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LIDL Latest Supermarket For Wick

After considerable ifs ands or buts the latest supermarket got underway. will follow its progress in pictures over coming months until its opening on Thursday 20 March 2003

20 March 03
19 March 2003
13 March 2003
8 March 2003
12 February 2003
28 January 2003
17 December 2002

5 December 2002
3 December 2002
28 November 2002
19 November 2002
28 October 2002
23 October 2002

20 March 03
Opening Day Brings Crowds To New Wick Store

19 March 03
Last Day Before opening Thursday 20 March 2003
Lots of last minute jobs on the go.  Planting, sweeping and piling up those shelves -


14 March 03
New Store to open on Thursday 20 March 2003.
Wick and the east of Caithness will suddenly find itself with three supermarkets with the opening of Lidl's newest store.   After many years of grocery domination by the Coop and Safeways (formerly Presto's) there will now be three big stores.  Many folk already know what to expect from their visits to Lidl's in Thurso.    The site is a scene of frenetic activity as the days tick by.  Roads, pavements, electrics, phones and many other jobs are in the final stages.

5 February 2003
Lidl Advertsing For Staff At Wick and Thurso
The new supermarket chain due to open soon on the outskirts of Wick is offering very competitive rates of pay by advertising up to �7 an hour for its stores in the county.   It remains to be seen if there will be a quick change around in staff in other shops offering much lower rates.  With J D Wetherspoons looking to employ up to 35 staff in their new pub/restaurant some employers may need to look soon at their wage rates if they are to retain experienced staff.  Tel 08704441234 for an application form.

28 January 2003 - Roof on and walls going up fast
17 December 2002 -
Steel Framework gives good idea of size of building.
5 December 2002
Definitely going up fast
4 December 2002
Steel work is now under construction and the project seems to be moving quickly
28 November 2002
Work seems to be progressing rapidly despite recent wet weather.  Foundations and drainage seem to the main areas.  And today the first of the main framework began to arrive on site.  By 3.30pm floodlights were on for work to continue as it is getting dark
19 November 2002
Lidl Development Forging ahead despite recent heavy rains