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Wick HarbourFest HomeComing 2009
Friday 26th, Saturday 27th Sunday 28th - June 2009

4 July 09
Welcome Wick Harbourfest Spinoff For Pupils
Wick HarbourFest has provided a welcome spin-off for some fortunate local primary and High schools pupils. Three of the heritage sailing boats were chartered by the HarbourFest organisers to provide educational sea trips for local school children during Monday and Tuesday following the HarbourFest weekend.

Groups of eight children from each of the four Wick Primary schools were shown what life below deck was like on a herring Fifie 100 years ago by the crew of the 80ft long Reaper. They were then given an exciting sea trip along the Caithness Coastline aboard the Caithness SeaCoast RIB in the company of a Highland Council Countryside ranger who pointed out the flora and fauna to be found on the rocky cliffs.

Groups of High school pupils were treated to half-day trips aboard the 100 year old Swan into the Moray Firth where a Countryside Ranger explained the ecology of the Firth and its natural habitat value as fish breeding grounds and seabird territory.

HarbourFest co-ordinator David Richard-Jones said “ We are very grateful to the Moray Firth Partnership who part sponsored the boat charters and educational trips, as part of their grants scheme to help community groups and schools undertake activities in their local area that benefit the coast and sea of the Moray Firth. The presence of the heritage vessels at the HarbourFest provided a rare opportunity to arrange these study trips which were in great demand among the pupils.”

Wick Harbourfest - Saturday's Photos                              

Wick Harbourfest
Friday Evening - Herring Queen Ceremonies
Friday Evening's ceremonies for the Herring Queen a re-enactment of the former Herring Queen ceremonies in Wick that ceased to be replaced many years later by the crowning of the Wick Gala Queen.  Friday evening saw the crowning with a newly made replica of the Herring Queen crown copied from the one now in the Wick Heritage centre.  Ray Richard (formerly Mackay) performed the ceremony crowning Lynsey Bremner 60 years after she herself was crowned.
Herring Queens From Earlier Days

Wick Harbourfest Photos In The Forum
A few Harbourfest photos are in the forum.

26 June 09
HarbourFest Entry Charges

In response to a question from the Groat regarding the entry charges for the HarbourFest this year, Gordon Doull, HarbourFest Chairman said “The previous event was funded by a number of Government agencies, and so the costs of the event were met by grants and we were able to offer free admission. However, since then, the strategic priorities of the agencies have changed and their focus has tightened. Consequently, this source of funding is no longer available to us.

We are very grateful to those funding bodies that have grant aided us, but in line with their policies, they require us to raise monies to use as match funding for their donations. Consequently, we have organised the HarbourFest Raffle, with excellent quality prizes (on display in the Groat Office windows on the Cliff), the sale of Tee Shirts (sponsored by Ackergill Tower) and a very modest entry fee for the three day event.

HarbourFest has grown considerably since the previous event and there is an amazing variety of entertainment for all the family from Friday evening to Sunday evening. The responsibility for organising such a large event now requires us to meet Government legislation in respect of Health, Safety and the Environment and we have to ensure that we have sufficient funding in place to meet those obligations.”

16 June 09
Final Line Up Of Events For The HarbourFest

There will be limited car parking on the North Pier, clearly signposted, and when this is full, we ask drivers to use the on-street parking throughout Pulteneytown, and walk to the harbour area. If there is still a demand for parking, we will open a temporary car park in the Bignold Park, which will then be clearly signposted and staffed.

There will be signposted disabled parking facilities for Friday evening and Saturday all day in the car parks of the Wick Medical Centre and the adjacent Wick Swimming Pool car park. A disabled shuttle bus will operate a return service to the harbour from the car park for the duration of HarbourFest.

All car parking is free.

