
Caithness Field Club

Caithness Field Club Summer Programme 2000

Meet for outings at the Railway Station car parks. Car seats usually available. Non members welcome. You come at your own risk.

SUN. 16 April
Coach Trip to Borgie and Loch Naver led by Geoff Leet. �10 includes lunch at Talmine but bring coffee. Bus leaves Wick 9.00a.m. Thurso 9.30a.m. Book with Marion Owen 01847 892999.

SUN. 7 May
Borrowstone Quarry to Ulbster mausoleum seeing lime kiln, a cairn and a dummy airfield, led by Geoff. Leave Thurso 9.30a.m. meeting at Wick 10.0a.m. and Borrowstone 10.10a.m.

19-22 May
Club Weekend in Skye. Fully booked but Alan Abernethy, 01955 602702, can place you on the standby list.

SUN. 28 May
Dirlot Castle and Loch More led by Geoff. Leave Wick and Thurso 9.30a.m., meeting up at 10a.m. at the Westerdale bridge to see the brochs.

SUN. 11 June
Dunbeath Wags led by Calum Mackenzie. Leave Wick and Thurso 9.30a.m., meeting at the Latheron Hall car park at the end of the Causeway Mire road at 10a.m.

Architectural wander in Castletown led by Lyn Leet. Meet at 7.0p.m. at the car park off the main street.

SUN. 9 July
Walk in Achairn Forest, led by Jack Barnaby and Donald McNeill from the Forestry Commission. Leave Thurso 9.30a.m. meeting up at Wick 10a.m.

SUN. 23 July
Sail from Skerra pier to Neave Island/Isle Na Ron, also a walk to Slettel village. The sail is weather dependent and restricted to 20 people. Names of sailors to Marion on 01847 892999. Leave Wick 8.45.a.m., meeting at Thurso 9.15a.m.

SUN. 27 August
Broubster pre-clearance village, the wag?, the square, cup stone and much more led by Geoff. Leave Wick 9.30a.m. meeting at Thurso 10.0a.m.

Sun. 3 Sept
Dunbeath harbour, ice house and bothy guided by Nan Bethume. Bring money for soup+sandwich lunch at Heritage Centre, then visit House of Peace and Broch. Leave Wick and Thurso 9.30a.m., reaching Dunbeath Harbour at 10.15a.m.

Published in 2000 Bulletin