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April 1988 Index

Bulletin Index Caithness Field Club

Caithness Field Club Bulletin
March 1990

Geoff Leet

Mrs Elizabeth Beaton wrote the excellent "Doocots of Caithness", so to mark her retirement from the Secretaryship of the Scottish Vernacular Buildings a ceramic doocot was constructed and duly presented. Accuracy was essential so we measured the lecturn type doocot at Forse (near the Wag) and the potter used the 50.1 scale of the original drawing.

In her book Elizabeth notes the double chambers, the rat courses around the outside, and suggests a date in the early seventeen hundreds.

The Vernaculars run excellent week-end "working parties", more high powered than the Field Club week-ends, to publish the booklets listed below:-

The Hearth in Scotland (1981) by A Fenton �1.65 �2.50
Building Construction in Scotland �3.00 �4.50
North Sutherland Studies (1987) �3.00 �4.50
Doocots of Caithness (1980) by E Beaton �1.65 �2.50
Kirtomy Mill & Kiln (1984) by H Cheape �1.65 �2.50
Bibliography 1: pre-1964 (1985) �1.65 �2.50
Railway Sleeper Buildings (1986) by D Kerr �3.00 �4.50
Scottish Vernacular Building Bibliography 2 (1987 ) �3.00 �4.50
Highland Vernacular Buildings �4.00 �6.00

These can be bought from:
Miss A MacDonald
c/o HBMD
20 Brandon Street
Edinburgh EH3 5RA.

Prices include postage, cheques to SVBWG.     Note this was in 1990 and may not be available now.