Tickets for the Homecoming Ceilidh (£5 each) on Saturday evening in the Assembly Rooms, are now available from the Ceilidh organiser (tel 01955 603080)

1 June 09
Harbour Fest T-Shirts
Small – 36” – 38”
Medium – 38” – 40”
Large – 42” – 44”
Extra Large – 46” – 48”
Please Note: Limited Supply
When they’re gone, they’re gone
2009 T-Shirt Modelled by Lynsey Bremner the
2009 Herring Queen
Price £9.99
The Tee shirts are £9.99 each and available from :
Wick and Pulteneytown Post Offices
The Blythswood Shop, Bridge Street, Wick
H B Reid's Pharmacy and perfumery, High Street, Wick
Poltney News, Dempster Street, Wick.

4 May 09
Wick Herring Queen and Court chosen for the HarbourFest
Wick has a new Herring Queen elect after a lapse of 56 years since the last Herring Queen was crowned.

After interviewing 10 local girls for this historic pageant, the HarbourFest Committee are pleased to announce that Lynsey Bremner, Wick, was chosen as Herring Queen elect and her four Ladies-in-Waiting will be Zoe Mackenzie, Wick; Laura Oag, Thrumster; Kerryanne Smith, Watten and Erin Thomson, Wick.

Gordon Doull, Chairman of the Wick HarbourFest Committee said “We were delighted with the quality of all applicants, and we were disappointed that we could not give them all a role in the ceremony. Plans for the crowning pageant are progressing well, and we are looking forward to re-enacting this most evocative pageant, dating back to the former herring industry times.”

In addition to the Herring Queen and the Ladies-in-Waiting, eight primary pupils have been nominated by the four Wick Primary Schools to form the Junior Court. Pat Bowers, South Primary School, said “It is fantastic to see the younger children involved in this community event. They are so excited! I’m sure these few days will hold a place in their memories forever.”

The Herring Queen Crowning Ceremony will take place on the evening of Friday 26th June, when the Queen and Court will land at the Harbour from Wick’s Heritage sailing vessel the Isabella Fortuna. The Queen and her Court will be greeted by a Lone Piper, as was the tradition at the Crowning Ceremonies of the 1930’s. After proceeding round the Harbour, Lynsey will be crowned with a replica of the original Herring Crown at a ceremony to take place on the HarbourFest stage, specially designed and constructed by the local amateur dramatic group, the Wick Players. Wick Players have also volunteered to organise the costumes for the Court and also stage manage the Herring Queen pageant. Jenny Szyfelbain, Chair of the Wick Players, said “The Wick Players love a challenge and feel honoured to be part of the Herring Queen pageant. Our stage crew are beavering away on the stage set, costumes are in hand and we look forward to working with the Queen and Court to bring an auspicious event from yesteryear into today and turn it into a memorable occasion of tomorrow’s history.”

The Crowning Ceremony will be held on Friday evening, with the Queen and Court returning to harbour on the Isabella Fortuna, accompanied by a flotilla of traditional boats including two sister vessels, The Reaper from Anstruther and the Swan from Lerwick. A lone piper will welcome the Queen into harbour, as was the tradition for the earlier ceremonies. The crowning pageant will follow the style of the original ceremonies held from 1937 to 1953, apart from the War years. The Queen will be seated upon a Herring Throne and crowned with a replica of the original herring queen crown, which is now on display in the Wick Heritage Centre.
Earlier Herring Queens

29 March 09
Wick HarbourFest HomeComing 26th 27th and 28th June 2009
We are seeking the Herring Queen & her four Ladies-in-Waiting
If you wish to play a part in this unique event, please email your contact details to the address below and we will contact you after the closing date for applications.
Email address: [email protected]
Earlier Items and Photos About Wick Herring Queens

Wick HarbourFest Committee, organisers of last year’s very successful HarbourFest’07, have announced that they will be arranging another community event in 2009 which will further develop interest in the maritime and fishing heritage of Caithness. The festival will feature the return to Telford’s harbour of a heritage fishing fleet and a re-enactment of the Herring Queen Festival and crowning, last held in Wick in 1953. The celebration will tie in with the national Scotland Homecoming 2009 programme and the organisers hope that many ex pat Caithnessians will return home to join in the celebrations.

