Action To Help Households Through Recession Swift action by the Scottish Government is helping households and
house builders weather the economic recession, MSPs were told today.
Housing Minister Alex Neil highlighted measures, backed by record
investment, that are increasing the supply of good quality, energy
efficient homes that people can afford. The Minister detailed steps taken
to assist the housing sector and families facing financial hardship and an
uncertain future as a result of the economic downturn.......
NHS Highland Statement On Swine Flu Of the 24 new suspected cases announced today, only one is
resident in Highland. Their clinical condition is not giving any
cause for concern. They are being treated at home and their
condition is being monitored daily. Samples have been taken and the
results are awaited. We are monitoring the situation in relation to
swine flu very closely and are liaising with colleagues in partner
organisations. We are in close contact with the Scottish Government
and Health Protection Scotland. Our pandemic influenza plan is in
place and we are ready to take any action that is required....... List of Swine Flu Cases - Guardian Blog Disease
Outbreak News - World Health Organisation
Scottish Government - Health & Community Care Web Site.......Swine
Flu Pages
Speeding Up The Planning System A new online system to enable people in all parts of Scotland to
apply for developments, appeal against decisions and track progress
of proposals has been launched. Finance Secretary John Swinney said
that the �11.2 million ePlanning initiative will make Scotland's
planning system simpler, faster and more accessible, providing a
consistent level of service throughout the country. It is
anticipated that ePlanning will save planning authorities �16.7
million over 10 years, and save users, including developers, a
further �43.8 million. ePlanning web site
Tales of
the Sea - FREE Storytelling Sessions with
Andrew MacKintosh & Bob Pegg at Caithness Horizons
Saturday 2nd May at 7pm & Sunday 3rd May at 12.30pm &
Dunbeath Heritage Centre, Salmon Bothy, Dunbeath Harbour
Saturday 2nd May at 2pm & Sunday 3rd May at 2.30pm
Moonwatch Week Report
"The north of Scotland recently joined the rest of the country
celebrating the first MoonWatch week of the
International Year of Astronomy Caithness Astronomy Group
held 3 MoonWatch events on consecutive nights at 3 different venues
across the north of Scotland. Good weather each night allowed people
attending the events to enjoy spectacular telescopic views of the
Moon and Saturn. Those that came along also got the chance to see
and hold Moon rock brought back by the Apollo missions and meteorite
samples from the Natural History Museum one of which was thought to
have originated from Mars and another thought to be older than the
Earth itself. Other content included talks on astronomical topics
and a variety of hands-on activities for all ages. The next
scheduled event is an astronomy fun day on
Saturday 13th June There will be a range of talks and
activities on the day including the opportunity for attendees to
safely view the sun through a solar telescope (weather permitting)
courtesy of stargazer Bill Leslie from Moray Astronomical Society &
Highland Astronomical Society.
North Highlands Premier Brand Hosted Premier London Chefs Organised
and hosted by Mey Selections, and with the support of Highlands and
Islands Enterprise, a group of ten top London chefs have, over the past
few days, experienced for themselves just what it is about the North
Highlands that produces award winning food and drink. Philip Corrick,
Head Chef of the Royal Automobile Club, commented, "I am certain I speak
for the rest of the group when I say that the North Highlands is unique
in the UK in being able to deliver time after time, such a variety of
quality produce - be it beef, lamb, mutton, seafood, cheese or bakery
products, and much more."
Close-up PhotoMey Selections Web Site
28 April 2009
Four arrests over restaurant fire - BBC
Four men appeared in Wick Sherfif Court following a fire at the Taj
Mahal Restaurant in Castletown last week.
Thanks From A Wick Cat Owner
Murray Banks would like to thank the person who took his cat to the vet
on Friday. Also for the kind message which was passed on to me. He was
indeed a beloved pet.
Caithness County Snooker Singles Open
Starts: 10:00 Ends: 22:30
Anyone wishing to take part in this year's County Snooker Championships
please contact Derek on 0790 77 55 777. No later than Friday 1st of May
8pm. Draw to be made in the R.B.L @ 9pm
Location: Royal British Legion Thurso Price: �5 E-Mail:
Duncraig Educational Trust Open For Applications - Closing Date 12
June Application Form Online The Duncraig Educational Trust Scheme offers scholarships, grants
and assistance for young Highland people who have a particular, unique
or exceptional talent. The funds are almost exclusively for pupils and
former pupils of secondary schools in the Highland Council area. For
young people between ages of 16 and 25 (see the web site for full
details). Approximately �25,000 is available each year for the
following specific purposes:-
To help with the cost of attending a specialist
course of study in arts, language and heritage, science and
To help with the cost of purchasing equipment to follow a
specialist course of study in arts, language and heritage,
science and environment
To help with the cost of participating in sporting events at
national or international level
To help with the costs of specialist sport
Nature Photo Contest To Show Off The Vibrant Colours Of Caithness The
third annual Scottish Natural Heritage-run nature photography
competition is underway with a request for people to showcase the
amazing colours of nature in Caithness and throughout Scotland. This
free contest celebrates Scottish Biodiversity Week which runs from 16-24
May 2009 and aims to show in vivid ways how biodiversity surrounds us.
