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Caithness Individuals or Groups Raising Funds Looking for Sponsors
If you would like to support their efforts click through
to their sponsorship pages and make a contribution online.

18 June 2010
Paul Cannop To Raise Funds for Cancer charity In Zip Slide Challenge
Paul says -"On the 24th July I�m going to tackle the 480 foot adrenalin-fuelled zip slide across the River Wick in Caithness to raise money for the children�s cancer charity CLIC Sargent. I have never done anything like this before and I�m very worried and very excited about it! Please sponsor me so that I can raise a lot of money for the charity and help families who have children with cancer."
To sponsor Paul and aid Clic Sargent Cancer Charity head over to the Just Giving page

15 June 10
Local woman on another challenge!

Local woman Isobel Mackay from Halkirk is facing another climbing challenge! Having completed the Inca Trail in 2007 and successfully raising money for Diabetes UK, she is now climbing Mount Snowdon on Saturday 19th June.

Majestic Mount Snowdon dominates the glorious ancient landscape of North Wales. At 3,560ft (1,085m) it is a true mountain. Her route to the Summit will be by The Llanberis Path up and down � 10 miles (14.5km) return.

What�s needed to conquer Mount Snowdon is stamina, determination, commitment and a reasonable level of fitness.

Isobel�s not sure if she has all that but the hard work will all be worthwhile she if she succeeds in raising �2,000 a local charity � Caithness Riding for the Disabled (RDA)� a fantastic charity for local children (based in Halkirk) which is run entirely by enthusiastic, dedicated volunteers. The volunteers look after 25-30 riders every week. They receive no funding for the excellent work they do � and rely solely on donations and hold regular fundraising events themselves.

You can sponsor Isobel by visiting her online fundraising page on http://www.justgiving.com/Isobel-Mackay 
You can pay by credit or debit card, and the money will go directly to The RDA. Where supporters are UK taxpayers, the charity will automatically receive 28% extra in Gift Aid, which makes Justgiving the most efficient way of sponsoring Isobel.
Click to sponsor Isobel at http://www.justgiving.com/Isobel-Mackay

18 April 09
From Heather Donaldson
My father, Billy Donaldson, whose large family came from Latheron, passed away last month after being diagnosed with cancer in January. He had a lot of friends from Caithness and so I was wondering if you would consider putting some kind of information about our fundraiser on the website. Me and my two older brothers are doing a zip slide across the Clyde in Glasgow in June to raise money for the Beatson cancer centre that my dad was offered treatment from. We have a fundraising website:
www.justgiving.com/heatherdonaldson that is totally secure to donate over, and so it would be great if people in Caithness had a way to donate if they remember my dad.

28 February 09
Fiona Watson In Race For Life
I am running race for life in Inverness on Sunday 10th May. I feel really strongly about supporting this event not only because of the amazing work that it does but because I was diagnosed with breast cancer in July 2007. Following surgery, radiotherapy and ongoing medication I am hoping I have beaten this very frightening illness. I was born and brought up in Caithness living first in Murkle and latterly near Glengolly, I left in 1985 to train as a nurse, before leaving I worked at Dunbar Hospital in Thurso. I now live in Elgin with my husband and 2 boys. I return to Caithness on a regular basis to visit my parents my brother and his family. My sponsorship page is on the Race for Life web site.

14 February 09
Ex Caithnessian  Diagnosed With Breast Cancer In Race For Life Campaign

Kate Barnet was born in Thurso and her parents still live in Dunnet. Kate hopes to be doing the 5K Run For Life In Aberdeen for Cancer Research UK.  Kate was diagnosed with Breast Cancer back in November 2008, and has been under going treatment ever since, and is now onto Chemotherapy to be followed by Radiation.