Willie Watt, Chairman of Wick Harbour Authority said “The Harbour Authority was delighted with the HarbourFest celebrations in 2007 and we agreed that a second event should be held in 2009. Wick HarbourFest Committee are to be congratulated on taking the organisation of the event forward, and we look forward to an even more successful community week-end next year”.

Gordon Doull, Chairman of Wick HarbourFest Committee, confirmed that they have already started planning a three-day programme for the last weekend in June 2009, which will further develop the interest in the maritime heritage of the area. He said “The Herring Queen Festival is bound to be a really exciting event, and will bring back many memories to those who last saw the celebration. In addition, we have already commenced discussions with the primary and Wick High schools and can confirm that school pupils will undertake projects and studies based on the extensive records and archives relating to the herring industry. Their achievements will form a major feature of the HarbourFest, being showcased in displays of their work, including song, dance and artistic productions.

We have commenced fundraising for the event and whilst the programme has yet to be finalised, we are in discussion with numerous community groups regarding their involvement in the celebrations. It promises to be an even more exciting weekend with attractions for every member of the family.”

For further details please contact:
David Richard-Jones
HarbourFest Co-ordinator
Telephone: 01955 603821
Mobile: 07766 056372
Email: [email protected]

Information Poster

14 March 09
Wick Harbourfest Stalls – Applications Now Open!
Download Stall Pitch Application Form
Stall pitches at the Wick HarbourFest on Saturday 27th June are now available for reservation. The HarbourFest Committee are keen to encourage community groups, charities and local organisations to take advantage of this widely supported community event. The Harbourfest weekend in 2007 attracted over twenty community groups who raised over £20,000 selling a wide range of local products, arts and crafts, and food. Local baking, freshly baked scones and pancakes proved very popular, and local delicacies such as kippers met a keen demand throughout the day.

Stall pitches are available on a first come-first served basis; in the case of over-demand, preference will be given to groups offering unusual or innovative goods and products. There is a nominal charge for the pitches, which will be arranged along the harbour-front, as previously. Demand for pitches is expected to exceed that of the last event, and although the layout this year has been altered to provide additional pitches, the organisers urge groups to make early application to ensure a place.

For further details please contact:
David Richard-Jones
HarbourFest Co-ordinator
Telephone: 01955 603821
Mobile: 07766 056372
Email: [email protected]

Wick Harbour Fest 07
Friday 22 Saturday 23 & Sunday 24 June 2007

Highland 2007 – Flotilla 23rd – 29th June 07
Wick To Portsoy

10 July 07
58 Degrees North T Shirt Putting Wick On The Nautical Map Once Again
A stylish "T" Shirt was designed for the recent Wick Harbourfest.  The design features a stylised sailing ship with the words "580 North" Wick, and the nautical flags for the letters WICK.  A few of the remaining stock have been placed for sale in the Blytheswood shop in High Street, Wick at a price of £9.99. 

10 July 07
New Pontoons At Wick Harbour Are A Big Hit
Already it looks as if the pontoons are looking to expand and it is great that the expansion to a new marina will be in the main harbour in 2008.  The recent harbourfest show the possibilities and the yachting folk have not been slow in taking up the berths.

Wick Harbourfest - The Day Wick Harbour Came Back To Life - Photos

Remember to click "View full size" if you want to se a larger image in the galleries

20 June 07
HarbourFest Traffic Arrangements
Wick HarbourFest is expected to draw a record number of visitors to the Wick harbour area and the organisers have announced plans to cater for the traffic generated by the event.

The whole of the harbour front, from the mini roundabout at Martha Terrace to the top of the Long Shore Road junction with Bexley Terrace, will be closed to traffic during HarbourFest Saturday. In order to maintain access for emergency vehicles, there will also be parking restrictions throughout Lower Pulteneytown.