Biodiversity is the variety of life from the earthworm to the gracious
golden eagle, the smallest blade of grass to the tallest tree. The first
prize is a day with professional photographer, Peter J. Clarke; the
second is a trip with Seaprobe Atlantis on Scotland's only
semi-submersible glass bottom boat on the Kyle of Lochalsh; and the
third prize is the National Geographic book, Visions of Paradise.....
Get inspiration at
Caithness Biodiversity Photo Collection
Caithness Biodiversity Group is a collection of people who work with or
care about our countryside.
Members include the Highland Council countryside rangers,
representatives from:- Scottish Natural Heritage, R.S.P.B., Forestry
Commission Scotland, The Environmental Research Institute, and the
Scottish Environment Protection Agency...........For more information
Click HERE Biodiversity week 16th - 24th May 2009
very rare Great Yellow Bumblebee has been seen along the coast of
Caithness and this year we want to learn more about this bee and we need
your help!
We need volunteers who can spend a few days in June, July , and August
looking for and identifying bumblebees along the coast from Reay to
Dunnet head. If you are interested in helping with this important
project, there will be two training days. The first day is May 2nd when
Tony Bradford has agreed to lead a basic session . The second day is
Sunday May 17th at the start of Biodiversity week when Bob Dawson from
the Bumblebee Conservation Trust will lead a training walk for
volunteers......more and
contact details
Climate Change Group Taking On The Oil Companies With Own Spoof Ad From
Avaaz is an independent, not-for-profit global campaigning
organization that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's
people inform global decision-making. (Avaaz means "voice" in many
languages.) Avaaz receives no money from governments or corporations, and
is staffed by a global team based in Ottawa, London, Rio de Janeiro, New
York, Buenos Aires, and Geneva.
Does Anyone Have Information About Mountain Indicators In Caithness?
We have been contacted by a researcher asking for information about
viewpoints at -
1. Warth Hill lookout point (grid reference ND 372 702) a few miles south
of John O'Groats on the A99.
2. Duncansby Head (ND 404 734).
3. Viewpoint near the meeting house at Halsary on the A9 (ND 173 405)
4. Viewpoint near the beach at Thurso (ND 114 689)
Highland Population Rising Due Mainly To Inward Migration
The General Register Office for Scotland (GROS) has today published their
mid year estimates for 2008. They show that the population of Highland
rose from 217,440 in 2007 to 219,400 in 2008, an increase of 1,960 or
0.9%. There was a slight rise in the birth rate over the death rate giving
a change of +36 but the main reason for the increase was high levels of
inward migration since 2002. The population increase is mainly the result
of continuing high levels of inward migration to Highland since 2002, and
the net inflow was +1,924 people. This was the fifth successive year in
which inward migration was around 2,000 people......The figures show that
inward migration to Highland remained strong during the early part of the
recession. However, the volume of house sales is a good barometer of
migration and the number of sales per month fell from 300 to 400 per month
during the first part of 2008 to under 200 per month during the first two
months of 2009. This compares with a peak of 500 per month during much of
2007. It is likely that the high rate of net inward migration will not
continue in the short term......
Chamber Of Commerce Means Business Networking Lunches - Open To Members and Non-Members Small Business Finance Seminar Led By John Thurso MP Friday 8th May - The Weigh Inn, Thurso at 1pm - buffet lunch
The Chamber is hosting a Small Business Finance Seminar led by John Thurso
MP. The event will give businesses vital information on what is available
and where to source it. Presentations by banks, business support
organisations, ministers. For more information and booking form download
More Details (Pdf) Keeping One Step Ahead In the Recession Tuesday 12th May - Station Hotel, Thurso 12.00 - 12.00pm
Come & hear how to keep one step ahead in the recession with practical
help & advice from leading professionals Eric Baijal from Drever & Heddle,
Stuart Walker from Reid & Fraser and John Cormack from Victor T Fraser on
& TAX.
More Details(Pdf) Harbour Regeneration
Wednesday 27th May - Mackays Hotel, Wick 12 - 2pm Chamber networking
lunch with presentations on `Harbour Regeneration`. Speaker - Celia
Mackenzie, Chief Executive of Whitehaven Harbour Commissioners in Cumbria.
Come along & hear how a Cumbrian harbour has successfully embarked on a
regeneration programme and made the harbour the focal point of the town.
