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Duke Of Edinburgh Award

Caithness Newsletter No8 January 2002

Happy New Year to Everyone !!!!

Caithness Presentations 2001
The Annual Presentation of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award to Caithness recipients took place on Friday 30th November when over 30 young people were awarded Awards or Sectional Certificates. For the first time we were delighted to be able to welcome apprentices from UKAEA, Dounreay and Vulcan - Rolls-Royce.

This has been a difficult year for the Expedition Section of the Award, due to the Foot & Mouth epidemic & the countrywide restrictions which were placed. This resulted in very few being able to complete fully an Award, so almost all the certificates presented on the evening were Sectional Certificates. Two groups managed to beat this by doing their expedition in Germany.

The evening was sponsored by UKAEA, Dounreay with the certificates being presented by Mr Sandy McWhirter, Head of Engineering at UKAEA, Dounreay.

Allister Kennedy completed his Bronze Expedition with Apex last year and hopes to complete the rest of his Bronze Award in Caithness. He will be supported in his Award by his employer Willie Coghill of 'Yer Man'. Like many employers, Willie is keen to support Allister through his Award as he sees first hand how the Award can help the personal development of the individual.

The picture shows from left to right Brian Lavery, Alistair McDonald, Neil McConnachie Rowena Jack, Helen Gill, David Lloyd, Carla Derby, Allister Kennedy and Willie Coghill.

2002 Expedition Season
As a result of a very quiet year because of restrictions in the countryside, this year looks like a hectic one. Already some groups who travel into the area have indicated that they intend to bring last years expeditions and also this years. This should about double the returns in the area.

If you would be interested in becoming a member of the Expedition Panel and help with the assessment of expeditions or explorations in the area please contact Brian's office on 01955 605423 or e-mail [email protected].

If you have too few or too many people for any of your expeditions please contact Diane or Brian and they will try to match your group with others.

Looking for a SERVICE?
Interested in Lifesaving as a service?

Wick Swimming Pool will be shortly starting a Bronze Medallion or an Award of Merit.  If you know of anyone who would be interested in doing the course and then acting as a lifesaver for their practical, contact Brian as soon as possible.

Our photograph shows Roger Saxon, Chairman of the Caithness Sports Council after presenting Residential Sectional Certificates to (from left to right) Anne-Marie Gilroy, Carys Lavery and Gillian Cameron.

The Caithness Sports Council helped to fund the trip to the European Youth Camp in Denmark last July. A full report of the trip appeared in the August 2001 Newsletter.

Access Organisations for Physical Recreation Section
Anyone who is a member of a recognised sports club could get their club registered as an Access Organisation by Highland Council as the Operating Authority. You can complete a Physical Recreation activity for up to 12/18 months thus completing one complete full section of the award, without the necessity of having to buy a record book.

Full details about Access Organisations can be obtained from Brian.

There was NO response regarding training for leaders from the last newsletter. If you would like training. Please contact Brian on 01955-605423

E-mail [email protected]