Two temporary car parks will be bought into use – at the Bignold Park and The Glebe in order to intercept HarbourFest traffic approaching Wick from the South and North respectively. The car parks will be well signposted on approach roads to Wick and police and HarbourFest marshals will be in attendance to direct traffic to the car parks. Further marshals will ensure orderly parking to maximise capacity of the car parks. The organisers have decided against Park and Ride buses since both car parks are within easy walking distance of the harbour.

Blue Badge parking for the disabled will be located in the car parks of the Wick Medical Centre and Wick Swimming Pool and marshals will be available to direct cars. A free mini bus shuttle service will operate from the car park to and from the harbour front.

The spectacular flotilla departure on Sunday morning is also expected to attract a large attendance and the harbour front will again be closed to traffic with both temporary car parks in use. In addition, the road to the Trinkie swimming pool will be closed to traffic to ensure the safety of pedestrians wishing to photograph the flotilla as it sails past the South Head.

HarbourFest organiser, David Richard-Jones said, “I would appeal to all Wick residents to walk, wherever possible, to the harbour rather than attempt to park near the harbour, since all roads must be kept clear for emergency access. In addition, Caithness General Hospital staff have stressed that their car park will only be available to medical personnel and hospital visitors. Please help to make the HarbourFest traffic flow smoothly by following the signed routes.”

19 June 07
Road Closures for Harbourfest
The following roads will be closed
From 6.00pm to 12 Midnight on Friday 22nd June
Harbour Place for its full length
South Quay Road for its full length
Harbour Road for its full length
From 7.00am to 8.00pm on Saturday 23rd June
Martha Terrace for its full length
Harbour Quay for its full length
Harbour Place for its full length
South Quay Road for its full length
Harbour Road for its full length
From 6.00am - 6.00pm on Sunday 24th June
Wellington Avenue from its junction with Battery Road to its junction with the U299 Trinkie road
U299 Trinkie road
Pedestrian access and access for emergency vehicles will be maintained.
Diversionary routes for people wishing to use the above roads will be in place.
Special Car Parks will be set up in Wick and you should follow signs or instructions on the day of your visit.
Parking on streets around the harbour is likely to be limited due to the numbers expected. 
Parking at the special car parks will help ease congestion around the harbour area.

16 June 07
The Programme With Final Updates
Earlier copies of the programme showed the sailout on Sunday at 11.30am, but we have brought the time forward, starting at 10.00am to suit tides and anticipated vessel numbers.


Wick Harbourfest - Friday 22, Saturday 23 & Sunday 24 June
The Programme With Final Updates - Boats To Sail Out Earlier Due To Tides and Numbers
Earlier copies of the programme showed the sailout on Sunday at 11.30am, but the time has been brought forward, starting at 10.00am to suit tides and anticipated vessel numbers. 
Friday 22nd - Boats Arriving All Day
 Evening programme of quayside entertainment for public and crews.
19.30 - 22.00 • Pipe band Ceilidh in Pipe Band Hall, High Street, Wick.
20.30 - Late • Entertainment in local hostelries – see map for venues.
11.00 - 17.00 • Wick Artist's Exhibition 11.00am daily till 25 June - Assembly Rooms,
The Big Day Is Saturday 23rd
Heritage boats open for visitors - market stalls open for trade
Official HarbourFest'07 Opening – Miss Anne Dunnett, Lord-Lieutenant of Caithness with Wick RBLS Pipe Band and Sea Cadets in attendance
Full entertainment programme compered by Eric Farquhar with supporting
maritime and fishing heritage displays and demonstrations
Wick Lifeboat Day and Air-Sea rescue helicopter display
Real cooperage demonstrations – see a barrel being made from the raw wood
Practical blacksmith and ironworking demonstrations – hear the ring of the anvil!
Film shows of the Caithness Herring Days in the Herring Mart, courtesy of Wick Heritage Society
Market stalls – local produce, handicrafts, art and crafts, etc etc
Day long refreshments and catering in the Old Fish Mart
Braehead Children's Funfair – train ride, bouncy castle, donkey rides & funfair
Wick Primary Schools: Knotted Rope Art Exhibition
Saturday Night  - Wick Goes For Entertainment All Round The Town
Harbour Fest Ceilidh in Wick Assembly Rooms – local bands with a Highland theme.
Licensed bar - tickets £5 at door. Enjoy genuine Highland Hospitality!
Themed entertainment in local hostelries – see Full Programme for details.