More Details (Pdf)
To End Right To Buy Houses In Scotland Moves to end the Right to Buy for new build social housing in Scotland
were formally published today. The reforms, part of the consultation on
the Draft Housing (Scotland) Bill, are aimed at safeguarding social rented
housing for future generations. It is estimated that between 2012 and 2022
these reforms will retain between 10,000 and 18,000 homes for low cost
rent that would otherwise be lost through Right to Buy sales.
The consultation also seeks views on other possible Right to Buy reforms,
* ending the Right to Buy for new tenants in all social housing property;
* devolving and extending the pressured-area designation process, which
can suspend Right to Buy in certain areas
* revising guidance to encourage landlords to give ex-service personnel
the opportunity to count the time they spend in armed forces tenancies
towards their Right to Buy qualifying period
Former Olympic Rhythmic Gymnastics Coach In Caithness Caithness Gymnastics Club�s Rhythmic Gymnastics Section has 4 new
Assistant Coaches! Gemma Wares, Sine Hamilton, Hanna Lalmahamode and Julie
Simpson all undertook and passed the 1.5 hour practical exam in Thurso
High School on Saturday morning. All 4 attended a coaching course in West
Lothian last year which was funded jointly by the club and a Caithness
Sports Council Grant. Club gymnasts Ailidh Mackie, Hollie Mackintosh,
Catriona McMillan, Laura Davidson, Chloe Sinclair and Alisha Lalmahamode
were all put through their paces by the prospective assistant coaches.
They were examined by Marion Sands -Scottish Gymnastics Rhythmic
Gymnastics Technical Director, Examiner/Tutor for British Gymnastics,
Coach to the 2004 British National Olympic Rhythmic Gymnastics Team and
also coached the 1990 and 2006 British Commonwealth Games Rhythmic
Gymnastics Teams.
Best Bike Video Ever From Edinburgh
This video went on YouTube on 19 April and is getting massive hits and if
you take look you will see what can be done on a bike - with lots of is pretty good too. Danny Macaskill has several other
videos showing his superb cycling skills. Email and forums
(including the one on are spreading his fame....
Congratulations To Keith Dunnet and Maricel Calvo On Their First
Wedding Anniversary Congratulations
to Keith Dunnet and his wife Maricel on their first wedding anniversary.
The couple were married on 26 April 2008. Keith Dunnet is originally from
Keiss and now lives in Argentina. Keith married Maricel Noemi Calvo
in her home town of Rosario in Argentina.
Orbital Welder For Dounreay Tested In New Facility At Bower Dropping
a large three metre stainless steel container from a great height might
seem like a bizarre concept, but it's all in a days work for the PFR
project team. Storage of the spent fuel from the former fast reactor needs
to be safeguarded from all potentially hazardous conditions. In order to
prove the robustness of the 100kg container a replica model was subjected
to a computerised simulated drop followed by an actual six and a half
metre drop in the new NES Engineering Ltd off-site test facility at Bower
in Caithness.
Budget Comment From Caithness Chamber Of Commerce Commenting on the Chancellor's Budget statement, Trudy Morris Chief
Executive of Caithness Chamber of Commerce, said: "Businesses had a need
to see some positive news out of the Budget and we are fairly encouraged
by some of the measures announced. The Chancellor appears to have taken
notice of some of the recommendations put forward by both the British and
Scottish Chambers of Commerce. We do however remain cautious on some of
the detail where the Chancellor was not very specific. We particularly
welcome the Chancellor's commitment to developing the renewables industry
which is a key industry for Caithness and announcement that he will
provide new incentives for the development of smaller North Sea oil
fields, helping to boost production and maximise the lifespan of our oil
and gas reserves. Budget Analysis
Four Men Arrested in Connection With Taj Mahal Restaurant Fire In
Following extensive police investigations, a number of addresses have been
searched in the Wick and Thurso areas in connection with the fire at the
Taj Mahal in Castletown near Thurso in Caithness on 22nd April 2009. Four
men aged 17, 19, 21 and 35 have been arrested and will be appearing from
custody at Wick Sheriff Court on Monday 27 April. Detective Inspector Mark
Mackay who is leading the investigation into the cause of the fire said:
Enquiries are continuing into the circumstances surrounding the fire, but
early indications are that this is not in any way a racially motivated
incident." - Northern Constabulary
New Age Dawns For Wick As Harbour Marina Construction Begins
Wick Harbour entered a new era this week as the construction of the new
marina began. Since it was first announced Wick harbour has received
many enquiries for the berths that will be available in the new facility.
