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Halkirk Schooldays Index

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School Reunions 

 Caithness Schools

Halkirk School Days
The Teachers 1958

Photo Sent by John Marwick 29 October 2006
John Said - "The Halkirk JS School reunion feature reminded me that I have a photo of the 1958 teachers, which is attached. The lady on the left (facing) of the front row is Miss Swanson. The man in the back row is my father Syd Marwick. I can't remember the other names but the headmaster in the centre of the front row may be Mr Morrison."

From David Manson 29 October 2006
Back Row Left to Right is Cis Manson, Mary Sinclair, Syd Madwick and Nettie Campbell
Front Row Left to Right is Miss Swanson, Mrs Gordon, Grace Davidson, Mr Morrison (Headmaster), Mr Gillies, Fanny Gordon and Nett Munro.

From Susan McAdie, Bower 29 October 2006
Net Munro is the lady seated on the far right of the photo, she was my great aunt.

From Stewart Manson 29 October 2006
The teachers are as follows:--
Back Row -Cis Manson, Mary Sinclair, Syd Marwick, Nettie Campbell
Front Row - Net Munro (I think), Mrs Gordon, A K Morrison (headmaster), Mr Gillies, Fanny Gordon. There were two Mrs Gordons.
(Cis Manson was my aunt)

From Jacqueline King nee Campbell, Murkle - 29 October 2006
Miss Mary Sinclair is back second left - she is alive and well and lives in Halkirk

If anyone else can help sort out the names we will add a full listing.  Send details to [email protected]
Details have come in very fast following the publication of this photo and we can still add more if anyone can confirm Stewart Manson's question on Net Munro and add the other names.

See photo with original mounting card

2 April 2007
From Peter Aikman
Definitely Nett Munro on the front RIGHT. She was my wife's aunt.  Earlier photos of Nett Munro -

11 December 06
From Ernie White
Miss Swanson is my Aunt who I am pleased to report is alive and well. At the time I believe she taught one day a week at Halkirk School and the remainder of the week at Castletown School where I was a pupil from 1954 to approx 1960.  She left Castletown (with her mother Jessie Swanson) to teach at a school in Bearsden, Glasgow and then moved to teach in Sanquhar, Dumfriesshire where she retired. She celebrated her 90th Birthday last year and can remember everyone in the photo.