22 November 08
Bower Young Farmers Win Brains Of The
North To Head For National Finals
 A team from
Bower Young Farmers have taken the top award in this years Caithness
District Young Farmers Brains of the North elimination. They came out
on top after the pub style quiz and head to head final. Running them a
close second were a team representing Forss Young Farmers. The Bower
team will now represent Caithness at the North Region qualifier in
December looking to win a place in the National Finals next February.
The results were as follows:-
1st Place - Bower - Karen Oliphant, Lesley Oliphant, James Barnetson,
Ranald Angus
2nd place - Forss - Alan MacKay, Michael Cragg, Ashley Mackay, Iona
3rd Place -Halkirk - Duncan Pottinger, Andrew Gunn, Isobel Swanson,
Sarah Jardine
7 June 06
A Break From Tradition For Halkirk YFC
 With an Open
Stock Judging being held as part of the 60th Anniversary celebrations,
Halkirk YFC broke with tradition and held a Mock Auction and Slave
Auction on Wednesday 31st May. The event was held in Thurso Auction
Market. The Mock Auction comprised 42 items ranging from a box of
washing powder, fencing materials and bag of lambs milk to a Texel Tup
and details of agricultural property. Competitors had to value each
item. Points were awarded depending how close they were while zero
points were awarded outwith certain price ranges. A number of items
were supplied by Allan's of Gillock, Charles Angus, R B Flett and W
& A Geddes, while the livestock came from Messrs Campbell,
Todholes. The official adjudicator was Iain Thomson while auctioneer
was Phillip Coghill.
Halkirk A Team Win Caithness Young
Farmers Sheep Dressing Competition
The Halkirk boys clipped to victory to win this years
Caithness District Young Farmers' Sheep Dressing competition. Halkirk A
which consisted of Bryan Sinclair and Kenneth Sutherland will now go
forward to the National Finals to be held in Perth on 5th November.
Joining them will be a team from Bower Yoiung Farmers, brothers James
and William Barnetson who were runners-up. In third palce was another
team from Halkirk, Alan Macleod and Alistair Budge. The event was held
by kind permission of Aberdeen & Northern Marts, at Quoybrae. The
sheep were provided by Mr Ian Campbell, Todholes with the official
judge, Bill Manson from Skaill.
10 June 05
Record Slave Price as Mart Man takes Open Stockjudging
 Halkirk Young
Farmers held their Annual Open Stockjudging and Slave Auction on
Wednesday 25th May in Thurso Auction Market by kind permission of
Thurso & UA. The night was again a great success with 22
slaves being sold to a top bid of �100 for Michelle Sutherland, a
record price. The average for the 22 was �42.59. Entrants in the
Stock Judging competition had their abilities were tested amongst other
animals on Alpacas.
15 June 04
Tug O War Success
Halkirk Young Farmers' Tug of War teams
enjoyed a double success at the Royal Highland Show eliminations at
Cornhill Games on Saturday 5th June. The boys and girls teams both won
their respective competitions and now go forward to represent the North
Region at the Royal Highland show on Saturday 26th June, at Ingliston.
4 March 04
Caithness Youth Sound is a one day Youth Event for young people aged 14
upwards (S3 and above). It will be held in the New Weigh Inn on
Sunday 28th March 2004 starting at 12 noon. There will be free food
throughout the day, free transport for anyone living outside outside
Thurso. Lots will be happening, we have workshops, (including Music
& making Jewellery) with lots of other stuff to do, there is live
entertainment in the evening too!! If you are interested or you
know anyone who is please contact the Community Learning Office, Thurso
on 895782 for an application form by 15th March 2004.
15 February 04
East End Boys Club - Caithness County Football Festival
Get training boys and girls and get ready for this
competition aimed at teams in all ages under 16. How long have
you got?. Well it all happens over two days on 29th and 30th May
2004. All the clubs in the county will be invited to participate
in what may become an annual event. If you are not a member
of a club why not go along and you never know you might make a team in
the competition.
9 December 03
Young Farmers Battle It Out In Brains Quiz
Ten Young Farmers teams battled it out at their district elimination
for the Harbro Brains of the North Quiz held recently. After a close
competition, Halkirk A (Stephen Sutherland, Roy Watson, Douglas Gunn
& James Morrison) and Watten A (Liam Swanson, David Wilson, Dianne
Allan & Jennifer Easton) went head to head in the final. Halkirk
emerged as the winning team, taking home the Skinnet Trophy and they
now go forward to the Regional final to held at the North Regional
Conference in Newtonmore at the end of January.
Caithness District Young Farmers also
held their Winter Stockjudging at Quoybrae by kind permission of
Aberdeen & Northern Marts. Mr Charlie Angus, Oldfield and Mr
William Oag, Brims Mains were the official judges for the evening with
25 competitors judging the 4 classes.
October 03
Caithness District Young Farmers
Cattle & Sheep Dressing Competitions
Caithness District Young Farmers recently held their cattle and sheep
dressing competitions at Caithness Livestock Centre, Quoybrae by kind
permission of Aberdeen & Northern Marts. Five teams took part
in the cattle dressing, which saw James Barnetson and Stuart Mackay
(Bower) take home the Stainland Shield for winning the senior
31 August 03
Are you planning a Commonwealth Youth Exchange between
April 2004 and March 2005? The Commonwealth Youth Exchange Council is
the national agency for the promotion and grant aiding of youth
exchange visits between 15 -25 year old Britons and their
contemporaries in Commonwealth countries, especially those in Africa,
Asia or the Caribbean.
Commonwealth is a voluntary association of nations which now has a
membership of 54 countries. Last year UK groups had exchanges with 25
of them and over 1,000 young people participated in exchanges supported
by CYEC.
If your youth
group is planning a Commonwealth youth exchange visit
during the next financial year and you want to apply for financial
assistance from CYEC, please note the deadline dates for submitting
your applications: Wednesday 24th September 2003; Wednesday 29th
October 2003
You can apply
for a grant to help subsidise your group's overseas travel from UK or
to help with hosting an overseas group in the UK. It is essential to
apply on time because CYEC has normally committed its entire budget by
For an
application and information pack, please send a SAE with two
1st class stamps to: CYEC, 7 Lion Yard, Tremadoc Road, London SW4 7NQ
Tel: 020 7498 6151 Fax: 020 7622 4365 Email:
Website: www.cyec.org.uk