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Wick High School 1983 Reunion
Reunion Date  - 25 July 2008

Main Reunion Index  
For folk who started Wick High in 1983
25 years

When? - 25th July 2008 - 8pm

Where? - Francis Street Club, Wick

Cost? - £5 for person and £5 for partner

Lynne Duncan
9 Broadhaven Road, Wick, Caithness, KW14RF
email [email protected]
Tel  01955602486

Send in your old school photos to [email protected] for inclusion here.

Mrs Murray's Class before the move to Wick High School
Back L - R
Mrs Murray, Gary Farquhar, Alexander Williamson, Kim Cameron, Robert Munro, Gary Mackenzie, Alaistair Green, Anson Bartlett,
Graeme Farquhar, David Campbell, Simon Jones, Colin Manson, Stanley Ross, Andrew McPhee, Duncan McDonald, Mr Bruce
Front L - R
Jane Sinclair, Linda Simpson, Morag Campbell, Fiona Doull, Laura Bartlett, Elaine Bremner,
 Lynne Steven, Lesley Banks, Catriona Simpson, Gillian Reid, Arlene Farquhar.