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Caithness Field Club Summer Programme 1999

Club outings start from the Railway Station Car Parks in Wick and Thurso and are on Sundays unless stated. The walks will not exceed 6 miles. Everyone comes at their own risk.

18 April, Coach Trip to Talmine- Cost �10 includes morning coffee and lunch. Bus leaves Wick @ 8.30am and Thurso @ 9.00.
Book with Gordon Wilson 01847-892179 or Marion�Owen 0147-892999.

23-25 April, Vernacular Buildings Weekend, based in Wick.

9 May, Dounreay Castle led by Calum McKenzie. For security reasons we must book in advance with Calum 01847 893754.

23 May, Badbea, exploration of entire settlement led by Jack Barnaby, 4 miles easy walk. Leave Thurso & Wick @ 9.30am joining at Badbea car park on the A9.

28-30 May, Club Weekend at Castle Hotel, Huntly. Fully booked, but try Alan Abernethy, 01955-602702, for cancellations.

13 June, Dunviden Brochs, hut circles, and chambered cairns led by Gordon Wilson; an easy 5 miles. Leave Wick 9am & Thurso 9.30.

27 June, Naver Forest. With Forester Donald McNeill; drive to an early settlement, then 4 miles easy walk. Wick 9am @ Thurso 9.30.

30 June, Wednesday, Evening Walk, Dunnet Head to J'O G, led by be Gordon Wilson; birds, flowers, brochs and early middens. Meet Dunnet Head car park 7.00pm. Two miles easy downhill walking.

11 July, Berridale Strath, Riverside walk seeing early settlements and brochs; led by Gordon�Wilson and Jack Barnaby; 4 miles easy walk, leaving Wick & Thurso 9.15am, meeting at Berridale PO 10am.

25 July, Exploration of Stemster led by Jack Barnaby and Farmer Coghill. Leaving Wick 9am and Thurso at 9.15 meet Stemster Farm.

22 August. Milltown to Freswick shore & cliff 4 mile walk led by Jack Barnaby & Gordon Wilson. Promintory broch, Buchollie Castle, early mill and doo-cot. Leave Thurso 9.30am, Wick 9.45.

2 September, Learable hill, Kildonan, with stone rows, circle, cross and cup stones, led by Geoff Leet. 4 rough miles. Leave Wick 9.30am and meet at Thurso 10 or foot-bridge by Suisgill kennels at 11. Return via Helmsdale.

10 October, ARCHAEOLOGY WEEK. Walk to Shurrery Brawlbin seeing chambered cairns, hut circles, hill fort and burial cist. 4 miles easy walk. Leave Wick at 9am meeting at Thurso 9.30.

Newcomers should just turn up with boots & sandwiches. Car seats usually available. For information ring numbers mentioned above.