The aim is to complete construction in time for the
Wick Harbourfest 26th - 28th June. For details and
applications forms for berths at the marina go HERE Montage Of the
New Wick Marina A
�576,000 funding package (loan and grant) was secured to install a marina
development in the town's harbour. The deal required complex
negotiations between the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), and
Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) which is providing the vital
funding conduit. The Crown Estate has provided around half the total sum
to the project's applicants, Wick Harbour Authority. Wick harbour is the
largest harbour on the east coast of Caithness and in the face of
declining fish landings, the Harbour Authority has a vision to rejuvenate
its fortunes with a diverse portfolio of activities for its long-term
future. Research has shown that the town will benefit from the increasing
numbers of visiting yachts - particularly in light of the 40% increase in
trade recorded since the opening of 12 seasonal pontoons at Wick last
year. Willie Watt, chairman of Wick Harbour Authority said: "This
project is a major step forward in diversifying activities in the harbour
and provides an important new income stream. We are very confident that we
can build on our Phase I pontoon development success and attract a wide
range of vessels to the town. The pontoons which will provide year round
berthing offers 50 serviced and 20 non-serviced berths. Additionally our
plan includes secure over-winter storage and provision of maintenance
services for yachts which will bring in additional revenues.
Safety Record Earns Charity Windfall Dounreay's
industrial safety record during the last 12 months earned a �22,500
windfall for good causes locally. Every month the site goes without a
lost-time accident earns a �2500 pay-out from UKAEA Ltd, parent company of
Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd. Each month represents more than 300,000
man-hours of work. The site recorded a total of nine accident-free months
during the last financial year, resulting in a payment of �22,500. The
money is donated to the Dounreay Communities Fund, which supports
charitable groups in Caithness and north Sutherland. The Nuclear
Decommissioning Authority gives �20,000 to the fund. Profits from a book
published to mark the site's 50th anniversary are also donated.Dounreay Communities Fund Information
Want Some Easy
and Relaxed Walks? Are
you not as active as you would like to be?
If you would like to become more active why not come on our taster walk.
We plan to organise regular walks in the future.
Publication of New Radon Maps for Scotland The Highland Council has promised to work with the UK Health
Protection Agency (HPA) and NHS Highland to develop a programme of action
to help Highland residents, whose homes have been identified as having
high levels of the naturally occurring radioactive gas, radon. The move
follows the publication by the Scottish Parliament of new radon maps for
Scotland produced by the HPA. Highland is one of 16 local authorities in
Scotland which has areas with a presence of radon exceeding the level
which requires action to remedy the problem. Helmsdale is identified as a
location requiring specific action to reduce the presence of radon gas
while settlements near Invergarry and between Tomatin and Aviemore also
feature on the new map. In an earlier survey in 1993, Helmsdale was
identified as a radon affected area.
Full Report and Maps
Liberal Democrat Wins Inverness West By-Election The by-election for a councillor to serve the Inverness West Ward (No
14) on The Highland Council has been won by Mr Alasdair Christie, Liberal
Democrat Focus Team. Mr Christie was one of six candidates, who contested
the vacancy, created by the death of Jimmy MacDonald (Independent).
No independent candidates stood in the election.
21 April 2009
Thurso Library To Close For One Week From Monday 11th May
Thurso library will be closed for 1 week from Monday 11th May to allow the
final Disability Discrimination Act work to be completed. The Highland
council has a rolling programme of works for its buildings to gradually
bring them up to the standards required regarding accessability.
Council Awards Contract for the Mall Footbridge, Thurso The Highland Council has awarded a contract for construction of a new
footbridge which forms an important pedestrian link over the River Thurso,
at Thurso Cemetery. The new bridge will replace the structure which was
destroyed by river flood flow, in the storms of October 2006, and will
re-establish the river crossing which is part of a popular local walking
route. Design of the new structure has been by consulting engineer Arch
Henderson LLP and the contract for its construction has been awarded to
McGregor Construction (Highlands) Ltd. The steel superstructure of the new
bridge will be fabricated and galvanized off site, for erection on
completion of abutment supports on either bank of the river....Valued at
�250,000, the bridge will have a single span of over 36 metres..... The Bridge Washed Away In October 2006
Souled Out Comes to Wick Christian band Souled Out began running events at the Aberdeen
Exhibition and Conference Centre in 2004, bringing the church in
Aberdeenshire and beyond together to worship. Since then thousands of
people, of all ages and backgrounds, have joined them on the Souled Out
journey. The bands music has also made it into hundreds of homes and cars
through the Souled Out CD ministry. Having already released three CD
recordings of earlier events, in 2006 Souled Out launched the Doxano Music
Label, releasing its first official album, Glorify Thy Name. Samples of
the bands music can be found at
Council Acts Swiftly to Replace Postbus Withdrawals The Highland Council has put in place interim arrangements in five
Highland communities to replace postbus services withdrawn by Royal Mail
on Thursday. These arrangements will continue until the Council has met
with local communities to identify sustainable long term arrangements. The
Council is disappointed that its representations to Royal Mail and the UK
Government to continue the postbus services have been unsuccessful. The
services withdrawn by Royal Mail are:-Thurso - Tongue; Bettyhill - Thurso;
Diabaig - Achnasheen; Applecross - Torridon and Shieldaig - Strathcarron.
