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23 May 05
The Final Chapter - 1976 - 2003
A History Of the London Caithness Association 1856 - 2003

This section is the work of Isobel Stanmore and completed by Edward Reeve before shortly his death.  Bill Fernie met Edward and his wife Janet on a couple of occasions following the start of the section for the London Caithness on the web site.  Edward Reeves dedication to completing the work of many years by Nancy Roloff is testament to the affection that members had for the association.  The history is a fascinating glimpse of what happened to some people who left Caithness and similar to many other Scottish places set up associations to get together for entertainment and for many years offer help and support to people who had hit on hard times when arriving in London.  whilst that element of help may not have been required as much in later years the association continued to help Caithness organisations right to the end by means of donations of all sorts as can be seen all through the history.  The London Caithness Association was the longest running London Scottish association and it is not surprising when viewing the dedication of the authors of the History of the London Caithness Association from the huge task of Nancy Roloff taken on by Isobel Stanmore many years later and finally by Edward Reeve ensuring the whole story is available worldwide.  From we can only add our thanks to these dedicated people and add that we will be placing copies of it all in the North Highland Archives in Wick in due course in order that it can be studied by any one in the future.  Main Index To The History

London Caithness Association Comes To An End After 147 Years
The final meeting of the London Caithness Association was held on 5 September 2003 at the Royal Scottish Corporation Hall, Covent Garden, London.  28 members and associate members attended the final meeting with a meal laid on for the occasion.  President of the association Janet Reeve and the vice president had visited Caithness to present cheques to organisations they had supported over many years such as local lifeboats stations and homes.   This was way of disbursing the remaining funds of the association.  Various groups received a cheque for £1000 each.  In addition the association had a Caithness chair made and presented to Prince Charles at the Mey games in memory of his grandmother who had been a patron of the association.  The chair will be kept at the Castle of Mey

The London Caithness Association has for many years been the last of the London Scottish Associations set up in the nineteenth century to aid Scots moving south to the capital for mainly economic reasons.  the associations like London Caithness often proved help to people in poor circumstances or aided folk during the two big wars as well as sending numerous donations o Caithness charities.  but it provided social contacts for many folk from the county over all those years.  In more recent times the associations has finally succumbed to the fact that younger folk were not as interested in this type of activity as in the past.  Running from 1856 to 2003 is an incredible record.

Mrs Reeeve presented a Caithness Glass bowl to both Isobel Stanmore secretary and Cathie Falconer treasure as the last office bearers of the association as thankyou for many years of service.

Music was as often in the past provided by Tom Symington on the accordion.  the last meeting concluded with past president Scott Jamieson leading the singing of "Auld Land Syne"

As final farewell one of the members is writing the final years of the history of the London Caithness Association.  this will run from 1976 to 2003 and complete the final chapter in the longest running London Scottish Association.  When completed the final years will be published on

London Caithness Association History 
We are pleased to announce the start of the history written by one of the members of the association and taking the record from 1856 to 1976.  
The London Caithness Association has an almost complete record of its activities since its inception.  These were written up in the form of a narrative by a member of the Association up to 1976.  They contain many interesting references to the members and Caithness.  Covering many periods including the two world wars.  The Association has forwarded a copy of the document to for publication over the coming months.  The record runs to over 50 pages and it will take some time to prepare all of it. 

13 November 2002
Association may Come To an End
The London Caithness Association may shortly cease as the numbers have dwindled to a very few that it is no longer considered viable.  Once decisions have been taken further information will be posted here.


 Members of The London Caithness Association met last month at The Royal Scottish Corporation, Covent Garden, the occasion was the 144th Annual General meeting and election of Office Bearers for 2000/2001.

 Mrs Janet Reeve was unanimously re-elected as President.  Hon Presidents The Earl of Caithness, Margaret Viscountess Thurso and Sir Ralph Anstruther together with all Hon Vice Presidents were re-elected.  Vice President Mr Reeve, Hon. Auditor, Mrs Stanmore and Miss Falconer, Secretary and Treasurer and the Committee members consisting of Mrs Reid, Miss Kidston and Mr Lewis were all duly re-elected.  The Annual Reports from both the Secretary and Treasurer were well received and a vote of thanks given to both Officers.  Following the conclusion of the official proceedings, refreshments were served, news exchanged and discussion was held on future socials. These will now take place in the Spring/Summer.

Details can be obtained from the Secretary, Mrs Isobel Stanmore, 35 Tiverton Road, Edgware, Middlesex, HA8 6BQ. Telephone: 020 8952 2629

9 December 2000

London Caithness Association  
Contact - 
Mrs Isobel Stanmore
35 Tiverton Road

Tel 020 8952 2629

At the 143rd Annual General Meeting
Mrs Janet Reeve was re-elected as president, Vice-president - Mr Reeve, Mrs Stanmore - Secretary
Miss Falconer - Treasurer
Committee - Mrs Reid, Miss Kidston, Mr Lewis 

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