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South Primary School - New Year Newsletter 2003

Dear Parent/ Guardian,

I hope you have all had a happy start to the New Year and long may it continue. The children (and staff) all seemed a bit bleary eyed on Monday morning, probably due to late nights and long lies! Another busy term lies ahead - 13 weeks of school with the February weekend in the middle.

February Weekend

School closes on Wednesday 12th Feb. at 3.15pm for the children and resumes on Tuesday 18th Feb. at 9.15am. (Thursday 13th Feb. is an In-Service Day for staff.)

Community Carol Singing

Thank you to all who attended this informal get-together before the Christmas break. �120 was raised between the silver collection and the raffle. The money has gone to school fund and helped with monies for the parties.

Chess Club

Presently P6 and P7 are enjoying their weekly Chess Club, run by Miss Robertson who is a volunteer in school. We are desperately looking for some �chess playing parent volunteers� to help out on Wednesday lunchtimes. Please contact myself if you are interested. We are holding a school competition in a few weeks time and it would be helpful to have �experts� on hand!

P6 and P7 Aviemore Residential Trip

There will be a meeting next Thursday afternoon (16th January) at 2.45pm to discuss fundraising for the trip. Please come along with your money -making ideas and we can then organise a programme of events. Money is required for all the additional visits e.g. Landmark, Go-Karting.

Golden Rules

Our approach to the New Year has incorporated sets of moral rules for in school and the playground. I�m sure that you will agree with me that these rules are the ultimate goals, which we all have for the children.

These rules are for all within school (staff and children) and I hope they become part of the wider community.

I have included both sets of rules on the reverse of this sheet - please spend some time discussing these with your child. I�m sure you have the same kind of rules at home!

Kind regards,

Pat Bowers - Headteacher

Golden Rules

Do be gentle
Do be kind and helpful
Do work hard
Do look after property
Do listen to people
Do be honest
Do not hurt anybody
Do not hurt people�s feelings
Do not waste your or other people�s time
Do not waste or damage things
Do not interrupt
Do not cover up the truth

Golden Playground Rules

Do be gentle
Do be kind and helpful
Do play well with others
Do care for your playground
Do listen to people
Do be honest
Do keep to the  playground safety rules

Playground safety rules: School Safety Rules:

Keep out of car park No running

Don�t climb on walls or fence Always wear gym-shoes

Stay in own playground area

Keep away from �Danger Box�

Do not hurt anybody
Do not hurt people�s feelings
Do not spoil others� games
 Do not spoil or damage anything
Do not interrupt
Do not cover up the truth
Do not break the
playground safety rules