Her parents still live in Dunnet and I sure there are a few folk in Caithness who know them, Jean and Mike Barnett. Her Mum is also going to be going down to Aberdeen to help push her around the course in a wheel chair if need be (as it will be smack in the middle of my Radiation treatment, and she is not expecting to be running). And she will also be looking for some sponsorship.......
Sponsor her at http://www.raceforlifesponsorme.org/katebarnett3

1 February 09
Nurse Tracey MacLeod From Caithness General Hospital Fund-Raiser Trek For Multiple Sclerosis
It all Happens On 21 May 2009
I am a staff nurse at the Caithness general hospital and have in the past raised funds for children's charities by going on a trek to the Great Wall of China. Last year, as my father suffers from MS and both parents very involved with the local group, I undertook a trek to the Grand Canyon to raise funds for something closer to my heart and home and raised �4,000 for the local branch of Multiple Sclerosis Society Scotland. Next trek I am undertaking a "climb" of Mount Etna for which all proceeds like last, will go to the local branch of Multiple Sclerosis Society Scotland, and the Caithness branch can verify that there is an agreement that ALL monies raised do indeed go to the Caithness branch. Indeed as it is raised it is being sent to them.
Head over to Tracey's Just Giving page to make a donation

29 July 08
Cancer Research Relay For Life - E Doubtful Foot Pirates
Our team has people who work in Dounreay, BT, Halkirk Garage and W D Ross Painters. We are called E-Dou'BT-Fool Pirates We are dressing up as pirates on the night and for our fundraising we have a Treasure Island Map with hidden prizes in the squares, Lucky Dip, Guess the Teddy Bear Birthday and an Anagram Sheet. We also have hand made cards for sale.

3 June 08
Caithness Relay for Life 2008

The Cancer Research UK Relay For Life is an overnight team event in support of those living with cancer and in memory of those who we've lost through it.

The event is to be held in Caithness for the first time this year. It will take place at Sir George's Park (The Dammies) in Thurso on 30/31 August 2008 and will last for 12 hours (6pm - 6am).

Teams of 8-15 people take turns around a track, with a minimum of one person per team on the track at all times. You can walk, run, crawl, hop, skip or jump your way around. It is not a race, it's not about distance, and it�s about supporting those for whom cancer does not sleep. To promote the Caithness Relay for Life, launch nights are going to held, these nights are going to be themed on Health, Beauty and Relaxation, with a number of local therapists and beauticians who are going to be there offering advice for both men and women.

The nights are also a great opportunity for you to come along to find out more information about Relay For Life and if you are entering a team you can register your team and pick up your team pack, or if you are thinking about entering a team you can come along and find out more information.

The first of the launch nights is going to be held on Thursday 5th June at the Pentland Hotel, Thurso, starting at 7.30pm, some of the folk coming along to the event are:
Denise Imrie - The Magic of Colour
Gorgeous - Beauticians
Health and Beauty Beauticians
Jill Nicholson and Kirsty Windsor - Dounreay Occupational Health Nurses providing advice on Skin Care, Testicular and Prostrate Cancer
Donna Booth � Alternative therapies
Diane Sutherland - Phoenix Cards (sold in aid of Cancer Research)
Margaret Jackson � Reiki and hypnotherapy

The second launch night is going to be held on Friday 13th June at The Waterfront, Wick, starting at 7.30pm. The theme for the night is the same but as yet confirmation of who is attending hasn�t been finalised but those confirmed are:
Jill Nicholson and Kirsty Windsor - Dounreay Occupational Health Nurses providing advice on Skin Care, Testicular and Prostrate Cancer
Donna Booth � Alternative therapies
Diane Sutherland - Phoenix Cards (sold in aid of Cancer Research)

There will be a silver collection at the door and a raffle.
Enjoy a complimentary drink and nibbles and meet others who are taking part in the Relay. Together we can beat cancer.