Convener Sandy Park said: "I am very disappointed that Royal Mail have
confirmed their withdrawal from the five routes. However, transport
officers within TEC Services have moved promptly to put in place
short-term replacement services in these rural communities. We will
closely monitor the effectiveness of these interim arrangements before
consulting with local communities about a sustainable way forward."
Ormlie Youngsters Raise Funds For Marie Curie Young
people aged between 7- 12 years who are all members of Ormlie Community
Associations CPP groups (Community Partners Programme), recently took part
in Marie Curies �Mini Pots of Care� fundraising scheme. This was a fun and
creative way for children to find out how daffodils grow while helping
people affected by cancer in their local community. Each participant
looked after a daffodil bulb and also designed a pot wrapper, the winning
design from the CPP groups has now been entered into a nationwide art
competition which will be judged later this month. The young people
featured in the photograph raised the sum of �74 between them which was a
tremendous effort and OCA are very proud of their achievement. To find out
more about the CPP groups contact Sue on 01847 891789 or e-mail
Difficulties in finding a new head teacher for the cluster schools of
Melvich and Farr have led to the Melvich parents and children to create
their own advert to try and get suitable candidates to apply to Highland
Council for the job in the far north of Sutherland.
Melvich PrimaryFarr Primary
Dunnet Head Heath Fire Burns for Days and Destroys Large Area
Local people and visitors to the area joined in to help firemen from John
O'Groats, Thurso and Lybster deal with a huge heath fire that continued to
burn over several days and nights. The damage to the heath is very
widespread and there are concerns that much wildlife may have perished.
Police in Caithness are continuing enquiries as to the possible cause of
the fire.
Aprils Drama Week - North Highland Connections
Djupid (The Deep) based on a true event. - Written by Jon Atli Jonasson
Translated and directed by Graeme Maley - Starring by Liam Brennan.
Venues: Monday 20 April, Ross Institute, Halkirk - Tuesday 21 April,
Village Hall, Skerray.
Wednesday 22 April, Village Hall, Durness. - Thursday 23 April, Village
Hall, Rosehall.
15 April 2009
Motocross 2009 - Round One A
wet and miserable start to Caithness Motocross Round One at Ravenshill on
Sunday the 5th of April. An excellent turn out with some adults travelling
from the south. The event was kindly sponsored by Carol and Michael
MacDonald, Halkirk, allowing the winners from each category to take home
some well earned silverware............
Photos - 1.
Jake Anderson and Mark Sutherland
Troy Anderson and Liam Mackay.
Call For Entrepreneurs To Enter Britain's Biggest Start-up Awards With
just over a week to go until close of entries, HSBC Bank is making a last
call to all new companies to enter this year's Start-Up Stars Awards - an
annual search for the UK's most promising start-up businesses less than
three years old and the inspirational entrepreneurs behind them. The HSBC
Start-Up Stars Awards culminates with a glittering black-tie event at
London's InterContinental on November 23, where the UK's top new
businesses will hope to be crowned 'Start-Up Star 2009' and to walk away
with a cheque for �25,000, courtesy of HSBC........There will also be
�10,000 cheques for the best new Green business putting the environment at
the top of its agenda, the best new business set up by a Graduate, and the
best new business achieving Export Success.....Start-Up Stars supporter,
Google, will be offering more than �40,000 worth of free services, to be
split between the 10 National Finalists and each of the category Winners.
And every entrant will also receive a Google voucher worth �75.........
Liquid Metal Fire Tenders Phased Out At Dounreay The
destruction of the liquid metal coolant in Dounreay's experimental fast
reactors means that the site can say farewell to two of its firefighters,
the graphex tenders. Specially built for Dounreay, the two graphex tenders
are the only ones in the world. They were designed to fight large scale
metal fires, and each vehicle carried one tonne of graphex powder - a
graphite-based fire fighting agent - which would be sprayed onto the fire.
The tenders arrived on site in 1984, and have now reached the end of their
operational life. Dounreay's fire chief, Kenny Porteous, comments that the
tenders have never been required to put out a metal fire.
Scallywags Nursery Easter Bunnies Had a Great Day Easter
bunnies l to r Fearne Macarthy, Beth Mackenzie, Sophie Jack and Erin
Bonnieface. The Easter Fete at Scallywags Nursery had a great turnout at
the new Mey Hall
and raised �615.90. Thanks to everyone who turned out. Great feedback from
folk and the kids especially enjoyed the craft table.
The new Mey Hall
was only recently completed after nearly 10 years of fund- raising and a
dance was held to celebrate.
