Caithness.Org |
Vol. 3 No. 8
October 1984
CAITHNESS FIELD CLUB 1984-85 CHAIRMAN: Gordon Maclachlan, 34 John Kennedy Drive Thurso. Thurso 64369 VICE CHAIRMAN: Nick Roberts, "Morven", Rockhill, Wick. Wick 5280 SECRETARY: Agnes Jones, 22 Whitehouse Park, Wick Wick 4177 TREASURER: Geoff Leet, 8 Burnside, Thurso Thurso 63489 COMMITTEE: Allison Halley, 77 George Street, Halkirk Halkirk 565 Allan Abernethy, 1 Newton Avenue. Wick Wick 2702 Charles Alien, 8 Tower Square, Ackergill, Wick Enquiries to any office hearer or member of committee.
WHERE TO SEE FIELD CLUB POSTERS THURS0: Williamson, Chemist, Traill Street, Thurso. D. & M. Fraser, The Stores, Castlegreen Road, Thurso. Ferrier's, Newsagents, Princes Street, Thurso. The Wine Shop, Traill Street, Thurso. The library, Davidson's Lane, Thurso. Pentland Hotel, Princes Street, Thurso. WICK: Library, Wick. Camps Bookshop, High Street, Wick. Town Hall, Wick Rendezvous Restaurant, Wick.
LIST OF MEETINGS -1984-85 Tuesday 25th September "A Naturalist in Northern Australia" by Professor G. Dunnet - Thurso Technical College at 7.30 p. m. Wednesday 14th November Joint Meeting with The Wick Society in Heritage Centre, Wick at 7.30 p.m. Saturday 1st December Annual Dinner (£6.25) in St. Clair Hotel, Thurso - 7.30 p. m. for 8 p. m. Speaker: Bob Gourlay, Regional Archaeologist. " Bronze Age Axe Hoard" Tuesday 22nd January Visit to the Veterinary Laboratory at Newlands of Geise, Thurso. Thursday 7th February Lecture: "A Visit to the Andes" by Dr. Ian MacMorran in Thurso Technical College at 7.30 p.m. Tuesday 12th March "The Peat Bogs of the North" by Dr. Terry Keatinge of the Nature Conservancy in Assembly Rooms, Wick at 7. 3O p. m. |