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Haimer Castle, Caithness
Map Ref: ND 142672

Haimer From The Air

From The Ordnance survey Object Place Name Book of 1872 -
There is some portions of this Castle still visible, the farmer in that part of the district is at present turning up part of its ruins, there is a stone built in the farm house which was taken out of the ruin dated 1726.  This is said to be the year that the Castle was built.  it formerly belonged to Lord Caithness.  situated in Haimer, on the property of Sir G Sinclair of Murkle.

The New Caithness Book edited by Donald Omand states -
Haimer Castle, no longer in existence, was built by alexander, 9th Ealr of Caithness (1705 - 1765) whose landed patrimony was Muekle.  It is said that he moved his place of residence to a more inland site as the nororious pirate Gow, whom he had offended, had bombarded his house there.  Haimer proved only just out of range of Gow's guns for it is said that a cannon ball landed at Broynach nearby.  A square tower consisting of some eight rooms, the castle was abandoned after its builder's death.