Scallywags Nursery
13 April 2009
Everything is moving towards making Wick Harbourfest a great event. Any
day now the new Marina will begin to be built within the main Wick Harbour
area to be ready in time for the event. There is still time to get
nominations in for the new Herring Queen. Stallholders
need to apply in plenty of time
There will be plenty going on in Wick for three days as part of
Harbourfest Homecoming 09
See the return of the heritage herring fleet under full sail
� Celebrate the Crowning of the Herring Queen and her Court
� Join the Royal procession around the harbour
� HarbourFest and RNLI Wick Lifeboat Day
� A day long celebration of our maritime heritage
� The New Wick Marina opens
� Displays of local school pupil heritage projects and artwork
� Heritage boats open to visitors
� Herring industry displays � barrel-making, blacksmithing, net making and
� Film shows of former Herring Queen ceremonies of fifty years ago
� Market stalls - local produce, handicrafts, art and crafts
� Vintage vehicles display
� Braehead Children's Funfair
� Evening licensed HarbourFest Ceilidh
� Wick Pipe Band & traditional busking
� HarbourFest Raffle - special HomeComing prizes
'Operation Easter'
Crackdown On Wildlife Crime In Caithness
Operation Easter is an annual UK wide operation run by all Police forces
and the RSPB targeting persons who commit offences against wild birds by
disturbing their nests and stealing their eggs. The operation runs from
Easter until the end of the nesting season. The county of Caithness
has a number of rare bird species which nests here, which are of
importance both nationally and internationally in terms of their rarity.
The RSPB has reserves in the county at Dunnet Head, Broubster Means and
Forsinard which straddles the Sutherland / Caithness county line. The RSPB
warden, Dave Jones stated: �The RSPB in Caithness with it�s two reserves
fully support Operation Easter and ask the public to keep their eyes open
during this important time for breeding wild birds.�
Wrestling In Wick
Wrestling hit Wick a couple of weeks ago in the shape of
Time Wrestling UK. Local Sports photographer James Gunn was
allowed a ring side seat to take photos and he got some great shots
as seemn here. Head over to
for even more. The stars of the night were SKY TV's Gladiator
Goliath and "The Highlander" Drew MacDonald. Others included;
British Champion Robbie Dynamite, The Metal Mask (from Mexico), Chad
"Cry Baby" Collier, "Chippendale" Mikey Whiplash (World champion),
BT Gunn (announced as born in Wick!) and the Nasty Boys from USA.
Wick Pipe Band Easter Parade
Wick Pipe Band was today joined by the Elise Lyall Highland Dancers
for their first parade of the year in the Market Square, Wick.
Caithness Country Music Festival 2009 Looks To Be Best Yet
Northern Nashville Caithness Country Music Club looked to be well on
the way to brining off the best Caithness Country Music Festival so
far. On Friday night 750 people enjoyed a non-stop flow of
music. Tonight (Saturday 11 April) has been sold out and 900
people will be arriving to pack the Halkirk Riding Centre unless
that is they have been there already for the afternoon concert.
Country Music fans have arrived in the county from all over the UK.
The music continues on Sunday. Last night the music was
provided by Nickels & Dimes, Tony Kerr, Robert Mizzell and Heather
Myles and her band all the way from USA.
The full programme shows the range of talent in this
years festival. If you want to check if there are any tickets
left of the Sunday concerts
10 April 2009
New North Equestrian Business Defies Economic Downturn - Opens
Saturday 2.00pm Tamara
and Charlie Inness are opening a newly built country clothing and
equestrian shop adjoining their home at Borlum Farm, Reay in
Caithness. The new business "Calluna Country and Equestrian" opens
with a head start having taken over "Bits n Bobs" from Jean Gunn of
Sibster. "Calluna Country and Equestrian" is based in a new purpose
built country store and will open On Easter Saturday 11 April from
2.00pm - 8.00pm. There will be a SPECIAL 10% discount on
Opening Day Saturday 11th April.
9 April 2009
Country Music Festival Starts On Friday 10th April - Sat Night
Tickets Sold Out
The Caithness Country Music Festival starts tomorrow and looks like
being the best yet with some big country music stars jetting in for
the weekend. The Festival runs from 10 - 12 April and various
types of tickets are on offer.
Do You Need Help In The Credit Crunch? If things are getting tight financially it pays to make sure you
are getting all the help that you are entitled to from the state or
local council. Highland Council web site has a page
Benefits, Grants and Allowances covering a wide range of
topics from Free School meals to travel for carers. The
Scottish Government has set up web pages
Help Through The Downturn divided in two sections.
Help for you covers help with home costs, help with
money problems, help with jobs and skills while the other section Help for businesscovers Credit and finances,
Managing your business and Investing in the future.
The Business
Gateway network recently transferred from HIE to councils
and Highland Council now runs this service locally. Advice on
the services of the Business Gateway can be obtained at the
Wick Enterprise Centre which ispoart of
Highland Opportunity Money Advice and Debt Councelling are available from
Highland Council and
Citizens AdviceFree of charge. Check with
them before signing up to any refinancing deals on offer - there may
be better ways of getting out of a tight situation. Highland Council's Draft Action Plan (Pdf) was agreed in
December 2008. Actions are ongoing and are at various stages
of implementation from those already in place to others undergoing
research and looking at costs to implement. In some cases
expenditure has been brought forward and simple action such as
paying invoices earlier to assist local businesses have already been
put into action.
