Please return the relevant permission slip by Wednesday 14th March.

Primary 3 pupils will join the P1-2 pupils on this day.

�Big Head Play� P1-5
We would like to take our pupils to Halkirk Primary on Wednesday 21st March 2007 to view the play �Big Head� which is being produced by Eden Court outreach workers. Pupils will leave school at 9am and return by approximately 11am.
Please return the relevant permission slip by Wednesday 14th March.

Visit from an Author
All pupils had a session with Graham Winkle, author of the book �The Loch of Mey Monster� on Monday 26th February 2007. This session gave children a good idea of what is involved in being an author

Mrs L Mackay
Head Teacher.