Local Bands To Play At Harbourfest Ceilidh On Saturday 23nd June
A mix of modern and ceildh music will resound around the Wick Assembly Rooms to celebrate the boats and crews in Wick Harbour.  Tickets are £5 and a late bar has been organised.

Sunday 24th June
Blessing the Fleet at 9.30am
Boat Begin to Leave at 10.00am
Harbourfest  Wick Harbour Authority

Pontoons Ready At Wick Harbour For Next Weekends Harbourfest

Many of the old sailing boats arriving at Wick Harbour next weekend will be tied up at the new pontoons just installed.  The Harbourfest will bring in one of the biggest events in not only wick but in the north of Scotland this year.  Starting on Friday 22nd and running until the boats all sail out on Sunday afternoon Wick will become busier than it has ever been in the past 50 years.  The harbour area will be packed with stalls , events, music, vintage vehicles and much more. the whole harbour has been tidies up in preparation for the arrival of the fleet of old yachts and a large number of modern yachts who intend to sail with them all the way to Portsoy over the following week calling at harbours all along the way starting with Lybster.

26 May 07
Lybster Programme For Flotilla 24th & 25th June
Lybster is getting ready for what will be the biggest invasion of boats seen at the harbour since the days of the Herring.  The flotilla leaves Wick and is expected to arrive about 1.30pm.  A full programme of events for the day has been organised with music in the village hall and a buffet. Parking will be restricted with a bus service to and from the harbour if you cannot walk down the hill. Every facility will be open and in use from the village hall, bowling club hall, Waterlines visitor centre and the Portland Arms Hotel.
Caithness Junior Pipe band will greet the boats arrival and there will be a running commentary about the boats as they arrive.
the boats leave Lybster on Monday 25th at 11.00am to head for Helmsdale.

26 May 07
Vintage Longhope Lifeboat To Arrive At Wick Harbourfest
The vintage Longhope lifeboat Thomas McCunn will sail from Lonhope, Orkney and be on display at the Wick Harbour fest on Saturday 23rd June.  The Thomas McCunn is a Watson-class lifeboat and was built in 1932.  She was at Longhope as the lifeboat from 1933 - 1962 and was launched 101 times and saved 304 lives.  The boat will be open for the public to go onboard to see what conditions were like.

23 May 07
Arrangements for the Wick HarbourFest are well in hand and the organisers are anticipating a massive turnout. In order to manage the large number of vehicles and visitors expected at the Harbour over the weekend, (Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 June), the Wick HarbourFest’07 Committee are looking for volunteers to help with stewarding and marshalling duties. If you are a member of an organisation which may be able to assist in any way, or an individual wishing to help, please contact Liz Richard-Jones (01955:603821) email [email protected]  

22 May 07
HarbourFest Stall Applications – Book your stance now
Any organisations wishing to apply for a stance at the Wick HarbourFest’07 Market on Saturday 23 June are urged to book early since reservations close on Friday 25 May. The HarbourFest organisers will endeavour to ensure that all applicants are allocated a stance for their stall but late applications may not be accommodated.

Application forms are now available from the Wick Harbour Office, 13 Harbour Terrace Wick Telephone 01955:602030 or forms can be downloaded from the HarbourFest website www.wickheritage.org/flotilla . Advice on completing the risk assessment form which accompanies the application form can be obtained by calling the HarbourFest Co-ordinator, David Richard-Jones on 01955 603821

Completed application forms should be lodged with the HarbourFest Office, 50 High Street, Wick, by Friday 25 May. Successful applicants will be advised by Monday 4 June.

