Caithness Field Club


Sunday 6 September - Walk for Archaeology Month
A walk for Archaeology Month led bv Paul Humphreys from Watenan to Cairn of Get and Yarrows.  Leaving Wick and
Thurso train car parks 9.30am.  Meeting Watenan car park.

Monday 14 September - Tour of Sinclair/Girnigoe Castle
Malcolm, Earl of Caithness will guide us on a tour of Castle Sinclair showing us the excavations to date.
 We meet at Castle car park at 2.30pm.

Sunday 4 October - Time Travel Through A Camera Lens
A talk by Captain Peter Donaldson (formerly one of Aberdeen University lecturers) will speak to us on
"Time Travel Through A Camera Lens" - 7.30pm at Pentland hotel, Thurso.  Cost �2.

Saturday 7 November - Annual Dinner
At Castletown Hotel - 7.30pm for 8.00pm. Cost including gratuity �21.  Book with Marion - 01847 892999

Thursday 10 December - Wild Flowers of the North Highlands
An illustrated talk from Ken Crossan and Ken Butler where they will introduce their book "Wild Flowers of the north Highlands". 
Pentland Hotel, Thurso 7.30pm

Sunday 17 January 2010 - A Westerdale Walk
A walk in Westerdale seeing brochs and a doo'cot - leaving Wick at 10.00am and Thurso 10.20am meeting at
Westerdale Bridge 10.45am.  Geoff to lead.

Tuesday 19 January - A talk - Old St Peters Church
An illustrated talk on Old St Peters Church by George Watson with Thurso Heritage Society -
There will be a collection for the restoration of Old St Peters and donations would be much appreciated -
Caithness Horizons, Thurso at 7.30pm

Tuesday 26 January -
"The Lappan - a tale of a Dunbeath Cottage"
Talk by Barbara Hiddlestone - Assembly Rooms, Wick 7.30pm

Sunday 14 February - Circular Walk At Olrig
A circular walk at Olrig - leaving Wick at 10.00am and Thurso at 10.20am meeting at Olrig at 10.30am - Jack to lead.

Tuesday 23 February -  The Birds and The Bees
Dave Jones of the RSPB will tell us about The Birds and The Bees - RSPB's new Caithness Reserves - Pentland Hotel, Thurso 7.30pm.

Tuesday 23 March - A Reconstruction of an Ancient Diet
A talk from Rebecca Boyle - Pentland hotel, Thurso - 7.30pm

Sunday 25 April -
Doo'cot and Spring Flowers Around Stemster House
Leaving Thurso and Wick 10.30am and meeting at 11.00am at Stemster Farm - led by Ken Butler

The Weekend Away - Saturday 15 - Tuesday 18th May 2010
Dundarach Hotel, Pitlochry.  Terms �50 per night dinner bed and breakfast.  �50 depsitr required at beginning of December
 - cheque to Jack Barnaby, 9 Lyth more Road, Thurso payable to Caithness Field Club  To book phone Marion 01847 892999

Non Members are welcome.  Please wear suitable clothing and footwear for our walks.  Everyone comes at their own risk.