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Schooldays Index

Thurso High 1977 School Reunion
16 July 2005

16th July 2005 in the Weigh Inn.

Contact Veda Mackay
Tel 01847891264
email - [email protected]

Ross Haygarth.
[email protected]
01847 892426 evenings & Sundays.
01847 851602 daytime inc. Saturdays.

Get in touch to let the organisers know where you are and to be kept informed about prices and tickets etc.

15 June 05
List Of Those Attending

15 June 05
Thurso High About 1980

A Pennyland Class

Miller Academy 1977 P7/1
Photo sent by Lynn Davie



Thurso High From Around 1980
Photo sent by Lynn Davie



A Mount Pleasant Primary 3 Class



Girls Only

Have you got some old class photos you would like to share. 
email them to [email protected] for linking to this section and adding to the Schooldays section.

A Pennyland Class

A Pennyland Class