Caithness Castles
to the Caithness Castles Pages. This is a collaborative
suggested by Robert Richmond who has an interest in Scottish History,
Castles, Caithness and Photography, Andrew Spratt
who is custodian of Dirleton Castle, a historian and painter and Bill
Fernie of Caithness.Org. Information is being added
frequently as
new reconstructions become available and articles and introductions
aim of the project is to give an impression of what the castles would
have looked like in their original state. Using archived
material, plans and information plus photographs of the sites Andrew is
recreating the castles using historical material, drawings and pictures
taken by Robert Richmond. Articles have been provided by a
variety of people including reproductions from the Caithness Field Club
Bulletins and links are often made. The articles by D B
written several years ago for the Caithness Field Club Bulletin are an
invaluable resource in this project. Further information is
provided by Robert Richmond from his own research into each
castle. Photographs used are from Bill Fernie Robert
Margaret Bates and others. Aerial photographs by Alan Moar in
many of the sections add another perspective and show just how
defensive many of the structures were. From the air it it is
possible to see more clearly several of the ditches dug as part of the
defences in front or or around many of the castles.
The number of castles that
have actually been in Caithness is still open for debate.
Currently the highest number we have is 48 although many of these have
no visible signs left today. Those that have or for which
there is evidence will be reconstructed here. Let us know if
you agree with the interpretation of the evidence as to how they might
have looked. We hope you enjoy this series on Caithness and
its Castles.
July 2015
Castle From The Air Via A Kite Camera Gives New Views
 The sun was out and the wind
was just right for some views of Keiss Castle take from a camera
suspended from a kite. The
castle is easy to reach from Keiss harbour being just a ten minute walk
along the grass above the beach. The castle itself should not be
entered as it is in a dangerous condition so if you go say on the other
side of the fence. More
About Keiss Castle
30 June 2013
Girnigoe Castle - Resolving The Names Issue By Malcolm Caithness

Caithness has put together this short item to correct some earlier
misconceptions about the name of the castle and the fact it is often
described as two castles. Three reconstructions show the
of the castle over 3 centuries. The castle is partly open to
public and much archaeological work has been done by the Sinclair Trust
in recent years adding to the information about the castle.
24 February 08
New Foot Bridge Improves
Access At Girnigoe Castle
new foot bridge is almost completed at Girnigoe Castle near
Wick. This will allow much improved access to the castle once
it reopens to the public. Much work has been done and
archaeologists have been working over the past couple of years in the
summer months to uncover more information about the castle.
The history of the castle has been rewritten based on many new
discoveries. This solid new footbridge will allow a much
easier way into the castle than previously and is on the line where a
drawbridge would have been.
6 May 07
Castle Of Mey Tearoom - Just
Right For A Snack After Looking Round
recently opened tea room at Castle of Mey is likely to be a hit with
visitors. Castle of Mey is now one of the biggest tourist
attractions in the north of Scotland with many visitors arriving by
road and by sea via boats calling at Scrabster. Now they can
get a drink and something to eat after their visit to the castle and
gardens. Castle
Opening Times
Castle Of Mey
Open for 2007 Season
Caithness is a county that is paradise for anyone
interested in Castles. With probably more castles and and
fortified sites or earlier broch sites along the coast than almost any
place in Scotland many interesting days can be spent checking them
out. Without doubt looking into Castles can be
fascinating and Castle Of Mey is now one of the foremost attractions in
the north of Scotland for visitors. the castle is a small one
but due to its royal connection is a very popular place these
days. The site has of course had a castle in place for
hundreds of years and was formerly Barrogil. The castle has
walled garden for anyone interested in seeing the plants that will do
well in the windy weather blowing in from the Pentland Firth
Castles Book
Gunn hopes to produce his book on
Castles and Fortified
Houses Of Caithness the book is the
work of many years of research into the buildings and the histories
surrounding them. the book will have limited print run of
perhaps 1000 so if you want one get your order n now to Michael Gunn as
it is not certain if there will be another print run. the book will be
heavily illustrated with photographs and is likely to run out early as
there are no recent books on this Caithness topic currently around.
Castles From The Air - Latest Addition Freswick Castle 11
December 2004
As you probably know we are always
looking for new perspectives on the Caithness Castles and this new
section has been started following the generous offer by Alan Moar to
allow us to use his photographs of the castles he takes when out
flying. The photographs are just one part of his growing
collection on his web site Scotland Aerial Photos.
If anyone else has aerial photographs of the castles they would like to
contribute please get in touch.
4 October 04
Girnigoe Scaffolding Reaches
Epic Proportions
September 04
Going Up At Girnigoe Castle As Restoration Work Gets Under Way
The steeplejacks are now on site erecting
scaffolding in advance of the next phase of restoration work on the
castle. the trust hope to get a reasonable amount of work
done before the winter weather sets in.
