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Map of Berriedale Area      Morven & Maiden Pap  Langwell  A-Z of Caithness Places

The village sits in a very sheltered place for this area.  The Berriedale and Langwell waters meet at the end of a wooded valley where often deer can be seen.  The village itself has one street.  Old fishing houses line the shore.  The beach is stony but sheltered by an outcrop of rock with the ruined medieval castle nearby.  Two towers were built to assist ships at sea and are known as The Duke�s Candlesticks � after the Duke of Portland.

13 June 09
The Landmark Trust Launches Major Fund-Raising Campaign To Save Berriedale Cottages
The Landmark Trust is a building preservation trust established to rescue historic and architecturally interesting buildings and their surroundings from neglect.  The trust is charity and raises funds through donations.  they then rent out the buildings they restore as holiday homes to help pay for future upkeep.  In 40 years The Landmark Trust has rescued more than 200 buildings in the UK.  The trust have set an ambitious target of �600,000 for the restoration of the Berriedale cottages but have already got �88,000 in the fund.  Anyone can donate to the project by several different means.  The Shore Cottages project at Berriedale is bound to be of interest to anyone interested in Caithness Heritage.  The cottages are part of the fishing history of the county and a short film can be seen on the Landmark Trust web site. The cottages were brought to the attention of the Landmark Trust by retired history teacher David Brennan a native of Caithness and they quote part of his letter to them in one of their brochures now being distributed.  David said, "The Shore Cottages at Berriedale have formed a backdrop to so many happy memories over the years. I was devastated to see how derelict they had become. Can you save them?"
Caithness is very lucky to have been selected by such a prestigious organisation as the Landmark Trust and in years to come  will surely help put Berriedale on the map for visitors to Caithness.

Berriedale October 2003

Berriedale August 2003

Passing Berriedale
April 2002

Berriedale Church

Berriedale Beach Etc

 War Memorial

Wellbeck Estates  

Bridge Over Berriedale Water

Waterfall Berriedale Water

15 Views of Berriedale

Into Berriedale
12 April 2002

Berriedale 1932

Berriedale 1910


Village Hall

Map of Area

Accommodation Guide

Community Council