Caithness Community Web Site

Reunion Index Page

Wick High 1979 Reunion
11 August 2001

About 130 people turned up on the night.
Here are a few pictures 
8 September 2001
Cheque Presentations from 1979 Group

8 September 2001
We are now adding email addresses to an email directory.  If you would like your email address ( we recommend you open a second one at say then get in touch with [email protected]

11 May 2001
The group are still looking for a number of people.  If anyone can help then check the list and contact Kirsty.
[email protected]

It is hoped to organise a school re-union for the class that started Wick High School in 1979. Some of the fellow pupils are Audrey Biskham, Morag MacKay, Lynn O'Kane, Catherine Green, Angie MacKay, Maria Arnold, Julie Durrand, Leslie More, Linda Swanson, Janice Mowat, Martin Gill, Forbes Sinclair, Glynn Rudhall and myself, Kirsty Shearer to name but a few.

We are holding a meeting in Harbour Lights on Wednesday 15th November at 8.00 pm to try and organise a night out for everyone in 11 August 2001. At this stage we are trying to find out how many are interested and if we have a good response, we hope to have a buffet and disco with a drink or two along the way!!

If anyone out there is interested, please come along to our meeting, or contact me by email so that I can register your interest.

Hope to hear from you soon.


Is your name on this list?

Brian MacKay

Kevin MacKenzie

John MacLeod

Gordon Mathieson

Ross Mathieson

Alistair McMaster

John Mcphee

Stuart McPhee

Duncan Begg

Graham Durrand

David MacGregor

George McPhee

Stewart Tait

Deborah McPhee

Wilma Omand

Alexander Anderson

Andrew Cecil

Bruce Flett

Alexander Gunn

Gregor Gunn

David Wares

Howard Witten

Teresa Edwardson

Michael Edwardson

Amanda Bryan

Mairi Calder

Fiona Cormack

Elsie Jappy

Linda McCready

Angela Millar

Clair Milnes

Dorothy Ross

Heather Sutherland

Sandra Sutherland (Watten)

Sandra Sutherland (Bower)

Donagh Thompson

Caron Lyndsay

David Alexander

William Bremner

John Cormack

Clair Davidson

Leslie Dunnett

Charlie Graham

William MacKay

George McGaughey

Mark Manson

Phineas Miller

Derek Nicolson

Leslie Ross

Gordon Smith

Steven Wright

Andrew Wyllie

Audrey Briskham

Janet Brooke

Lynn Campbell

Fiona Crockit

Fiona Douthwaite

Elizabeth Falconer

Constance Gray

Margaret Juhle

Jaqueline Keddie


Lesley Lister

Elizabeth MacDonald

Margaret Miller

Lesley More

Rhoda Sinclair

Kevin Bartlett

David Begg

Colin Bremner

Graham Cormack

William Cormack

Andrew Durrand

Stephen Fray

Martin Gill

Michael McAllan

Isaac Mcphee

Stephen McPhee

Roderick Mappin

Peter Robertson

Kevin Sinclair

Ian Stewart

Robert Sutherland

Wendy Farmer

Isobel Farquhar

Diane Ferrier

Alice Findlay

Anne Gray

Catherine Green

Diana McBoyle

Patricia McCann

Donna MacKay

Linda Miller

Eleanor Ritchie

Patricia Smith

Karen Stewart

Margaret Sutherland

Magnus Begg

Stuart Bruce

John Coghill

Ronald Cormack

Donald Davis

Raymond Grant

Stephen Harper

Gerald Henderson

Kevin MacKenzie

David Mowat

Derek Murray

James Rollo

Malcolm Simpson

Conrad Sinclair

Gordon Sutherland

Angela Barnetson

Caroline Begg

Susan Carroll

Doreen Gow

Irene MacGregor

Elizabeth Bremner

Morag MacKenzie

Amy McPherson

Fiona Polson

Janice Rosie

Jane Sim


Fiona Sutherland

Katrina Sutherland

Margaret Sutherland

Graham Bain

Brian Black

William Forbes

Stuart McAdie

David MacKenzie

Micheal McLeod

John McPhee

Alan Manson

Archibald Miller

James Munro

John Read

Alan Rosie

James Smith

Ian Swanson

Yvonne Cormack

Claire Ewing

Charlene Farquhar

Jane Green

Jacqueline Gunn

Janet Heaton

Carol Johnston

Morag MacKay

Erica More

Janice Mowat

Kirsteen Shearer

Edna Smith

Lesley Sutherland

Yvonne Sutherland

Linda Swanson

Anthony Cabrelli

John Coleman

Kenneth Cormack

John Cowie

George-Angus Durrand

Kevin Fraser

Raymond Grant

Andrew Greaney

Robert Henderson

Heath MacKay

James MacKay

George Oag

Kenneth Plowman

Glyn Rudhall

Graeme Sutherland

Emma Anderson

Heather Anderson

Linda Anderson

Shirley Cormack

Ailsa Crum

Anne Dunnett

Sharon Green

Margaret Gunn

Angela MacKay

Sharon MacKay

Tracey MacKenzie

Jennifer Pyle

Wendy Steven

Julie Christie


William Crowe

Howard Donaldson

Steven Fraser

Colin Green

John Green

Colin Gunn

Peter Hutchison

Kevin Jones

Kirk Joyce

Christopher MacKay

William Manson

Michael Miller

Robert Miller

Gordon Robertson

David Watt

Maria Arnold

Dianne Carter

Wendy Cormack

Janet Durrand

Julie Durrand

Shona MacDonald

Linda MacKay

Gilda MacLeod

Diane McColl

Lorretta McPhee

Carol Magee

Fiona Morrison

Lynn O’Kane

Susan Young

James Campbell

John-William Cormack

Stewart Ganson

Alan Green

Ian MacKay

David MacBeath

Paul McPhee

Alistair Ross

Raymond Rough

George Simpson

Iain Sutherland

Alister Webster

Andrew Webster

Stephen Weir

Jeffrey Wright

Lindsay Bain

Alison Beattie

Valerie Bruce

Caroline Budge

Lorna Calder

Jacqueline Crawford

Jacqueline Duncan

Jasmine Grant

Shona Grant

Jacqueline MacKay

Elizabeath Mead

Koreen Miller

Muriel Steel

Patricia Young

Julie Winpenny