Calling Sports Groups - Are You Aware Of 2014 Communities
Grants? 2014 COMMUNITIES
The 2014 Communities fund has been established in the lead up to
Glasgow hosting the Commonwealth Games. This provides small grants
to encourage grassroots involvement in sport and physical activity.
Grants of between �300 and �1k are available for sports clubs,
voluntary and community organisations, community councils and
schools. This is proving to be a very popular scheme so it is best
to your application in quickly if you would like to apply. More
information from: or 0870 240
2391. Calling Other Voluntary Groups and Charities - Just Added 20 New
Funding Sources To Look At Click HERELots of money on offer for those
groups willing to get the forms filled in. Do you feel lucky?
It is not luck but hard work completing the forms with the right
wording and ensuring that you can carry out a project but there are
some quite sizeable sums on offer for the right projects amongst the
funding sources suggested today.
7 April 2009
Easter Egg Hunt Dunnet - Cancelled We have been notified that the Easter Egg Hunt at Dunnet Forest
organised by Scallywags Nursery on 13 April has been cancelled.
Everyone Welcome
At Easter Fun Day - Friday 10th April - Forsinain Trail Opens
Locals and visitors are guaranteed a good time at a free Easter fun
day at Forsinain hosted by SNH, RSPB Scotland and Forestry
Commission Scotland run under the Peatlands Partnership. The event
starts at 10.30am sharp on Good Friday (10 April 2009) with the
official opening of the Forsinain Trail, a four mile self-guided
walk, by local Liberal Democrat MSP Jamie Stone. The RSPB and FCS
are offering a guided walk on the day at 10.45am to which everyone
is welcome. A reasonable level of fitness, strong footwear and
suitable outdoor clothing are required. The trail starts at the
Forsinain car park on the B897 road and continues through The Flows
National Nature Reserve, part of the RSPB Forsinard Nature Reserve,
Forsinain Forest and the River Halladale.
Get Fit Get Active Get High Life All-inclusive
access to all facilities: for just �21.60 family or �15.40
individual monthly direct debit (with the reduction in VAT). Budget access to all facilities: for just 50p per
activity if your household is on: Income Support, Pension Guarantee
Credit, Job Seekers Allowance (income based), or individuals on
Disability Living Allowance or Attendance Allowance. Pay-as-you-go: It is no problem to turn up and pay at
reception for any activity in the usual way. Don't forget that if you
are under 18, or in full time education, or over 60, you get half price
access. Thurso Pool and
Wick Pool like many other Highland council swimming pools
also have modern fitness suites and a range of other facilities. Once
you have your High Life card you can go as often as you like every week
- great value - the more you go the cheaper it is. And you can use
Inverness Leisure facilities or the privately owned
Highland Aviemore Macdonald Centre who recently joined the
High Life scheme or any of the pools around Highland using the same
Complete a form and take it to your local centre (Pdf)
To Celebrate 40 Years - A Bigger Vintage
Vehicle Rally for 2009 At John O'Groats Saturday
13th For The Rally From Tain
Sunday 14th June 2009 At John O'Groats The Caithness and Sutherland Vintage Vehicles Club is celebrating
their 40th anniversary this year with an even bigger vintage vehicle
rally and display. the annual vintage vehicle rally will be longer
starting at the Glenmorangie Distillery in Tain starting the day before
the big event at John O'Groats. Vehicle owners have options to
choose on what part of the rally they join or take part in the whole
weekend which has a ceilidh on Saturday evening. The public may
see the vehicles as they travel through Sutherland and Caithness but the
best place will be at John O'Groats on Sunday 14th June.
Entries for cars and passengers should be in by 5th June but the
sooner the better to assist the organisers. There are
opportunities for Stallholders to set up at the event and applications
should be sent in soon to be sure of getting a stance. Previous
events at John O'Groats have proved popular but this years 40th
anniversary is on a much larger scale so there will be more to see than
ever. A special programme will be available on the day and there
are advertising opportunities with great rates but applications
should be in by 30th April.
5 April 2009
Caithness Model Club 2009 Exhibition
Another successful model exhibition was held by Caithness Model Club at
the Norseman Hotel, wick on Saturday and Sunday.
Drop In Centre Nothing
to do on a Friday night in Thurso? If you are aged between 14 and
18 why not try the Drop-in Centre at Ormlie to se what is on offer.
4 April 2009
Volunteering Highland - Caithness - Spring Newsletter (Pdf) If
you have some spare time and want to help any number of organisations
then you will probably find something of interest if you contact the
Caithness Volunteer Centre at Telford Street, Wick.
