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April 1988 Index

Bulletin Index Caithness Field Club

Caithness Field Club Bulletin
April 1988

Vol. 4 No. 7                         April 1988

The following summer programme has been arranged for members.

Sunday April 17
Outing by car to the northern harbours.  Leave Wick 10.00 Thurso 10.30.  Leader George Watson

Weekend 13-15 May
Weekend at Ullapool.  Leader Allan Abernethy

Sunday May 29
Fossil outing to Achanarras and Red Point in conjunction with Aberdeen University.  Leave Wick 9.30, Thurso 10.00.  Involves a rough walk of 4 miles along the coast.  Leader Jack Saxon.  The article in this edition of the Bulletin by Jack Saxon relates to this outing. 

Sunday June 19
High and low hill walk to Scaraben.  Leave Wick and Thurso 9.00
Leader David Oliver. 

Sunday July 17
6 miles of rough walking to upper Dunbeath River.  Leave Wick 10.00 Thurso 9.30.  Leader Geoff Leet. 

Sunday August 14
3 mile walk from Lieurary to Brubster.  Leave Wick and Thurso 9.30.  Leader George Watson. 

Sunday September 18
2 mile walk to Badryrie.  Leave Wick and Thurso 9.30.  Leader Gordon MacLachlan.

During the weekend at Ullapool members will be staying at the Four Seasons Hotel.  The booking excludes dinner on the Friday evening. 

A one-week Summer School with the theme "A Portrait of Caithness and Sutherlan", is being organised jointly by Thurso Technical College and the Extra-Mural Department of Aberdeen University from August 6 - 12.  Lectures on Botany, Geology, Archaeology and local history will be given by a team of local experts and followed by guided outings to places of interest in the two counties.  The course is non residential and costs �60.00.  Further details and booking forms may be obtained from Leslie Myatt at the college.

A training excavation on the Iron Age settlement at North Straiton, Fife directed by Dr. Trevor Watkins (Senior Lecturer, Edinburgh University) will be held August 7 - September 13.  Tuition, lectures and excursions are free and accommodation will be provided in self-catering units at Dundee University (free for all full time students).  Further details may be obtained from Mrs. Lorna Main, Carsaig, Dunmore, Falkirk, FK2 8LY. 

The Picts - a new look at old problems: 92pp: Includes a total of nine papers which were presented at a weekend conference in Dundee.  It gives an account of some of the research areas which are currently active with regard to the Picts.  Copies are available from the Department of Geography, The University, Dundee.  �4.95 plus 55p.  post and packing. 

The Picts in Tayside: Alan Small and Lisbeth M. Thoms.  39pp: Gives a brief summary of the history and archaeology of the Picts in Tayside together with a catalogue of Pictish material in Dundee art galleries and museums, and sites to visit.  Address as above.