14 May 07
HarbourFest Saturday Market – Applications now Open!
Arrangements for the HarbourFest Market to be held on Saturday, 23 June, have now been completed and the organisers have announced that applications are being taken from organisations wishing to rent a stance at the event.

Applicants must provide their own stalls as the harbour do not have enough due to the likely high demand.

The application form can be downloaded from the HarbourFest website www.wickheritage.co.uk/flotilla .  As part of the safety arrangements for the event, applicants are required to complete a Risk Assessment for their stall.  HarbourFest Chairman, Gordon Doull, said “As part of our commitment to a safe and successful HarbourFest, we are asking stall-holders to complete a simple form to show that they support our objectives.  It is now a requirement for all such events.  With so much keen interest in the HarbourFest, we expect a large number of visitors, and we can assure stall-holders of a successful day.”

The market is expected to attract over 50 stalls, offering a wide range of local information, products and crafts.  In addition to locally based organisations, there will be displays by the major sponsors of the Moray Firth Flotilla including Highland 2007, Pulteneytown Distillery, the Press and Journal, Scottish Co-op and Moray Firth Radio.  The Children’s Funfair on the Breahead will also have stalls offering something special for the youngsters to ensure they have a day to remember.

Demand for space at the market is expected to be intense.  Completed application forms should be lodged with the HarbourFest Office, 50 High Street, Wick, by Friday 25 May.  Successful applicants will be advised by Monday 4 June.  The organisers are keen to encourage as wide a range of stalls as possible and applications showing innovation and originality will be given preference when allocating stances.

For further information please contact
David Richard-Jones
HarbourFest Co-ordinator
01955 603821

17 April 07
Lybster Prepares To Feed 400 Crew and Passengers A Flotilla Grows
Several events are planned for the flotilla in Wick on Saturday 23rd June.  A church service has been arranged on the Sunday morning of the 24th before the flotilla departs at approximately 10.00am.  On its journey the fleet will pass and sometimes call in at a succession of beautiful villages with names recalling their historic origins, Lybster, Helmsdale, Cromarty, Lossiemouth Findochty and Cullen. The ports offering harbour to the flotilla will make the visit a celebration. Ceilidhs bringing music, dance and storytelling will give communities a chance to participate in the event with genuine local input. The sail lasting a week, will attract large numbers of sightseers but, more lastingly, will make a positive contribution to the already growing interest in the Moray Firth and its seagoing traditions.

The fleet will be arriving in Lybster on Sunday afternoon 24th June 2007 at approximately 2.00pm and departing on Monday morning 25th June 2007.

We as a community are to provide our guests, some 35 traditional boats and an estimated 100 yachts with approximately 400 people aboard, with food and entertainment during their visit to Lybster.  There is some funding available to support this event, Lybster Heritage Trust has received £3250, CASE may provide further funding if required.

26 March 07
Businesses Eager To Support Growing Wick Harbourfest
Caithness businesses and organisations are eager to support the HarbourFest weekend after they were briefed about the arrangements and opportunities for participating in the event at a well-attended meeting in Mackay’s Hotel at the end of February.

Malcolm Bremner, Wick Harbourmaster revealed that entries were still being received from vessels wishing to join the flotilla of traditional wooden boats which gathers at Wick on Friday 22 June. He added that in addition to the flotilla of heritage boats, there will be many other sailing craft from sailing clubs throughout the UK accompanying the fleet as it sails from Wick to Lybster on Sunday 24 June this year. The size of the event was growing daily and the HarbourFest Committee is in the process of being strengthened to manage the ever-increasing organisational workload. The meeting heard that Wick Harbour Authority are developing plans to install pontoons for visiting yachts in the harbour and the owners of the visiting traditional boats have been invited to allow the public on board to view the vessels at close hand as part of the HarbourFest celebrations.

