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Caithness Partnership Index


The Caithness Partnership
Caithness Arts Forum

Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be 20 December in the Orange Room at the Park Hotel Thurso at 10.00am.

14 February 07
Why A Caithness Arts Forum?
The Caithness Partnership was asked to facilitate the setting up of a Caithness Arts Forum following the Caithness Arts seminar on �The Value of the Arts to Caithness� in December 2006 had concluded that a local forum is required where agency, business and voluntary representatives could come together with equal status and discuss issues relating to the arts in the county.  In turn this should enable the Arts sector to participate fully in the community planning agenda in Caithness.

Minutes 5 November 2007
Minutes 15 May 2007
Minutes - Inaugural Meeting 5 February 2007

Earlier On Arts In Caithness
Revealing the Vision of Caithness
An Arts Development Study of Caithness
Report by Ian Brown and Roger Tomlinson March 2004