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Lieurary School Reunion
23 July 2005

Latest News

16 April 05
Reunion Date 23rd July 2005 - Time 7-30pm
Venue Lieurary Community Centre
Cost £12-00 per head
Tickets will be available as soon as we get them printed,which should be within the next 2 weeks hopefully.
Included in this cost is a finger buffet,dance band,cost of the hall.
We can be contacted at
[email protected]
For your own info there has been a very good response to this event so far.
Thank you James MacDonald and Sheila Plowman

25 March 05
Date And Place  Set for Reunion
Date:- Saturday 23rd July 2005
Lieurary School Community Centre
Cost will be set once numbers are clear so get in touch if you can attend

We being Sheila Plowman and James MacDonald would like to get some feed back from anyone who attended Lieurary, stating if you would be interested in getting a reunion organised. Does anyone know when it was originally opened and when the first one closed then when the second school opened and it closed. We have an email address for replies which is
[email protected]

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