David Richard-Jones of the HarbourFest Committee explained the opportunities which the huge number of visitors likely to attend the event presented to local businesses. He said that the spectacle of perhaps 100 yachts sailing from Wick would not be repeated and the event was fast becoming one of the major attractions within the Highland Year of Culture 2007, with visitors expected from throughout the Highlands. He added the event had grown from the Wick Society Boat Club hosting a handful of traditional boats into one of the UK’s premier sailing events of 2007. This bottom-up approach had paid off and the organisers were now in discussions with staff from HIE Caithness & Sutherland and the Highland Council regarding support to ensure that the economic and social benefits of the event were maximised.

After outlining the programme for the weekend HarbourFest event, Mr Richard-Jones said the committee were now inviting organisations and businesses of all types to become involved in the HarbourFest celebrations, and urged interested parties to register their details via email ([email protected] ) as soon as possible. Application forms for market stalls and pitches at the harbour would shortly be available for downloading from the HarbourFest website -
( www.wickheritage.org/flotilla ).

23 February 07
HarbourFest‘07 Organisers invite local participation
The organisers of the Wick HarbourFest ‘07, which involves the town celebrating the arrival of the Moray Firth Flotilla of traditional sailing boats, are extending an invitation to all businesses and interested parties to join in and make the event a major success for Caithness. Over 30 traditional wooden boats have registered for the Flotilla which will be accompanied by sailing vessels from yacht clubs throughout Scotland. Interest has also been shown from sailing clubs throughout the UK and Europe. Entries for the Flotilla are still being received and the organisers estimate that the total number of sailing vessels could exceed 100. Malcolm Bremner, Wick Harbourmaster, said “Visitors to the Wick HarbourFest, which started as a small harbour event and now grown into a large scale attraction, will see our fishing and maritime history come alive. It will be a fabulous event, and a unique opportunity to watch a magnificent fleet of historic craft assemble and sail from Wick to Lybster. Plans are afoot to organise a full programme of music, dance, craft and heritage displays for all the family. Many local groups have volunteered, however much more help is required to ensure that this is a memorable weekend!”

Mr Bremner added “It will also be a wonderful opportunity of Caithness businesses to capitalise on the number of visitors in the town and showcase its hospitality. There will be a demand for food and accommodation. The Portsoy Traditional Boat Festival attracted over 18,000 visitors last year, so this gives an indication of the popularity of this type of event. Local charities and organisations can also benefit by having quay-side stalls and items of interest for the visitors.”

All parties, organisations and businesses interested in learning more about the event, or wishing to participate in the celebrations in any way, are being invited to attend a briefing meeting at 7.00pm in Mackay’s Hotel, on Wednesday 28 February, when the HarbourFest ’07 programme and other details of the event will be explained.

Short Film Of Wick Harbourfest 2007

16 June 07
The Programme With Final Updates
Earlier copies of the programme showed the sailout on Sunday at 11.30am, but we have brought the time forward, starting at 10.00am to suit tides and anticipated vessel numbers.


For further details, please contact:
David Richard-Jones
Wick HarbourFest'07 Co-ordinator
Langley Park
01955 603821
07766 056372
[email protected]

Flotilla Route

June 22nd: Boats Begin To Arrive At Wick
June 23rd: Wick
June 24th: Boats Leave Wick from 10.00am onwards Heading for Lybster
June 25th: Helmsdale
June 26th/27th: Cromarty/Invergordon
June 28th: Buckie
June 29th: Portsoy
June 30th/July 1st: Portsoy Scottish Traditional Boat Festival

Moray Firth Flotilla At Wick

Moray Firth Flotilla 2007

Some of the Old Fishing Boats Heading For Wick

Wick Harbour Web Site

Isabella Fortuna From Wick Will Lead The Flotilla Out

Fishermen's Gansey

See one at the Wick Heritage Centre during the Harbourfest

More Wick Heritage Centre