27 May 08
Sponsored Cycle for Caithness Early Years Autism Centre (CEYAC)
To raise funds for CEYAC three folk will be cycling 70 miles from Lairg to Thurso via Bettyhill on 14th June.  anyone who would like to sponsor the team or make donation can do so at the Bike Shop in Thurso
The three cyclists are Picture one : Debbie Carr (left) and Sheila Finlayson (right)  Picture two: Alan Irvine

23 March 08
Local Lady Nancy Foggo Running For Cancer Research

Hello Everyone,
I have decided to run in the Race For Life again this year in Inverness on the 11th May.
Like lots of families everywhere we have been affected by the loss of loved ones to Cancer. This time it was my mother in law Chris Mackay (Foggo). Chris had been fighting Cancer for a few years and done so well, but in January this year she lost that fight.
Please help me raise some monies to help beat this terrible disease. If you are already sponsoring someone that's great and I thank you for taking the time to read my email.
My web site is www.raceforlifesponsorme.org/nancyfoggo
Thank You
Nancy Foggo

16 March 08
Caithness Diabetes Endowment Fund

Caithness and Sutherland Diabetes Team are doing a sponsored triathlons in Wick swimming pool and gym on 28/3/08 to raise money for the Caithness Diabetes Endowment fund.
Team includes: Sandra Jones - Podiatrist
Pam Campbell - Specialist Nurse
Lucinda Sutherland - Dietician
Judy Shallcross - Dietician
Anyone wishing to donate money please contact Pamela Campbell 01847 893442 Thurso Community Health Centre.

6 October 07    30 December 07 Report Of Isobel' Mackays Trip On the Inca Trail
Isobel Mackay From Halkirk Raising Money for Diabetes UK
Isobel said, "
I am doing a charity walk in November - see website http://www.justgiving.com/isobelmackay
I am from Halkirk - big brother Hugh John Mackay is the local shopkeeper and butcher and he is promoting my walk locally. I am raising funds for Diabetes UK for two reasons, one; my daughter has to take 4 injections a day - she is 22 and two; in memory of Bunty Mitchell - a great woman who was a stalwart within the Halkirk Community."

17 September 07
Estrella Raising Funds For Cancer Charity
will be taking part in the "UCAN PANTS WALK" to help raise funds for a much need research centre for urological cancer.  We will walk at least 10 to 15 laps of Duthie Park in Aberdeen as well as providing some music during the afternoon.

23 August 07
3 Peaks 24 Hour Challenge, Completed On 11th / 12th August 2007
For Meningitis Research Foundation

Ross Macaulay originally from Wick, his family, and his friends who participated in this 3 Peaks 24 Hour Challenge, sincerely thank all who have personally contributed to the event. Company / Organisation sponsorships also received from Baker Atlas, Jacobs Engineering, Morgan Vinci Contractors, William Mackay Precast, EMAT Technology, and Stonehaven & District Lions Club. Three Wick Men took part, Ross Macaulay, John Boyle and James Boyle, and broke 9 hours on the mountains section ( target time for this part is 13 hours )
Finances raised for Meningitis Research Foundation � over �5,000 and still counting. Donations can still be accepted at Macaulay 17 March Road, Wick, KW1 5TY or via the web site set up for this event http://www/justgiving.com/rorymac

 Patrick O�Neill, Ross Macaulay, John Boyle (back)
Steve Hanmer, Francis O� Neill (front )
After completing and drying out.
Sponsorship Logos Behind

John Paul O� Neill (front left), James Boyle (2nd left, rear)
Mark Paver (front right)
After completing.

