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2006 Bulletin IndexBulletins Index

Caithness Field Club

Caithness Field Club Bulletin

A Carved �Celtic� Head (by Les Myatt)
The photograph shows a carved pebble, with a head, which was found at Castletown just above the high water mark. The pebble measures 7" x 4". A photograph was sent to the National Museum in Edinburgh where we were told that the tradition of these heads starts in the Iron Age and runs up to the present day. It is essentially undatable and is probably not Celtic. Apparently a similar pebble head was found on the beach at Portmahomack where it is now in the museum.

How did the pebble come to be where it was found? Is it local, or could it have been dumped from the ballast of a boat coming to Castletown harbour before loading up with flagstones? If that were the case then its origin could be elsewhere.

Bulletins Index