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1998 Bulletin IndexBulletins Index

Caithness Field Club

Caithness Field Club Bulletin
Vol 6 No 2


These booklets provide members with the knowledge to make the most of our outings and are excellent gifts to attract friends to Caithness and to keep them busy when they are here; buy a stock from any Committee Member or local shop.

"Visits to Ancient Caithness" describes 18 major sites and places them in history. �1.50.

"John Gow the Orkney Pirate" by George Watson, is a lively account of a kind pirate who, in 1724, seized ships off the Spanish coast and was captured back in Orkney. �1.20.

"Kildonan Gold" by Jack Saxon brings geology and recent history together to describe the amazing gold rush in Kildonan in the last century. �1.20.

"Flowers of Caithness" is an essential check list for botanists rather than an illustrated guide for the tourist. 50p.

�  Copyright Caithness Field Club

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