Commencing Scafell Pike

The last mountain, and all saturated
at the top of Snowdon

Target times - Ben Nevis 5 hours, Scafell Pike 4 hours, Snowdon 4 hours ( Mountains Total 13 hours )
Driving between locations 11 hours - Total Target Time = 24 hours.
Achieved Times - Ben Nevis 3hrs 20min, Scafell 2hrs 45min, Snowdon 2hrs 50min (Mountains Total 8hrs 55min)
Driving between locations 13 hours 40 min � Total Achieved Time = 22 hours 35min.
Weather conditions � Heavy rainy periods throughout, and continuous heavy rain on Mt. Snowdon.
26 July 07
Wick Man In Five Man Team For "24 HOURS" - 3 PEAKS Challenge Team For Charity
As meningitis lies particularly close to home, Eric and Irene Macaulay and their family Stephen, Ross and Suzanne of March Road Wick have organised a fund raising event in support of the Meningitis Research Foundation. Ross and four of his colleagues will attempt to run the 3 Peaks (ie Ben Nevis, highest in Scotland, Mt. Snowdon, highest in Wales and Scafell Pike, highest in England) and to complete all three within a 24 hour period. This is not part of a bigger organised event. All five of them have arranged leave for this, and will converge on Scotland from their present work locations in various parts of the world to do it (America, Brazil, New Zealand, France and England). They have one 24 hour period in which to do it, 11th/12thh August 2007 and will therefore persevere regardless of the weather conditions. Your individual contributions will be greatly appreciated. All funds to go to the Meningitis Research Foundation. You can make a donation online at www.justgiving.com/rorymac  Donating here also means your donation will be increased if you are a taxpayer by 28% that can be claimed back by the Meningitis Research Foundation.

Race For Life
18 July 07
The Daftenders
Kirsten and Nicola Cycle Landsend to John O'Groats

Raising Funds For BBC Children In Need
Kirsten Dallas (Kirsten's Mum, Patsy is from Caithness) and Nicola Whyte will be cycling from Land�s End to John O�Groats to raise at least �2000 for BBC Children in Need. Kirsten, whose just 16 years old, attends Thetford Grammar School and has been awarded a share in the school�s Peter Large Travel Scholarship. Kirsten has decided to use the money to help cover the costs of undertaking this big adventure, therefore ensuring that all sponsorship money raised can go to BBC Children in Need. The marathon begins on 23rd July and Kirsten will be cycling with Nicola Whyte, a keen and experienced cyclist who is looking forward to this challenging journey of over 1000 miles. The Daftenders, will be supported by Kirsten�s Mum Patsy in the family�s Land Rover Defender, which will be loaded up with supplies, tents and lots of energy bars!
Kirsten and Nicola would love to raise lots of money for Children in Need so please sponsor or support them by filling in the attached form, or going to
and following the links to BBC Children in Need

Mother and Daughter In Race For Life
Theresa Mackay and her daughter Rebekah are also heading for the Race For Life.  Sponsor them at  -

Lindsay Banks - Another Contestant In The Race For Life
Lindsay banks is doing the race for life and has sponsorship page

Lynne McWilliam Form UKAEA Joins Race For Life
Another participant in the Race for Life fundraiser in Inverness on 13 May.
Her sponsor page is www.raceforlifesponsorme.org/lynnemcw

More Folk In the Race For Life - "Reay Runners"
It seems there are many more folk in the Race For Life here in the north than we thought.  This link is for Mother and Daughter, lesley and Eilidh Gallagher and who are running in memory of Dad/Grampa Jim Marshall.  If you are in Caithness or Sutherland and would like a link here then email details to [email protected]

The Pennyland Posse In Race For Life
A group of 12 members of staff from Pennyland Primary School (and two of their children) will be taking part in the Race For Life in Inverness in May. They are holding fundraising events from now (starting with a coffee morning on the today in the Pentland Hotel) until the race day and hope to raise as much as they can for this worthwhile cause. They have a sponsorship page :

Another Wick Team Joins "Race For Life"
"The Keep Fit Wifies

Moira MacDonald has been in touch to say she is part of another team taking part in the "Race For Life" cancer fund raiser. A group of Wick ladies entered for the Race for Life are called "Keep Fit Wifies" from the Wick R.B.L.S. Pipe Band.  Any more Caithness teams entering ? Let us know to give you a mention.