Muscle Helps Dounreay Clean-up Another
legacy of Dounreay's commercial venture into nuclear reprocessing has been
safely cleaned up and taken apart. A household proprietry cleaner "Mr
Muscle" was found to be the most effective way of removing glue and fake
snow use in the clean-up process. The pulsed column laboratory was part of
Dounreay's attempt to create a commercial future in specialised nuclear
services. It was built in the early 1980s to carry out realistic testing
of commercial size pulsed columns with plutonium solutions. The pulsed
column rig, constructed inside a four-storey glove-box, was a towering
array of slim glass tubes up to 10m high. The six columns were constructed
from borosilicate glass sections, each 2m long, and weighing approximately
Next Deadline
For Highland 2007 Legacy Applications
The revised guidelines and application form for the Highland 2007 Legacy
Programme are now available on the home page of
Please note that the name of the programme has been changed to the
Highland Culture Programme.
The next deadline for the fund will be August 7th 2009.
Please contact Area Cultural Officers in advance of submitting your
application forms.
Sunbeam Crafts Closing Down Sale
After many years supplying local items for local craft people Sunbeam
Crafts at Castletown is closing down.
Everything is being sold off and there are bargains on offer. The business
website will go off line on 17th April
If locals phone with an order further discounts are on offer 01847 821218
The limited Stock available = Patchwork fabric, Knitting Yarn, Knitting
Patterns, DMC threads, Cross Stitch Kits and Charts, Aida / Needlework
Body denies ramming Gaelic down Caithness folks� throats - Press &
If you want to know where all this is flowing from then go to - Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005 Pdf
Section 3 (1) of the Act states "The B�rd may give a notice in writing to
any relevant public authority requiring the authority to prepare a Gaelic
language plan." Highland Council Gaelic Language Plan 2007 - 2011 Pdf B�rd na G�idhlig web siteAnnual Report 2007/08
Many public bodies are required to have a Gaelic Plan and this has been
ongoing for a good number of years but are probably becoming more visible
in the past two or three years. See Scottish
Natural Heritage response 6 January 2004 Pdf
SNH Corporate Plan 2008/11 (Pdf) states "Continue with our
commitment to the Gaelic language, preparing a Gaelic
plan as required by the Gaelic Act, and supporting Gaelic language text in
leaflets and other interpretation where this is appropriate." See
Also "Putting Gaelic Back In It's Rightful Place" in
Interpret Scotland (Pdf). Official bodies are following
instructions under the Gaelic Language Act to prepare Gaelic Language
Plans See
"Another Eight Organisations Preparing Gaelic Language Plans" Council confirms commitment to Gaelic Plan - Highland Life 6
March 2008 Encouraging the use of Gaelic - Scottish Government Web site 29
January 2009
As stated in the Gaelic Language Act
(Scotland) 2005, B�rd na G�idhlig can ask public bodies to produce their
own Gaelic Language
Plans. The following have already
published their own plans: Comhairle nan
Eilean Siar, Highland Council,
Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Argyll
and Bute Council and the Scottish Parliament. Glasgow City Council has
prepared and consulted on its plan and the
following are currently preparing plans:
Edinburgh City Council, Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Education, the
Scottish Qualifications Authority, the University of the
Highlands and Islands, Learning and
Teaching Scotland, and the Scottish Funding Council. The following bodies
have recently been asked to produce plans:
NHS Western Isles, Caledonian MacBrayne,
Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited, the Crofters Commission, Scottish
National Heritage, the Forestry Commission and Visit Scotland.
1 April 2009
Seamless Transfer of Business Gateway to Highland Council Today
(1 April 2009) responsibility for providing business advice has
transferred from Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) to local
authorities. Advice will be provided through the Business Gateway service
which already operates in the rest of Scotland. In The Highland Council
area it will be managed by the Council's enterprise trust, Highland
Opportunity and will be the first point of access for information and
advice on all services to business and social enterprises in the
Highlands. The new service can be accessed on-line: or by telephone:
0845 609 6611 or walk-in to the Business Gateway office, 81 Castle Street,
Inverness, or if outwith Inverness, at one of the Council's network of 37
Service Points.
Revolutionary Power Idea Coming To Caithness - Everyone Can Make It
Caithness rocks discovered to have properties at the sub atomic level that
will make it possible to make energy when it comes into contact with spit.
Scientists believe that spit raises the temperature just enough when
rubbed on to Caithness flagstone to create more friction than most other
rocks. A large plant to create huge amounts of spit could be built on a
coastal location to use seawater at a place where the flagstone is
available. By dribbling millions of gallons of the spit down the rocks
energy will be created and captured by storing the water whose temperature
has been raised. Then heat exchangers will extract the energy and pass it
on to the national grid. Developers will gain from selling renewable
energy certificates. Local homes will gain from the ability of the
producers to pass on some of the heat to the Caithness Heat and Power
initially. A new company called SIAS will
set to work shortly.