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Christmas 2002 Index

Find Missing Persons This Christmas FREE in the UK
 With Salvation Army And 192.com

This Christmas don�t just hand out hot soup to homeless people or give them blankets to keep them warm in the cold winter nights. Don�t just do the shopping for a local War Veteran or lonely elderly neighbour.

Instead why not hand out the chance to get in touch with family or friends.

This Christmas, help bring a little joy into someone�s life, not by giving material gifts but by reuniting them with friends or family they have lost touch with. 192.com and the Salvation Army have teamed up to show YOU how to make a difference.

All you have to do is ask who they would like to get in touch with (Click here for tips on information you should find out), then log on to www.192.com.

192.com, the UKs leading People Finder service, will be completely FREE over the Christmas period from the 25th December to the 29th December, so, whether it be a homeless person on the streets or an old War Veteran, by investing a little of your time, you can really make someone�s Christmas.

For free GOLD search access to the UK population over the Christmas period beginning December 25th use the following:

  • Username:    Reunite
  • Password:     BackinTouch

When helping to reunite friends and family, there are certain things you must be aware of. When you find the person, an Uncle or an old friend, always contact them first and let them know who you are in contact with, and always ask for their consent to proceed with setting up a phone call with a mobile phone or perhaps from a call box. Remember that some people lose touch on purpose and they may not necessarily tell you this when you first speak to them. Click here for our IMPORTANT Guide to Re-uniting.

Who knows, you might just get someone the best Christmas Present they�ve ever had - and then change their lives for ever. So why not forward this to a friend.

Not just hot soup then,

Happy Christmas
from 192.com and the Salvation Army

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