Caithness Ladies Run In "Race For Life"
Two Fund Raisers are entered in the Race For Life and have been in touch to get your help in raising cash for this Cancer fund raiser once again.  If you would like to donate to their efforts check out -
Gail Macdonald and Suz at http://www.raceforlifesponsorme.org/gailandsuz and
Sheena MacLeod at http://www.raceforlifesponsorme.org/sheenamacleods
Walk, jog or run 5km in the UK's largest women-only event and raise money for Cancer Research UK.
Good Luck ladies.

3 June 07
Caithness Teachers Heading For Malawi
If you would like to support Maureen or Roger through Link Community Development in Scotland this can be done through www.justgiving.com/caithnessglobalteacher  or www.justgiving.com/highlandglobalteacher  on the internet or contacting them directly. For more information about Link Community Development visit www.lcd.org.uk

The Forget Me Not Trot - Saturday 9 June 2007  - Starts 12 Noon
Help raise funds for the Longberry Services in Wick run by Alzheimers Scotland by walking approx 10k round the boundary of Wick.  For sponsor forms call 01955 609193.  So why not get fit and to help dementia sufferers and their carers.

Alan Mackay Runs New York Marathon For MS
Alan's Father has been in touch to say his son is running in the New York Marathon
4th November 2007
I have contacted you before regarding Herring Queens. My mother, Retta Shearer was the first. I was born and brought up in Wick (Barbara Place). I now stay in Polmont near Falkirk.
The purpose of my Email is to ask whether my son, Alan, could be mentioned on the Caithness.org site.
I, myself, have got MS and my son has run 2 London Marathons and 2 Edinburgh half marathons for MS.
Alan has now entered, and been accepted, for the New York Marathon which he will also run in early November in aid of MS.
I would be very grateful if you could highlight Alan on your site as being son of Billy Mackay (myself) and grandson of the late David Mackay and Retta Shearer.
I am sure there are a lot of folk who still remember the family and I would be a very proud person if his name and Web address were to be included in this site.
If anyone would care to sponsor him his web address is
Thanks very much
Billy Mackay

Kate Mowat From John O'Groats
Support Her Raising Funds For
Breast Cancer Care Scotland and MacMillan Cancer Support

"My name is Kate Mowat and I live and work locally in John O' Groats. I am training to run the Edinburgh Marathon on the 27th May 2007, for Breast Cancer Care Scotland and Macmillan Cancer Support, Wick Committee. I have a website set up telling a little bit about myself and the charities I hope to raise a lot of money for along with a few quite bad pictures, haha!"
Web Site - www.katemowat.com

Grand Canyon Trek By Tracey MacLeod
My trek is in the Grand Canyon at the end of Sep 07 and involves walking about 70 miles in aid of a local charity. All the money raised is going to Caithness branch M.S. I took part in a trek over the Great Wall of China in 2005 raising over �3000 for children's charity and felt I need another challenge in aid of a well worth while local charity. My web page is www.justgiving.com/traceymacleod
many thanks
Tracey Macleod

MoonWalk - 16 June 2007

Breast Friends
Our group Breast Friends (Kirsty Adamson, Julie Young & Amanda Howden) are taking part in the Edinburgh Moonwalk this year on June 16, walking 26.2 miles in decorated bras at midnight in aid of Breast Cancer research. If anyone would like to sponsor us they can do so at the following website.

Wick Ladies Taking Part In "Moonwalk to Raise Funds For Breast Cancer Research
Lynne Bremner from Wick and a few of her friends are walking 26 miles for breast cancer research in their Bras!! The event known as the "moonwalk" takes place in Jun down in Edinburgh and they are hoping to raise over a �1000 for the charity.  Also walking the 26 miles with Lynne Bremner are Diane Mackay, Jenna Coghill, Lynsey Miller, Lynsey Reid, Gillian, Susan and Julie Brown, Claire Oswald. They are looking for help with sponsors so if you would like to contribute head over to their web page