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2004 Bulletin IndexBulletins Index

Caithness Field Club

Caithness Field Club Bulletin

The LEADER + Programme
Wendy Anderson

LEADER+ is funded by the European Union and allocates funds to organisations and community groups who have new ideas for projects and activities that will help sustain rural communities.

The aim of the North Highland LEADER+ programme is �To achieve a significant and lasting improvement in the quality of life of the North Highland area and its communities, by making it the best place in Scotland for young people to be and by enhancing the value of its natural cultural heritage�.

To benefit from these funds, all projects must demonstrate:

� Community support
� Match funding
� Innovation
� Sustainability

The North Highland LEADER+ programme covers Caithness, Ross and Cromarty, Skye and Lochalsh, Sutherland, Nairn and rural Inverness.

Support rates of up to 45% of eligible costs are available, to a maximum of �50,000.

Over the life of the programme, which runs from 2002 to 2006, North Highland LEADER+ will release around �2.7 million pounds for community projects.

The Programme has 3 main Priorities:

1 Making North Highland the best place in Scotland to be young

� Involving young people in decision making
� Building self-confidence among young people
� Support and information on independent living

2 Using Highland�s Natural and Cultural Heritage to support sustainable communities

� Positive management of natural and cultural heritage
� Business and community initiatives
� Rural skills training

3 Unlocking Creativity

� Creative young people
� Creativity and the North Highland Heritage
� Creative communities


Bulletins Index