N E W S F E E D S >>>

  Niall Fernie
Meet The Team

Hi, Niall here.

I am a 30 year old Web Designer with a special interest in JavaScript.  I have spent many hours building and rebuilding sections of this site (e.g. business pages).  I have a great interest in voice controlled web pages and a trial is running on the Business Pages.  I have designed a number of small 3D and virtual reality pages and am working on new applications for this in my spare time.

I am a 30 year old Web Designer and volunteer my time (as much as I have free) to help out with the Caithness Community Web Site.  I am currently responsible for most of the technical issues on the site but I do try to get some pages built from time to time.  e.g. The Business Pages &The Music section along with Jackie.

I am involved with this site as I was asked initially to give training to volunteers on Web Site Design.  After the training was completed I decided to stay on and volunteer some time myself to help out on the site.

From April 2001 i began to work in the new business set up of Scorrie Internet Services.

Subsequently I also set up a javascript web site www.maxxblade.co.uk  - another not for profit web site to share some of my scripts with other designers and anyone who might have a need for some assitance with certain problems in javascript.

Apart from the Internet my other passions include Quake III and other such games.  That just about takes care of everything.

For the rest of the time I sleep...

Send me some mail on [email protected]