29 August 04
Earl Of Caithness Shows
Caithness Field Club Girnigoe Castle As Excavation Work Gets Going
Sinclair, Earl of Caithness showed members of Caithness Field Club
around Girnigoe Castle and in particular the places where
archaeologists have begun their work on a number of
excavations. Almost anywhere they look they have made
important discoveries. Even holes dug to prepare foundations
for scaffolding have uncovered walls and foundations of other
buildings. New towers, a barbican, a seat to wait on before
the castle doors were opened and much more are being
uncovered. Much more is anticipated in the next 12
months. The castle will remain closed to the public until at
least August 2005 when it is hoped to allow closer views of the work in
22 August 04
Malcolm Sinclair Earl Of
Caithness Cut The First Turf In Major Excavation And Restoration Works
Earl of Caithness, Malcolm Sinclair has cut the first turf a few days
ago in what will be extensive archaeology and restoration
works. A team from York university is now on site to begin
the work. the current phase of the work will cost £400,000
and is being funded through the world Monuments Fund, the Caithness
area of Highland Council, CASE, Historic Scotland and donors to the
clan Sinclair Trust. the castle is likely to become a major
tourist attraction and will be one of the few to have disabled access
built in to the castle when it eventually opens to the public once
9 April 04
Heritage Press, publishers of Caithness Castles,
are offering a prize draw with the winner getting a free signed copy of
this limited edition book together with a beautiful enlargement print
of the castle of your choice selected from those appearing in the book.
There are over 200 illustrations so plenty to choose from.The
draw will be held immediately prior to publication when the order
numbers will be placed in a receptacle and the first one drawn will win
a free copy of the book plus a superb A4 mounted print of the castle of
your choice. Nine further order numbers will be drawn for the runners
up who will receive a print each of the castle of their choice.
29 March 04
Caithness Castles and other fortified buildings
A history and guide to the strongholds and lairds houses of Caithness
by Michael J. Gunn
This book, the
culmination of more than forty years of research by the author,
recounts the histories and family connections of more than one hundred
Caithness strongholds. It documents the growth and development of all
types of fortified buildings in Caithness commencing with the Iron and
Bronze Age hill forts and brochs, through the Viking and Norse
strongholds, to the medieval castles and towers and the later lairds
18 August 03
Freswick Castle
Gunn provides some valuable insights into Freswick Castle down the
centuries. From the eleventh century right up to the present
day. The Castle has seen everything from its original viking
owners though the period of unrest in Scotland and England and has
appeared in many documents. Most of its secrets are lost but
the indications that remain point to its having been an important place
thoughout much of Caithness history. The present building is
still in use by the writer and film maker Murray Watts ensuring that
the castle continues to take its place in the Caithness landscape.
4 August 03
Lambaborg by Michael J Gunn
this article Michel Gunn sifts through the references to Lambaborg
including the Orkneyinga Saga and helps to clear up the confusion
surrounding where it was and mistaken places such as Bucholie and
Freswick which were other strongholds in the county at different or
perhaps the same time. "It achieved notoriety in the twelfth
century when it became one of the lairs of the famous Viking pirate
Svein Asleifarson (d.1171). Svein's main stronghold and long hall were
on the island of Gairsay in Orkney but he also had possessions at
Duncansby and Freswick in Caithness and in Sutherland".
22 July 03
Auld Wick by Michael J Gunn
With thanks to Michael Gunn for this detailed article on the Castle of
Old Wick.
31 March 2003
Dunrobin Castle Pictures
OK we know it is not in Caithness but it is a beautiful place and open
to the public. Well worth a visit and the main house is open
each year from 1 April.
23 October 2002
Keiss Castle
Here is a new section to clarify the fact that there are two Keiss
castles - the old one right on the beach and the later one that was
originally Keiss House but was remodelled a hundred years or so after
it was built. In 1860 David Bryce was employed to give the
house the castle look and many new additions were made to make it look
more like a castle.
20 October 2002
East Coast
A walk for Archaeology Week led by Geoff Leet of Caithness Field Club -
24 July 2002
Information On How The Castle
Reconstructions Are Made
These pages are being added in response to enquiries
about the authenticity of aspects of the castles in the final
reconstructions. Andrew Spratt has a wealth of knowledge and
has carried out extensive research on each of the
reconstructions. As it might be interesting and add another
dimension to the Castles section Andrew has agreed to provide some
further background information that we will add here from time to time
in order to help answer some of the questions being posed on aspects of
the reconstructions.
Safety Warning
must advise that although we are putting lots of information on about
the Caithness Castles it must be remembered that these are mainly ruins
and some of them are in spectacular settings. They can be
from many angles and in safety. But going near to one or two should
only be done with great caution as they often have no barriers or the
sea or cliffs. Certain ones are especially not recommended
young children to wander freely in as slopes often end on the cliffs
and can be treacherous. Ask for local advice or treat all
cautiously near edges. If in doubt keep well back from cliff
edges. Do not take dogs into the castle sites as they may
you to lose balance. Even older children should not be
allowed to
wander. The pictures are best from slightly back anyway.
Spratt retains copyright over any commercial reproductions of his work
but individuals are free to make copies for their own non-commercial
Bill Fernie, Robert Richmond, Andrew Spratt
Castle Links
Country Houses In Caithness